How to create a menu in the VKontakte group


How to create a menu in the VKontakte group

In many groups of VKontakte, it is possible to meet a quick transition unit to any section or third-party resource. Thanks to this feature, you can significantly facilitate the process of user interaction with the group.

Create a menu for a group VK

Any transition block created in the VKontakte community directly depends on the preliminary connection of special features used in the development of the wiki-pages. It is on this aspect that the above-mentioned menu creation methods are based on.

  1. On the VK website, go to the "Group" page, switch to the "Management" tab and go to the desired public.
  2. Transition to the community through the group section on VKontakte website

  3. Click on the "..." icon located under the main picture of the public.
  4. Go to the main menu of the group on the Community Main page on VKontakte website

  5. Go to the section "Community Management".
  6. Go to the Community Management section on the Main page of the VKontakte community

  7. Through the navigation menu on the right side of the page, switch to the "Settings" tab and select the Daughter item "Sections".
  8. Go to the Selects tab through the navigation menu in the Community Management section on VKontakte website

  9. Find the item "Materials" and transfer them to the status "limited".
  10. Activation of the Materials section in the Community Management section on the VKontakte website

    You can do "Open" But in this case the menu will be available for editing by ordinary participants.

  11. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.
  12. Saving new settings in the Community Management section on VKontakte website

  13. Return to the community's main page and switch to the "Fresh News" tab, located called and the status of the group.
  14. Go to the Fresh News tab on the Main Community page on VKontakte website

  15. Click the Edit button.
  16. Transition to edit section Fresh news on the community main page on VKontakte website

  17. In the upper right corner of the window that opened the window, click on the "" icon with a pop-up prompt "Wiki-markup mode".
  18. Switching the editor in the section Fresh news in Wiki Markup mode on VKontakte website

    Switching to the specified mode allows you to use a more stable version of the editor.

  19. Change the standard name of the "Fresh News" section for suitable.
  20. Changing the title of the section on the menu edit page on VKontakte website

Now, having finished with the preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the process of creating a menu for the community.

Text menu

In this case, we will consider the main points regarding the creation of the simplest text menu. If you judge in general, this menu type is less popular among the administration of various communities, due to the lack of aesthetic attractiveness.

  1. In the main text box under the toolbar, enter a list of partitions that must be included in the list of links for your menu.
  2. Source writing for the group menu on the menu edit page on VKontakte website

  3. Each listed item conclude into opening and closing square brackets "[]".
  4. Selecting menu items in square brackets on the menu edit page on VKontakte website

  5. At the beginning of all menu items, add one character asterisk "*".
  6. Set asterisk characters for the group menu on the menu edit page on VKontakte website

  7. Before the name of each item inside square brackets, put a single vertical line "|".
  8. Vertical feature for the group menu on the menu edit page on VKontakte website

  9. Between the opening square bracket and the vertical feature, insert a direct link to the page where the user will fall.
  10. Links for menu items on the menu edit page on VKontakte website

    It is possible to use both internal links domain and external.

  11. At the bottom of this window, click the Save page button.
  12. Saving a text menu for the group on the menu edit page on VKontakte website

  13. Over the line with the name of the section, go to the View tab.
  14. View the finished text menu on the menu edit page on VKontakte website

In mandatory, test your menu and bring it to perfection.

As you can see, the procedure for creating a text menu is not able to cause problems and is made extremely quickly.

Graphic menu

Please note that when executing the instructions under this section of the article, you will need at least the basic skills of possession of Photoshop program or any other graphic editor. If you do not possess such, you will have to learn in the course of action.

It is recommended to stick to those parameters that us are used in the course of this instruction to avoid any problems with incorrect display of images.

  1. Run the Photoshop program, open the "File" menu and select "Create".
  2. Creating a new document in Photoshop

  3. Specify permission for the future menu and click the "Create" button.
  4. Width: 610 pixels

    Height: 450 pixels

    Resolution: 100 pixels / inch

    Size for the created image in Photoshop

    Your image sizes may differ depending on the concept of the menu created. However, know that when stretching the picture within the WIKI section, the width of the graphic file cannot exceed 610 pixels.

  5. Drag the image to the workspace, which will play the background of the background in your menu, stretch it out as you comfortably and press the Enter key.
  6. Adding a background picture for the image being created in Photoshop

    Do not forget to use a clamping key SHIFT To evenly scaling the image.

