How to convert mkv in avi


Convert MKV in AVI

MKV and AVI are popular media contemposes that contain data intended primarily to play video. Modern computer media players and household players overwhelmingly support work with both formats. But just a few years ago, only separate household players could work. Therefore, for people who still use them, the issue of MKV transformation in AVI is relevant.

Converted AVI file in Windows Explorer

The disadvantages of this method are that Xilisoft Video Converter is not a completely Russified and paid product.

Method 2: Convertilla

The next software product capable of converting MKV in AVI is a small free convertilla converter.

  1. First of all, make the launch of the converter. To open the MKV file, which must be converted, you can simply drag it from the conductor in the Convertilla window. During this procedure, the left mouse button must be pressed.

    Dragging the MKV file from Windows Explorer in Convertilla program window

    But there are methods for adding the source and with the launch of the opening window. Click on the "Open" button to the right of the inscription "Open or drag a video file here."

    Go to the window opening window in the program Convertilla

    Those users who prefer to perform manipulations through the menu can click in the "File" horizontal list and further "open".

  2. Go to the window opening window through the top horizontal menu in the Convertilla program

  3. The "Select Video File" window is launched. Go to it in the area where the object with the expansion of MKV is located. By selecting, click "Open".
  4. Window Select Video File in Convertilla Program

  5. The path to the selected video will be displayed in the "File for Conversion" field. Now, in the "Format" tab, the convertillates will have to do certain manipulations. In the "Format" field, select "AVI" from the unfolding list.

    By default, the treated video is saved in the same place where the source. Path to save can see the bottom of the converter interface in the File field. If he does not satisfy you, click on the icon having the outlines of the folder to the left of this field.

  6. Selecting the direction of converting and go to the selection of the converted video of the converted video in Convertilla program

  7. The window for selecting the directory is open. Move in it the region of Winchester, where you want to send the converted video after conversion. Then click "Open".
  8. Converted video converted video selection window in Convertilla

  9. You can also make some additional settings. Namely, specify video quality and size. If you do not seriously understand these concepts, you can not touch these settings at all. If you want to make changes, then in the field "Quality" from the drop-down list, change the "source" value to "Other". The quality scale appears, in the left part of which the smallest level is located, and the right is the highest. With the mouse, holding the left button, move the slider to the level of quality that considers it acceptable for yourself.

    Installation of video quality in the program Convertilla

    It is important to consider that the higher the quality you select, the way in the converted video will be better, but at the same time, the more the final file will weigh, and the time of the conversion procedure will increase.

  10. Another optional configuration is the choice of frame size. To do this, click on the "Size" field. From the opening list, change the "source" value to the value of the frame size that you think appropriate.
  11. Setting the size of the video frame in the program Convertilla

  12. After all the necessary settings are manufactured, click "Convert".
  13. Running video conversion from MKV in AVI in Convertilla program

  14. The video conversion procedure from MKV in AVI begins. Behind the progress of this process can be monitored using a graphical indicator. It also displays progress and in percentage values.
  15. Converting video conversion procedure from MKV in AVI in the program Convertilla

  16. After the conversion is completed, the inscription "Converting Completed" will appear. To go to the converted object, click the icon in the form of the directory to the right of the File field.
  17. Go to the transformed file after completing the video conversion from MKV in AVI in Convertilla program

  18. The conductor is started in the place where the video converted to AVI is located. Now you can view it, move or edit using other applications.

Transformed file in AVI format in Windows Explorer

Method 3: Hamster Free Video Converter

Another free software product transforming MKV files in AVI is Hamster Free Video Converter.

  1. Run Hamster Fries video converter. Adding a video file for processing, as in the actions with Convertilla, you can perform by dragging it from the conductor into the converter window.

    Dragging MKV File from Windows Explorer in Hamster Free Video Converter

    If there is a desire to add via the opening window, then click "Add Files".

  2. Go to the Add files window in the Hamster Free Video Converter program

  3. Using the tools of this window, move to the place where the target MKV is located, mark it and click "Open".
  4. Window Add files in Hamster Free Video Converter

  5. The name of the imported object will be displayed in the FRI video converter window. Press "Next".
  6. Transition to further processing video in Hamster Free Video Converter

  7. The formats and devices assignment window starts. Move immediately to the bottom group of pictograms in this window - "Formats and Devices". Click on the pictogram with the "AVI" logo. It is the very first in the specified block.
  8. Selecting the direction of conversion in the Hamster Free Video Converter program

  9. The area with additional settings opens. Here you can specify the following parameters:
    • Video width;
    • Height;
    • Video codec;
    • Frame frequency;
    • Video quality;
    • Stream speed;
    • Audio settings (channel, codec, flow rate, sampling speed).

    However, if you do not have any special tasks, you do not need to bother with these settings, leaving them as it is. Regardless of whether you made changes in additional settings or did not, press the "Convert" button to start the conversion.

  10. MKV Conversion Installations in AVI and Start Converting in Hamster Free Video Converter

  11. The folder overview starts. With it, it will be necessary to move where the folder is located in which you are going to send a converted video, and then highlight this folder. Press "OK".
  12. Folder selection to send a converted video in AVI format in the Hamster Free Video Converter program

  13. Automatically starts the conversion process. The dynamics can be seen in terms of the progress specified as percentage.
  14. MKV Conversion Procedure in AVI in Hamster Free Video Converter

  15. After the conversion process is completed in the Free video converter window, a message that is notified about it will appear. To open a place where the converted video is placed in AVI format, press "Open Folder".
  16. Transition to the location folder of the converted video in AVI format in the Hamster Free Video Converter program

  17. The conductor starts in the directory where the above object is located.

Transformed AVI video in Windows Explorer


Another application that is able to perform the task set in this article is the Any Video Converter, presented as a paid version with advanced functionality, and free, but with all the necessary set for high-quality video file conversion.

