How to tell if your video card supports DirectX 11


How do you know if your video card supports DirectX 11

Normal functioning of today's games and programs, working with 3D graphics, implies the existence of the current version of DirectX libraries installed in the system. At the same time, full-time job components is impossible without hardware support for data revisions. As part of today's article we will understand how to find out, DirectX 11 or newer if the graphics adapter supports.

Support DX11 graphics card

The following methods are equivalent and help reliably determine the supported graphics editors libraries. The difference is that in the first case we obtain preliminary information on the GPU selection stage, and the second - the adapter is installed in your computer.

Method 1: Internet

One of the possible and often proposed solutions - finding this information on the websites of computer hardware stores or in Yandex Market. This is not quite the right approach, because retailers often confuse the characteristics of the product, than mislead us. All data on the products are on the official pages of graphics card manufacturers.

Method 2: software

To find out, which version of the API supports the video card installed in your computer, works best free GPU-Z program. In the start screen, in the field called «DirectX Support», spelled out the maximum possible version of libraries that support GPU.

Information about the maximum supported version of DirectX graphics library in the GPU-Z program

Summarizing, we can say the following: all information about the products is best obtained from official sources, since it is there contained the most reliable data about the parameters and characteristics of video cards. You can, of course, simplify your task and trust the store, but in this case there are surprises in the form of inability to run your favorite game due to lack of necessary support API DirectX.

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