  7. Right-click on the main background of your document and select "Combine Visible".
  8. Combining the layers when editing the image being created in Photoshop

  9. In the toolbar, activate the "Rectangle".
  10. Activation of the rectangle tool when creating an image in Photoshop

  11. Using the "Rectangle", in the workspace, create your first button, focusing on even dimensions.
  12. Creating a first button when creating an image in Photoshop

    For convenience, it is recommended to enable "Auxiliary elements" through the menu "View".

  13. Purify your button such an appearance, what you would like to see using all the features of the PHOTOSHOP program known to you.
  14. Design buttons when creating an image in Photoshop

  15. Clone the created button by pressing the "ALT" key and dragging the image within the workspace.
  16. Cloning buttons when creating an image in Photoshop

    The number of copies required and the final and location comes from your personal idea.

  17. Switch to the "Text" tool by clicking on the corresponding icon on the toolbar or by pressing the "T" key.
  18. Selecting the Tool Text on the toolbar when creating an image in Photoshop

  19. Click anywhere in the document, type the text for the first button and place it in the area of ​​one of the previously created images.
  20. Text sizes can set any that satisfy your desires.

  21. In order to center the text on the picture, select the layer with the text and the desired image, pressing the "Ctrl" key, and alternately press the alignment buttons on the top toolbar.
  22. Leveling text horizontally and vertical when creating an image in Photoshop

    Do not forget to issue text in accordance with the menu concept.

  23. Repeat the described procedure with respect to the remaining buttons, speaking the text corresponding to the names of the sections.
  24. An example of the final version of the menu when creating an image in Photoshop

  25. Press the "C" key keypad or select the "Cutting" tool using the panel.
  26. Selecting the cutting tool on the toolbar when creating an image in Photoshop

  27. Highlight each button, pushing out the height of the created image.
  28. Cutting menu when creating an image in Photoshop

  29. Open the "File" menu and select "Save for Web".
  30. Go to saving the finished menu in Photoshop

  31. Set the file format "PNG-24" and at the bottom of the window, click the Save button.
  32. Settings and save menu in Photoshop

  33. Specify the folder where you need files, and without changing any additional fields, click on the "Save" button.
  34. Saving a ready-made menu to a computer in Photoshop

At this moment you can close the graphic editor and return to the VKontakte website.

  1. Being in the menu editing section, on the toolbar, click on the Add photo icon.
  2. Go to add photos to the menu in the menu editing section on VKontakte website

  3. Load all the images that have been saved at the last stage of working with Photoshop.
  4. Download photos for menu on VKontakte site

  5. Wait for the end of the picture loading process and add code lines to the editor.
  6. Successfully downloaded photos for menu in the menu editing section on VKontakte website

  7. Switch to visual editing mode.
  8. Switch the menu editor to visual editing mode in the menu editing section on VKontakte website

  9. Alternately click on each image, setting the maximum value "width" for the buttons.
  10. Set size for menu buttons in the menu editing section on VKontakte website

    Do not forget to save changes.

  11. Return to Wiki-markup editing mode.
  12. Re-enable Wiki Mode Mode in the menu editing section on VKontakte website

  13. After the resolution specified in the code, put the symbol ";" And register the additional parameter "nopadding;". It must be done so that there is no visual breaks between the images.
  14. The process of hiding breaks in the menu in the menu editing section on VKontakte website

    If you need to add a graphic file without reference, after the previously specified parameter "Nopadding" Propashite "NOLINK;".

  15. Next, insert a direct link to the page where the user will move, between the first closing square bracket and the vertical feature, excluding all spaces.
  16. Adding links for graphic menu items in the menu editing section on VKontakte website

    In the case of transition to the partitions of the group or on a third-party site, you should use the full version of the link from the address bar. If you go to any entry, for example, in discussions, use a shortened version of the address containing the characters going after "".

  17. Press the "Save Change" button below and go to the View tab to check the performance.
  18. End Save menu for the group in the Edit section of the menu on VKontakte website

  19. As soon as your control unit is properly configured, go to the Main Community page to check the login of the group's menu.
  20. Check the graphic menu in the community on VKontakte website

In addition, it is worth noting that you can always clarify the details of the markup using a special section "Marking Help" available directly from the window for editing your menu. Good luck!

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