How to open "Certificate Storage" in Windows 7


How to open a certificate store in Windows 7

Certificates are one of the security options for Windows 7. This is a digital signature that checks the accuracy and authenticity of various websites, services and all kinds of devices. Certificate issuance is carried out by the Certification Center. They are stored in the specialized location of the system. In this article, we will look at where the "Certificate Storage" is in Windows 7.

Open the "Certificate Storage"

To view certificates in Windows 7, go to the OS with administrator rights.

Read more: How to get admin rights in Windows 7

The need for access to certificates is especially important for users who often make payments on the Internet. All certificates are stored in one place, the so-called storage that is broken into two parts.

Method 1: "Run" window

  1. Using pressing the combination of the "Win + R" keys, we get into the "Run" window. We enter into a CERTMGR.MSC command prompt.
  2. Command line Run Windows 7

  3. Digital signatures are stored in the folder that are in the "Certificates - Current User" directory. Here, certificates are in logical storage facilities, which are divided by properties.

    Windows 7 Certificate Storage

    In the Folders "Trusted root Certification Certifications" and "Intermediate Certification Centers" is the main array of Windows Certificates 7.

    Trusted Certification Centers Windows 7

  4. To view information about each digital document, we bring on it and click PCM. In the menu that opens, select "Open".

    Right-click on the certificate to open Windows 7

    Go to the General tab. In the "Certificate Information" section, the purpose of each digital signature will be displayed. Also presented the information "Who is issued", "Who is issued" and the duration of action.

    How to open

Method 2: Control Panel

It is also possible to see the certificates in Windows 7 through the control panel.

  1. We open the "Start" and go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Starting Windows 7 Control Panel

  3. Open the "Observer Properties" element.
  4. Windows 7 browser properties

  5. In the window that opens, proceed to the "Content" tab and click on the inscription "Certificates".
  6. Browser Properties Contents Windows 7 Certificates

  7. In the window that opens, a list of various certificates is provided. To view detailed information about a specific digital signature, click on the "View" button.
  8. Certificate List View Windows 7

After reading this article, you will not be difficult to open the "Certificate Storage" of Windows 7 and find out detailed information about the properties of each digital signature in your system.

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