How to remove a "home group" in Windows 7


How to remove home group in windows 7

If, after creating a "home group" ("Home Group", you realized that you do not need it, because you want to easily configure the network somewhat otherwise, feel free to remove it.

How to delete "Home Group"

Remove the "home group" can not, but it will disappear as soon as all devices come out of it. Below are actions that will help you leave the group.

Exit from the "home group"

  1. In the Start menu, open the Control Panel.
  2. Control panel in windows 7

  3. Select "View network status and tasks" from the "Network and Internet" section.
  4. View network status and tasks in Windows 7

  5. In the "View Active Networks" section, click on the "Connected" string.
  6. Properties of the home group in Windows 7

  7. In the open properties of the group, select "Exit Home Group".
  8. Exit home group in windows7

  9. You will see a standard warning. Now you can also change your mind and not to go out, or change the access settings. In order to leave the group, click "Exit from Home Group".
  10. Confirmation of exit from the home group in windows7

  11. Wait until the end of the procedure and click Finish.
  12. Successful ending exit from home group in windows7

  13. After you repeat this procedure on all computers, you will have a window with a message about the absence of a "home group" and the proposal to create it.
  14. Lack of home group in windows7

Disable service

After removing the "home group", its services will still actively work in the background, and the "Home Group" icon will be visible in the "Navigation panel". Therefore, we recommend that they disable them.

Explorer with home group in windows 7

  1. To do this, in the search for the Start menu, enter "Services" or "Services".
  2. Running service through the search in Windows 7

  3. In the "Services" window that appears, select "Home Group" and click on "Stop Service".
  4. Stop supplier home group in windows 7

  5. Then you need to edit the service settings so that it does not start independently when you start Windows. To do this, double click on the name, the "Properties" window opens. In the Start Type Count, select "Disabled".
  6. Service Properties Supplier of the home group in Windows 7

  7. Next, click the Apply button and OK.
  8. Disable service provider of the home group in Windows 7

  9. In the "Services" window, go to the "Home Group Listener".
  10. Listener of the home group in Windows 7

  11. Double-click on it. In "Properties", select the option "Disabled". Click "Apply" and "OK".
  12. Disconnecting a domestic group listener in WINDOVS 7

  13. Open the "Explorer" to make sure the "Home Group" icon disappeared from it.
  14. Explorer without a home group in windows 7

Removing the icon from the "Explorer"

If you do not have a desire to disable the service, but at the same time you do not want to see the "Home Group" icon every time in the "Explorer" icon, you can simply delete it through the registry.

  1. To open the registry, write in the Regedit search string.
  2. Call registry editor through the search in Windows 7

  3. The window you need will open. You need to go to the section:
  4. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ {B4FB3F98-C1EA-428D-A78A-D1F5659CBA93} \ shellfolder

    Registry editor in Windows 7

  5. Now you need to get full access to this section, since even the administrator does not have sufficient rights. Click the right mouse button on the ShellFolder folder and go to "Permissions" in the context menu.
  6. Folder Properties in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  7. Highlight the Administrators group and check the box in the "Full Access" column. Confirm your actions by clicking "Apply" and "OK".
  8. Changing access to the folder in the registry editor in Windows 7

  9. Let's go back to our "ShellFolder" folder. In the "Name" column, find the ATTRIBUTES string and click on it twice.
  10. Attributes in the registry editor in Windows 7

  11. In the window that appears, change the value to B094010C and click OK.
  12. Change attributes in the registry editor in Windows 7

To change the changes to restart the computer or exit the system.


As you can see, the removal of the "Home Group" is a fairly simple process that does not require much time. You have several ways to solve the problem: Delete the icon, delete the "home group" itself or disable the service to finally get rid of this feature. With our instructions, you will handle this task in just a couple of minutes.

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