  1. Run an ai video converter. Add MKV for processing can be several ads. First of all, it is possible to drag from the conductor an object in the Any Video Converter window.

    Dragging the MKV file from Windows Explorer in Any Video Converter

    In addition, you can click on "Add or drag files" in the center of the window or click on "Add Video".

  2. Switching to the Add video window in the Any Video Converter program

  3. Then the video file import window will start. Go to where the target MKV is located. Denote by this object, click "Open".
  4. File opening window in the Any Video Converter program

  5. The name of the selected video will appear in the Ani video converter window. After adding the roller, specify the conversion direction. You can do this using the field "Select Profile", located on the left of the "Convert!" Button. Click on this field.
  6. Transition to the selection of the direction of converting in the Any Video Converter program

  7. A large list of formats and devices opens. In order to quickly find the desired position in it, in the left part of the list, select the Video File icon in the form of a video clip. In this way, you will immediately go to the "Video Formats" block. Tick ​​the position "Customized Avi Movie (* .avi)" in the list.
  8. Selecting the direction of conversion in the Any Video Converter program

  9. In addition, you can change some default conversion settings. For example, initially the transformed video is displayed in a separate "Any Video Converter" directory. To reassign the output directory, click on "Basic Settings". A group of basic installations will open. Opposite the "Output Catalog" option, click on the icon in the form of a directory.
  10. Switch to installation of the converted video output folder in the Any Video Converter program

  11. Overview of folders opens. Specify the place where you want to send a roller. Press "OK".
  12. Window Overview Folders in Any Video Converter

  13. If you wish, in the "Video Settings" and "Audio Settings" settings, you can change codecs, bitrate, frame rate and audio channels. But you only need these settings if you have the goal to get an outgoing AVI file with specific specified parameters. In most cases, these settings do not need to touch.
  14. Video and audio parameters in the Any Video Converter program

  15. The required parameters are specified, click "Convert!".
  16. Running the MKV file conversion in AVI in the Any Video Converter program

  17. The conversion process starts, whose progress can be seen simultaneously in percentage values ​​and using a graphical indicator.
  18. MKV File Conversion Procedure in AVI in the Any Video Converter Program

  19. Once the conversion is completed, the conductor window will automatically open in the directory where the processed object in AVI format is located.

Transformed AVI video in WINDOVS conductor

Lesson: How to convert a video into another format

Method 5: Format Factory

Finished our overview of MKV conversion methods in AVI description of this procedure in the Format Factory program.

  1. After starting the factor format, click on the "AVI" button.
  2. Overweet to the conversion settings in the AVI format in the Format Factory program

  3. The conversion settings window in the AVI format starts. If you need to specify advanced settings, click the "Configure" button.
  4. Go to advanced Conversion settings in AVI format in the Format Factory program

  5. The advanced settings window appears. Here, if you wish, you can change the audio and video encodes, the size of the video, bitrate and much more. After the changes are made, if necessary, press "OK".
  6. The advanced conversion settings window in the AVI format in the Format Factory program

  7. Returning to the main AVI settings window, in order to specify the source, press "Add File".
  8. Switching to the Add file in the Format Factory program

  9. Find the MKV object on the hard disk you want to transform, mark it and click "Open".
  10. Add file window in the Format Factory program

  11. The name of the video will be displayed in the settings window. By default, sending a converted file will be manufactured in the FFoutPut special directory. If you need to change the directory where the object is sent after processing, then click on the "End Folder" field at the bottom of the window. Select "Add folder ..." from the open list.
  12. Go to the final folder in Format-Factory

  13. A catalog review window appears. Specify the target directory and click OK.
  14. Folder viewing window in the Format Factory program

  15. Now you can proceed to the conversion process. To do this, press "OK" in the settings window.
  16. Running the MKV file conversion in AVI in the Format Factory program

  17. Returning to the main program window, highlight the name of the task we created and press the "Start".
  18. Running the MKV file conversion in AVI in the Format Factory program

  19. Conversion starts. The status of progress is displayed as a percentage.
  20. The process of converting the MKV file in AVI in the Format Factory program

  21. After it is completed, in the "Status" field, opposite the task name, the value is "executed".
  22. The process of converting the MKV file in AVI is completed in the Format Factory program

  23. To go to the file location directory, click on the name of the PCM task. In the context menu, select "Open the end folder".
  24. Switch to the location folder of the converted video in AVI format in the Format Factory program

  25. The conductor will open a directory containing a converted video.

The converted object in AVI format in Windows Explorer

We have considered far from all possible options for converting MKV videos into AVI format, as there are dozens, and there are hundreds of video converters that support this conversion direction. At the same time, we tried to cover the most popular applications in the description that perform this task starting from the simplest (Convertilla) and ending with powerful combines (Xilisoft Video Converter and Format Factory). Thus, the user, depending on the depth of the task, will be able to select an acceptable conversion option for itself, stopping the selection on the most suitable program for specific purposes.

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