When a Windows 7 bug climbs «Startup Repair»: what to do


When a Windows 7 bug climbs «Startup Repair»: what to do 9770_1

Launching your computer, the user can observe the errors related to the operating system loads. Windose 7 will attempt to restore the work, but it can not be successful, and you will see a message stating that it is impossible to comply with the decision of this problem, and there is a need to send information about the problem to Microsoft. Clicking on the tab "Show details" displays the name of the error - «Startup Repair Offline». In this article we will discuss how to neutralize this error.

Bug fixes «Startup Repair Offline»

Literally, this means a fault - "start the recovery is not on the network." After restarting the computer, the system attempted to restore the work (not connected to the network), but the attempt was unsuccessful.

Startup Repair Windows 7

Malfunction «Startup Repair Offline» often occurs due to hard drive problems, and because of the damage to the sector, on which the system data is responsible for the proper launch of Windows 7. Also, there may be problems with the damaged sections of the registry. Proceed to methods correct the problem.

Method 1: BIOS Reset Settings

Go to the BIOS (using the keys F2 or Del when the computer starts). We produce load the default settings (click «Load optimized defaults»). Save the changes made (F10 key pressing) and restart Vindovs.

Read more: Reset BIOS settings

BIOS setting the standard Windows 7

Method 2: Connecting stubs

You need to check the integrity of connectors and wiring density of the hard disk of loops and motherboard. Make sure that all contacts are connected efficiently and securely. After checking restart the system and check for the presence of a fault.

Hard Drive Cables Windows 7

Method 3: Recovery run

Since the normal startup of the operating system is not possible, we recommend using the bootable disk or memory stick with a system that is identical to the set.

Lesson: Instructions for creating a bootable flash drive on Windows

  1. Perform startup with a bootable USB drive or disk. In the BIOS set the start option from the disk or flash drive (set out in paragraph «First Boot Device USB-HDD» parameter «USB-HDD«). How to do this in different BIOS versions described in detail in the lesson that is presented below.

    Lesson: Configuring the BIOS to boot from USB drive

  2. The launch of the operating system from a flash drive Windows 7

  3. In the setup interface, select language, keyboard and time. Hit "Next" and on the screen that appears, click on the words "System Restore" (in English. «Repair your computer» Windows 7).
  4. Windows 7 system recovery

  5. The system will be promoted to troubleshoot automatic mode. Click on the "Next" button in the window that opens by selecting the required OS.

    Restoring System Click Next Windows 7

    In the "System Recovery Options" window, click on the "Start Restoring" item and wait for the completion of test actions and the correct launch of the computer. After the inspection is completed, reboot PC.

  6. Windows 7 start recovery options

Method 4: "Command String"

If the above methods did not help eliminate the problem, then again start the system from the flash drive or the installation disk.

Press the SHIFT + F10 keys at the very beginning of the installation process. We fall in the "Command Line" menu, where you need to dial alternate commands (after entering each of them, press ENTER).


BCDedit Export CBCKP_BCD Windows 7 Command String


ATTRIB CBOOTBCD -H -R -S Windows 7 Command String


Ren CBootBCD BCD.old Team String Windows 7

bootrec / fixmbr

bootrecfixmbr command line windows 7

BootRec / FixBoot

bootrecfixboot command line windows 7

BootRec.exe / RebuildBCD.

BootRec.exe RebuildBCD Windows 7

After you have entered all the commands, restart the PC. If Windows 7 does not start in operational mode, then the problem of the problem file may be the name of the problem file (for example, the .dll extension library). If the file name is specified, you must try to search for this file on the Internet and place it on your hard drive to the required directory (in most cases it is the WindowDS \ System 32 folder).

Read more: How to install the DLL library to the Windows system


So what to do with the problem of "Startup Repair Offline"? The easiest and most effective way is to use the OS start recovery, using a boot disk or flash drive. If the system restoring the system has not corrected the problem, then use the command line. Also check the integrity of all computer connections and BIOS settings. The use of these methods will eliminate the Windows 7 launch error.

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