Administrator password reset in Windows XP


Administrator password reset in Windows XP

The problem of forgotten passwords has existed since those times when people began to protect their information from prying eyes. The password loss from the Windows account threatens the loss of all the data you used. It may seem that it is impossible to do anything, and the valuable files are lost forever, but there is a way that with a high probability will help log in.

Reset of the Windows XP Administrator Password

In Windows systems, there is an embedded "Administrator" account using which you can perform any actions on the computer, since this user has unlimited rights. Entering the system under this "account", you can change the password for that user, access to which is lost.

Read more: How to make a password reset in Windows XP

A common problem is that often, for security purposes, during the installation of the system, we assign a password for the administrator and successfully forget it. This leads to the fact that in Windows it fails to penetrate. Next, we will talk about how to enter the secure account of the administrator.

Standard Windows XP to reset the admin password is impossible, so we will need a third-party program. The developer called it very uncomfortable: Offline NT Password & Registry Editor.

Preparation of bootable media

  1. On the official website there are two versions of the program - to record on the CD and USB flash drive.

    Download utility from the official site

    Link to download versions of Offline NT Password & Registry Editor for a CD and Flash Drive

    A CD version is an ISO disk image, which is simply recorded on a blank.

    Read more: How to burn an image on the disk in the Ultraiso program

    In the archive with a version for the flash drive, there are separate files that need to be copied to the media.

    Copy the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor utility files from the archive on the flash drive

  2. Next, you must enable the bootloader on the flash drive. It is done through the command line. Call the "Start" menu, reveal the list "All Programs", then go to the "Standard" folder and find the "Command Line" item there. Click on it by PKM and choose "Running on behalf of ...".

    Run a command line on behalf of the administrator in Windows XP

    In the startup parameters window, switch to the "Account of the specified user". The administrator will be registered by default. Click OK.

    Run a command line on behalf of the administrator in Windows XP to turn on the bootloader to the flash drive in Windows XP

  3. At the command prompt, we enter the following:

    G: \ syslinux.exe -ma g:

    G - Disc letter assigned to the system to our flash drive. You can have another letter. After entering enter Enter and close the "command line".

    Enter the command to turn on the bootloader to the flash drive to the Windows XP command prompt

  4. Reboot your computer, set the download from the flash drive or CD, depending on which version of the utility we use. We again make the reboot, after which the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor will be launched. The utility is a console, that is, who does not have a graphical interface, so all commands will have to be administered manually.

    Read more: Configure BIOS to download from a flash drive

    Automatic launch of the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor to reset the administrator password in Windows XP

Password reset

  1. First of all, after starting the utility, press ENTER.
  2. Next, we see a list of partitions on hard drives that are currently connected to the system. Usually the program itself determines which section you want to open, as it contains the boot sector. As you can see, it is located under the number 1. Enter the corresponding value and press the Enter again.

    Selecting the system partition in Offline NT Password & Registry Editor to reset the password in Windows XP

  3. The utility is engaged on the system disk a folder with registry files and asks confirmation. The value is correct, press ENTER.

    Selecting a folder with the registry files in the system section in the Offline NT Password & Registry EDitor utility to reset the password in Windows XP

  4. Then looking for a line with the value of "Password Reset [SAM System Security]" and look at what figure it corresponds to it. As you can see, the program again made a choice for us. ENTER.

    Select Account Editing Function in Offline NT Password & Registry Editor to reset Password in Windows XP

  5. On the next screen, we are offered a choice of several actions. We are interested in "Edit User Data and Passwords", it is again a unit.

    Go to editing account data in the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor to reset the password in Windows XP

  6. The following data may cause bewilderment, since "account" with the name "Administrator" we do not see. In fact, there is a problem with the encoding and the user you need called "4 @". We do not enter anything here, simply press ENTER.

    Transition to the editing of the administrator password in the Offline NT Password & Registry EDitor utility to reset the password in Windows XP

  7. Next, you can reset the password, that is, make it empty (1) or introduce a new one (2).

    Selecting a method of resetting the administrator password in the Offline NT Password & Registry EDitor utility in Windows XP

  8. We enter "1", click Enter and see that the password is reset.

    Administrator Password Reset Result in Offline NT Password & Registry Editor Used in Windows XP

  9. Further we write in turn: "!", "Q", "n", "n". After each command, do not forget to press input.

    Completing the account editing script in the Offline NT Password & Registry EDitor utility to reset the password in Windows XP

  10. Remove the USB flash drive and reboot the Ctrl + Alt + Delete key combination. Then it is necessary to set the boot from the hard disk and you can log in under the administrator account.

This utility does not always work correctly, but this is the only way to access the computer in case of loss of "account" of the admin.

When working with a computer, it is important to comply with one rule: Store passwords in a safe place, different from the user's folder on the hard disk. The same applies to those data, the loss of which can cost you expensive. To do this, you can use a USB flash drive, and better cloudy storage, such as Yandex drive.

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