How to place a button "Subscribe" YouTube


How to place a button

It is important to attract new spectators to your channel. You can ask them in our rollers subscribe, but many notice that besides such a request, there is also a visual button that appears at the end or early video. Let's consider the procedure for its design.

"Subscribe" button in your video

It used to be possible to create such a button in several ways, but on May 2, 2017, an update was released, in which the support for annotations was discontinued, but the functionality of the final screensavers was improved, due to which it is possible to design such a button. We will analyze this process step by step:

  1. Log in to your account on YouTube and go to the creative studio by clicking on the appropriate button, which will be displayed when you click on the avatar of your profile.
  2. Creative Studio YouTube.

  3. In the left menu, select "Video Manager" to go to the list of your rollers.
  4. Youtube Video Manager

  5. You can see a list with your rollers. Find the desired, click on the arrow near it and select "Finer Screensaver and Annotations".
  6. Ultimate Screensaver YouTube.

  7. Now you see the video editor in front of yourself. You need to select "Add Element", and then "Subscription".
  8. Youtem Subscription YouTube

  9. The icon of your channel will appear in the video window. Move it into any part of the screen.
  10. YouTube Channel Logo Display

  11. Below, on timeline, the slider will now appear with the name of your channel, move it left or right to designate the start time and time of the icon showing the video.
  12. Element Subscribe on Times Youtube

  13. Now you can add more items to the final screensaver, if necessary, and at the end of the editing, click "Save" to apply changes.

Save Editing YouTube

Please note that you cannot make any more manipulations with this button, except to simply move it. Perhaps in future updates we will see more options for the design of the "Subscribe" button, now it is necessary to be content with what is.

Now users viewing your video can cause a cursor pointer to your channel logo to directly subscribe. You can also explore the end screensavers menu to add more information for your audience.

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