Download Dr. Web Light for Android for free


Download Dr Web Light for Android for free

Every year, the applications are increasingly sounding about Android, there are more and more popular viruses under this operating system. Someone claims that the problems do not exist at all, someone declares that it is insignificant. However, as the saying says, who is warned - he is armed. Such a preventive blow to malicious applications is the hero of today's review - the basic antivirus Dr. Web Light.

File System Scanner

It is worth noting that the Light version of Dr. Web has only a basic functionality of protecting your device from malicious programs. In it, fortunately, includes such a useful tool as a scanner of files. The user is available 3 scanning options to choose from: fast, complete and selective.

Dr. scanner Web.

During a quick check, the antivirus checks the installed applications.

Fast check scanner Dr. Web.

Full check implies a study for the threat of all files in the system on all storage devices. If you have a lot of built-in memory and / or SD card on more than 32 GB, which are also filled - the check can be delayed. And yes, be prepared for the fact that during her holding your gadget can warm up.

Full check scanner Dr. Web.

Selective check is useful when you know exactly how the carrier is a possible source of infection. This option allows you to select either a separate memory device, or a folder, or a file that Dr. Web checks for malware.

Selective check scanner Dr. Web.


Like most similar programs for senior systems, Dr. Web Light has a function of rooming a suspicious object in quarantine - a specially protected folder from which it cannot harm your device. You have a choice, how to do with such files - or delete finally, or restore, if you are exactly sure that there are no threats there.

Quarantine Dr. Web.

Spider Guard

By default, a real-time protection monitor is activated in Dr. Web Light, which is called Spider Guard. It works in the same way as such solutions in other antivirus (for example, Avast): Checks the files downloadable or by you or applications and reacts if something threatens your device. In addition, this monitor is able to check the archives, as well as check the SD card each time connected.

Spider Guard Dr. Web.

At the same time, real-time protection is capable of protecting your device from advertising applications and different potentially dangerous programs - for example, trojans, rootkits or keyloggers.

Additional options Spider Guard Dr. Web.

If you want to disable Spider Guard, you can do this in the application settings.

Quick access in the status bar

When the Spider Guard is enabled in the "Blind" of your device hangs a notification with rapid access steps. From here you can immediately get into the scanner utility or get to the download folder (as such is used in the default system). Also in this notice there is a link to the official website of Dr. Web, where you are offered to purchase the full version of the program.

Quick Access Options DR Status Row Web.


  • Fully in Russian;
  • App for free;
  • Ensuring the required minimum of protection;
  • The ability to quickly check suspicious files.


  • Availability of a paid version with advanced functionality;
  • High load on weak devices;
  • False responses.
Dr. Web Light provides basic device protection functionality from malicious programs and dangerous files. In this version of the application, you will not find the blocking of advertising or protection against dangerous sites, but if you have a simple simple monitor in real time - Dr. Web Light will suit you.

Download trial version Dr. Web Light

Load the latest version of the application from Google Play Market

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