How to remove DirectX


How to remove DirectX

DirectX - special libraries to ensure effective interaction between hardware and software components of the system that are responsible for playback of multimedia content (games, video, audio) and graphic work programs.

Removing DirectX

Unfortunately (or fortunately), in modern operating systems DirectX libraries are installed by default and are part of the program shell. Without these components, the normal operation of Windows can not be, and can not be deleted. Rather, the individual files from system folders can be deleted, but it is fraught with very unpleasant consequences. In most cases, a normal component upgrade solves all the problems with instability of the operating system.

See also: DirectX update to the latest version

Below we talk about what action to take, if you need to remove or update DX components.

Windows XP.

Users of older operating systems, in an effort to keep up with those who have a new the Windows, go to the rash step - installing versions of libraries, the system does not support. In XP, it may be a revision 9.0 or later. The tenth version will not work, and all the resources offered by «DirectX 10 for Windows XP for free download", etc., etc., is simply deceiving us. Such psevdoobnovleniya set as a normal program and give in to the standard removal applet through "Control Panel" "Add or Remove Programs."

Removing DirectX components 10 through the control panel applet or Remove Programs in Windows XP

Reload components in the case of unstable operation or error, you can use the universal Web Installer for Windows 7 or older. It is freely available on the official Microsoft website.

Voor Web Installer

Download Page Universal Web Installer DirectX executable libraries to the end user on the official Microsoft site

Windows 7.

Windows 7 works the same pattern as in XP. In addition, the library update can be performed by another method described in the article, a link to which is given above.

Windows 8 and 10

With these operating systems, the situation is even worse. On Windows 10 and 8 (8.1) DirectX library can be updated only through the official channel in the "Update Center" operating system.

Read more:

How to update windows 10 to the latest version

How to update the Windows 8 system

If the update has already been established and there are disruptions due to viruses damage files or for other reasons, there will only system restore.

Read more:

Instructions to create a point of restoration of Windows 10

How to restore Windows 8 system

In addition, you can try to delete the installed update, and then try to download and install it again. The search should not cause difficulties: in the title will appear "DirectX".

Read more: Delete updates in Windows 10

If all the above recommendations have not led to the desired result, then, if it is sad, you will have to reinstall Windows.

This is all that can be said about the removal of DirectX within this article, you can only sum up. Do not try to chase novelties and try to install new components. If the operating system and equipment do not support the new version, then it will not give you anything other than possible problems.

See also: How to find out whether the DirectX video card supports

If everything works without errors and failures, it is not necessary to interfere with the operation of the OS.

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