Why the video on YouTube is not played


Why the video on YouTube is not played

There are different cases when failures occur in the computer or in programs, and this can be reflected in the work of some functional. For example, the video on YouTube is not loaded. In this case, you need to pay attention to the nature of the problem, and only then look for options for its solution.

Causes of problems with video playback on YouTube

It is important to understand what kind of problem you are faced not to try the options that definitely will not help with this problem. Therefore, we will look at the main possible causes and characterize them, and you already select what concerns you and by following the instructions, solve the problem.

The methods described below are intended to correct problems specifically with Youtube video hosting. If you do not play videos in browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Bauzer, then you need to look for other solutions, as this may be due to the inoperability of the plug-in, outdated version of the web browser and others.

Method 2: Turning TURBO Mode

If, when you try to play the video, you get the "File not found" or "file is not loaded", then it will help to disable Turbo mode if it is enabled. You can disable it in several clicks.

Go to "Settings" through the menu or by pressing the ALT + P combination, open the "Browser" section.

Opera browser settings

Source to the bottom and remove the tick from the "Enable Opera Turbo" item.

Turbo Opera mode

If these actions did not help, then you can try to update the browser version or check the settings of plugins.

Read more: Problems with video playback in Opera browser

Black or other color screen when watching video

This problem is also one of the most frequent. There is no one way of solving here, since the reasons can be completely different.

Method 1: Delete Windows 7 updates

This problem is found only for Windows 7 users. It is possible that the updates may cause to your operating system and a black screen when you try to watch video on YouTube. In this case, you must delete these updates. You can do it like this:

  1. Click "Start" and go to the control panel.
  2. Why the video on YouTube is not played 9746_4

  3. Select "Programs and Components".
  4. Windows 7 programs and components

  5. Select the section "View installed updates" in the left menu.
  6. View installed Windows 7 updates

  7. You need to check whether the updates are set by KB2735855 and KB2750841. If so, you need to remove them.
  8. Select the required update and click Delete.

Delete Windows 7 Update

Now restart the computer and try running the video again. If it does not help, go to the second solution to the problem.

Method 2: Updating Video Card Drivers

Maybe your video crashes are outdated or you have installed a faulty version. Try to find and install fresh graphics drivers. To do this, you need to define the model of your video card.

Read more: find out which driver is needed for a video card

Now you can use official drivers from the developer of your equipment or special programs that will help you choose the appropriate. You can do this, both online and downloading the offline version of the software.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

Method 3: Scanning a computer for viruses

It often happens that the problems begin after infection with a PC with some virus or other "evil spirits". In any case, the computer check will not be superfluous. You can use any convenient antivirus: Avast Free Antivirus, Avg Antivirus Free, McAfee, Kaspersky Anti-Virus or any other.

You can also use special attending utilities if you do not have a program installed. They check the same well and quickly your computer, as well as popular, "full-fledged" antiviruses.

Read more: Checking a computer for viruses without antivirus

Radical measures

If nothing of the above helped, there are only two options for solving the problem. As in the version with the black screen, you can use the number 3 way and scan the computer to viruses. If the result was not positive, you need to roll back the system at the time when everything worked for you.

System Restore

Return the settings and updates of the system to the state when everything worked well will help the special feature of Windows. To initiate this process, it is necessary:

  1. Go to "Start" and select "Control Panel".
  2. Select "Restore".
  3. Windows 7 system recovery

  4. Click on "Starting System Recovery".
  5. Running Windows 7 Recovery

  6. Follow the instructions in the program.

The main thing is to select a date when everything worked well so that the system will roll up all the updates that were after that time. If you have a newer version of the operating system, the recovery process is practically no different. Need to perform the same actions.

See also: How to restore Windows 8 system

These were the main causes and troubleshooting options on YouTube. It is worth paying attention to the fact that sometimes the simple reboot of the computer sometimes helps, as it would be tritely sounded. Everything can be, perhaps, any failure in the operation of the OS.

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