Why do not work masks in instagram


Why do not work masks in instagram

Cause 1: Instagram Side Problems

Most problems in the Instagram mobile application, and within the framework of this topic, only this option will be mentioned due to the lack of masks in other versions, are associated with the logging on the server side. For example, it happens when the dedicated equipment does not cope with a large number of simultaneous requests, which leads to infinite loading or errors.

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Most often, the problem disappears by itself, if you try to restart the shooting mode or at all the application, while the long-term malfunctions are often associated with more serious errors. In the second case, when restarting does not help, we recommend contacting third-party online service to check the performance of the application, and if necessary, wait for some time before correcting the situation.

Cause 2: Internet connection

Instagram masks have their own Internet connection requirements, and therefore download problems may occur when using unstable or simply slow connection. There are such situations much more often than malfunctions on the server side, but at the same time quite quickly detected and eliminated.

Read more:

Services for measuring the speed and stability of the Internet

Configure and enable the Internet on the phone

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Just for the purpose of elimination, you will need to restart the Internet, depending on the type of connection, which was described separately. In special cases, it may be necessary to appeal directly to the service provider support service, since speed and stability depend directly on the equipment of the operator.

Cause 3: Errors in the application

With long use of any mobile application, including Instagram, errors that prevent stable operation can gradually occur. This directly applies to masks that are automatically entering internal cache for faster applications.

Read more: Cleaning cache in Instagram from the phone

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You can solve this problem with standard tools of the operating system or using third-party applications by performing removal of all accumulated information. If this is not enough or you use the device on the IOS platform, it is quite capable of helping the complete deletion and reuse of the client.

Cause 4: Outdated Instagram version

In addition to the complete inoperability of masks, some users may not be displayed recently created effects that are used by other content authors. This happens not only with this type of tools, but also with other elements like stickers, but it does not have specific reasons.

Read more: Updating Instagram application on phone

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Based on the section title, you can attribute the installation of fresh Instagram updates or, as already mentioned, a complete reinstall. Also, masks may appear when registering in free testing or after a certain amount of time.

Reason 5: Incorrect device operation

The last and least relevant current cause can be the use of a not enough powerful device, including having a shortage of operational and internal memory due to other applications. Also on the performance of masks, as well as on the emergence of new elements, is able to influence the version of the OS, which is particularly strongly applied to Android devices.

Read more:

Cleaning memory on the phone

Android version update

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As part of the solution, try cleaning the device from garbage, including deleting some other applications and data downloaded by instagram. On Android, it is also worth thinking about installing a fresh version of the system if this is available.

Contact Support

If the presented tips did not influence the solution of the problem, as well as waiting for several days, it is best to create an appeal to the social network support service. In the official application, this can be done on a separate page, but at the same time consider that the response time can vary greatly up to several weeks.

Read more: Creating an appeal to Instagram Support

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