How to increase download speed in Origin


Increase the boot speed in ORIGIN

Origin provides a huge number of modern computer games. And many such programs today have simply gigantic sizes - the top projects of world leaders in the industry can weigh about 50-60 GB. To download such games, a very high-quality Internet is needed, as well as strong nerves, if you cannot download quickly. Either it is worth trying to still increase the download speed and reduce the duration of the expectations.

Download problems

Games are loaded through the ORIGIN official client using the data exchange protocol, also known as BitTorrent. This leads to relevant problems that can accompany the execution of the download process.
  • First, the speed can be low due to the small bandwidth of the developer servers. Origin only hosts games, and the customers themselves are engaged in service. Especially often, such a situation can be observed on the day of release or opening the possibility of injection for pre-order owners.
  • Secondly, the stream routing may suffer due to the fact that the servers are located far abroad. In general, this problem is no longer actual relevant, modern fiber optic compounds allow you to have a huge speed with which probable difficulties will be invisible. Only owners of wireless communication modems with the Internet can suffer.
  • Thirdly, personal technical reasons remain in the user's computer itself.

In the first two cases, the user can change little, but the last option should be considered more.

Cause 1: Client Settings

First of all, it is worth checking the settings of the Origin client. It contains parameters that can limit the speed of downloading computer games.

  1. To change them, you need to select the ORIGIN option in the client header. In the menu that opens, select the option "Application Settings". Customer parameters will open.
  2. Origin settings

  3. Immediately it will be possible to see, Slap the list of settings just below, the area with the "load limit" heading.
  4. Speed ​​Settings in Origin Settings

  5. Here the download speed of updates and products is installed both in the process of the user's game and outside the game session. You should configure the parameters at your discretion. Most often after installation, there is a default "without restrictions" parameter in both options, but in the future for various reasons the parameters may vary.
  6. Installing speed without restrictions for Origin

  7. After selecting the desired option, the result is stored instantly. If the speed limit existed earlier, then after selecting "without restrictions" it will be removed, and the download will occur at the maximum available speed.

If the speed does not rise immediately, it is worth restarting the client.

Cause 2: Low connection speed

Often, slow download may indicate technical problems of the network that the player uses. The reasons may be the following:
  • Connection loading

    It occurs if there are multiple loading processes. Especially relevant, if the user leads a few more downloads via torrent. In this case, the speed will be predictably below the maximum possible.

    Solution: Stop or finish all downloads, close torrent clients, as well as any programs that consume traffic and loading network.

  • Technical problems

    Often, speed may fall through the fault of the provider or technology responsible for connecting to the Internet.

    Solution: If the user observes a decrease in the productivity of the connection in different sources (for example, in the browser) in the absence of explicit load, it is worth contacting the provider and find out the problem. It may also be that the problem is purely technical and lies in a router or cable fault. The serving company will in this case direct a specialist for diagnosing and correcting the problem.

  • Network restrictions

    Some tariff plans from providers imply different speed limits. For example, it can occur at a certain time of day or after the desired freight boundary is exceeded. Most often, this is observed when using wireless Internet.

    Solution: Better in such a situation, change the tariff plan or operator of Internet services.

Cause 3: Low Computer Performance

Also, the performance of the computer itself can affect the speed of the Internet. If it is loaded with ton processes, the RAM is not enough for nothing, then only two options remain. The first is to put up with this, and the second is to optimize the computer.

Poor computer performance

To do this, close all current programs and terminate their use to the maximum. This is especially true of the processes that seriously load the device's memory - for example, installing computer games, working on the processing of large video files, major file converters and so on.

Next, you should clean the computer from the garbage. For example, this can help CCleaner.

Read more: How to clean the computer using CCleaner

Ideally, after that restart the computer. If the system does not have a long list of programs that are opened during autoload, it will finally unload memory.

Now it's worth trying again to download.

Additionally, it is worth saying that the downloads of the file can affect the bandwidth of the disk to which the record is being recorded. Of course, modern SSDs demonstrate excellent file recording speeds, while some old hard drive will grind and write loaded materials with a turtle speed. So in this case it is best to produce downloads on SSD (if possible) or on optimized and well-working discs.


Often everything comes down to simple regulation of the origin client settings, although other problems are also often found. So it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the problem, and not to close the eyes on it, the crooking developers. The result will be the increased download speed, and may also computer performance at all.

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