How to delete a failed folder in Windows 7


How to delete a failed folder in Windows 7

A situation is possible when you need to delete any folder, and Vinovs 7 prohibits this action. Errors with the text "Folder is already used". Even if you are exactly sure that the object does not represent any value and it is necessary to remove it urgently, the system does not allow this action.

Ways to remove poor folders

Most likely, this fault is caused by the fact that the deleted folder is occupied by a third-party application. But even after all applications were closed, which could be used in it, the folder may not be removed. For example, the electronic data warehouse can be locked due to incorrect user operations. These elements become "dead cargo" on the hard drive and useless memory.

Method 1: Total Commander

The most popular and most functional file manager is Total Commander.

  1. Run Total Commander.
  2. Open Total Commander Windows 7

  3. Select the desired folder to delete and press "F8" either click on the "F8 removal" tab, which is located on the bottom panel.
  4. Delete the unsuccessful folder in Total Commander Windows 7

Method 2: Far Manager

Another file manager that can help dispose of poor objects.

  1. Open Far Manager.
  2. Open Far Manager Windows 7

  3. We find the folder you want to delete, and press the "8" key. The command line displays the number "8", then click "ENTER".

    Removing the failed Far Manager Windows 7 folder

    Or press the PCM on the desired folder and select the "Delete" item.

  4. Deleting Far Manager PCM Windows 7 folder

Method 3: Unlocker

Unlocker is absolutely free and allows you to remove secure or blocked folders and files in Windows 7.

  1. We establish a software solution by selecting "Advanced" (remove checkmarks with unnecessary additional applications). And then install, following the instructions.
  2. Install UNLOCKER Windows 7

  3. Click the PCM on the folder you want to delete. Select »Unlocker.
  4. Click of PCM Unlocker Windows 7

  5. In the window that appears, click on the process that interferes with the deletion of the folder. Select an item in the bottom panel "Unlock all".
  6. Unlocker unlock all windows 7

  7. After unlocking all interfering elements, the folder will be deleted. We will see the window with the inscription "Object removed". Click "OK".
  8. Unlocker Object Remote Windows 7

Method 4: Fileassasin

Fileassasin utility can delete any blocked files and folders. The principle of operation is very similar to Unlocker.

  1. Run Fileassasin.
  2. Run Fileassasin Windows 7

  3. To the name "Attempt Fileassasin's Method of File Processing" put the ticks:
    • "Unlock Locked File Handles";
    • "Terminate The File's Process";
    • "Delete File".

    Click on the element "...".

  4. Fileassasin setting up Windows 7 removal

  5. A window appears in which you choose the folder you need to delete. Click "Execute".
  6. FileAssasin Delete Windows 7 folder

  7. A window will appear with the inscription "The File Was Deleted SuccessFully!".
  8. FileAssasin file remote Windows 7

There are still a number of similar programs with which you can read the link below.

Method 6: Task Manager

Perhaps the error occurs due to the running process located inside the folder.

  1. We try to delete the folder.
  2. Deleting a folder open Windows 7 program

  3. If after trying to delete a message with an error message "The operation cannot be completed, since this folder is open in Microsoft Office Word" (in your case there may be another program), then go to the task manager by pressing the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keys , Choose the desired process and click "complete".
  4. Process Creamer Task Manager to delete the Windows 7 folder

  5. A window appears with completion confirmation, click "complete the process".
  6. Confirm the completion of the Windows 7 process

  7. After the actions done again we try to delete the folder.

Method 7: Secure Windows 7 Mode

We enter the Windows operating system 7 in safe mode.

Read more: Run Windows in safe mode

Now we find the desired folder and try to delete in this mode OS.

Method 8: Reboot

In some cases, the usual reboot of the system can help. Reboot Windows 7 through the Start menu.

Reloading through the Windows 7 Start menu

Method 9: Virus Check

In certain situations, it is impossible to remove the directory due to the presence of viral software in your system. In order to eliminate the problem, you must scan Windows 7 antivirus program.

List of good free antiviruses:

Scanning Windows 7 System

READ ALSO: Computer Check for Viruses

Using these methods, you can delete a folder that has not been deleted in Windows 7.

Read more