DirectX Setup Error An Internal Error Occurred


DirectX Setup Error An Internal Error Occurred

All games designed to work on Windows operating systems require a specific version of the DirectX components for normal operation. These components are already pre-installed in the OS, but sometimes, they can be "sewn" in the playing project installer. Often, the installation of such distributions may occur with failures, and the further installation of the game is often impossible. A typical error in such a situation is "DirectX Setup Error: An Internal Error Occurred".

Decal Error DirectX

As we have spoken above, when installing the game with the built-in DirectX, it may be crashing, which is what the dialog box says:

DirectX Setup Error An Internal Error Occurred Dialog Broken

Or this:

Message in the DIRECTX SETUP Error An Internal Error Occurred dialog box

This problem most often occurs during the installation of toys that require some of its components of the DX version, which differs from the system available. In most cases, this is the sound of the project. The problem here lies in the rights of access to files and registry parameters. Even if you start the installation of the game on behalf of the administrator, it will not give anything, since the built-in DX installer does not have such rights. In addition, there may be other causes of failure, such as damaged system files. About how to solve them, we will talk further.

Method 1: Manual update of components

This method is suitable for Windows systems from XP to 7, since manual update in 8 and 10 is not provided. To eliminate the error, you need to download and install the DirectX executable library installer for the end user. There are two options: a web version and complete, that is, which does not require connection to the Internet. Only one can work, so you should try both.

Web version download page

Web version of the web version of the DirectX environment installer for the end user on the official website of Microsoft

On the next page, remove all the daws if they are installed, and click "refuse and continue."

Refusal to download additional software on the DIRECTX Wedge Installer's download page for the end user

The full version "lies" by reference below.

Full version download page

Downloads the full version of the DIRECTX environment installer for the end user on the official website of Microsoft

It also needs to be actions with checkmarks and click "No Thanks and Continue".

Refusal to download additional software on the download page of the full version of the DIRECTX environment for the end user

After downloading, it is necessary to install on behalf of the administrator, it is very important. It is done like this: Press the PCM on the downloaded file and select the "Run on the name of the administrator" item.

Run the full version of the DirectX environment installer for the end user on behalf of the administrator

These actions will allow you to update the DX files if they were damaged, and also register the desired keys in the registry. After completing the installation process, reboot the computer and try to install the game.

Method 2: Folder with game

When installing ORIGIN, even if it ended with an error, the installer has time to create the necessary folders and unpack files there. We are interested in the directory in which the DirectX archives lie. It is located at the address specified below. In your case, it may be another place, but the folder tree will be similar.

C: \ Games \ ORIGINLIBRARY \ Battlefield 4 \ __ Installer \ DirectX \ Redist \

From this directory, you must delete all files except the three indicated on the screenshot below.

Deleting DirectX archives from the folder with the installed game Battlefield 4

After deletion, you can again try to install the game through Origin. If the error is repeated, you start the DXSetup file in the "Redist" folder on behalf of the administrator and waiting for the installation of the installation, and then use the installation in Origin.

Above is one of the special cases of malfunction, but this example can be used in a situation with other games. Game projects that are used in the work outdated versions of DirectX libraries, almost always have a similar installer. You just need to find the appropriate folder on the computer and try to make the specified actions.


The error described in this article tells us that there are any problems in the system in the form of damaged files or registry keys responsible for the normal operation of the DirectX components. If the methods presented above failed to correct the error, then it is likely to reinstall Windows or use the backup. However, if you do not fundamentally play in this toy, you can leave everything as it is.

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