Windows XP boot recovery


Windows XP boot recovery

Problems with OS - phenomenon, widespread among Windows users. This is due to damage to the funds responsible for launching the system - the main boot entry of the MBR or the specified sector in which the files needed for a normal start are contained.

Windows XP boot recovery

As mentioned above, there are two causes of troubleshooting. Next, let's talk about them in more detail and try to solve these problems. Making this we will use the recovery console, which is contained on the Windows XP installation disk. For further work, we need to boot from this media.

Read more: Configure BIOS to download from a flash drive

If you have only the image of the distribution, then you will first need to record it on the flash drive.

Read more: How to create a bootable flash drive

Restoring MBR

The MBR is usually recorded in the first cell (sector) on the hard disk and contains a small piece of program code, which is performed first and determines the coordinates of the boot sector. If the record is damaged, then Windows will not be able to start.

  1. After downloading from the flash drive, we will see the screen with the options available for selection. Press R.

    Access to the Windows XP Operating System Restore Console after downloading from the installation disk

  2. Next, the console will suggest logging into one of the copies of the OS. If you have not installed the second system, it will be the only one in the list. Here I enter the number 1 from the keyboard and press ENTER, then the administrator password, if any, if it is not installed, then simply click "input".

    Selecting a copy of the OS and enter the administrator password in the Windows XP operating system recovery console

    If you forget the administrator password, then read the following articles on our website:

    Read more:

    How to Reset Administrator Account Password in Windows XP

    How to reset the forgotten password in Windows XP.

  3. The command that manufactures "repair" of the main boot record is written as follows:


    Enter a command to restore the main boot record in the Windows XP operating system recovery console

    Next, we will need to confirm the intention of recording new MBR. We enter "Y" and press ENTER.

    Confirmation of the intention of changes in the main boot record in the Windows XP operating system restore console

  4. The new MBR is successfully recorded, you can now exit the console using the command.


    And try running Windows.

    Successful change in the main boot record in the Windows XP operating system restore console

    If the start-up attempt passed unsuccessfully, then we move on.

Boot sector

The boot sector in Windows XP contains the NTLDR bootloader, which "triggers" after the MBR and transmits controls already directly to the operating system files. If this sector contains errors, then the further start of the system is impossible.

  1. After starting the console and select the copy of the OS (see above) enter the command


    Here it is also necessary to confirm the consent by typing "y".

    Confirmation of the intention of recording a new boot sector in the Windows XP Operating System Recovery Console

  2. The new boot sector is successfully recorded, we leave the console and run the operating system.

    Successful change in the boot sector in the Windows XP operating system recovery console

    If a failure has been fixed again, we turn to the next tool.

Restore the boot.ini file

The boot.ini file registed the order of booting the operating system and the address of the folder with its documents. In the event that this file is damaged or disrupted by the code syntax, then Windows does not know what she needs to start.

  1. To restore the boot.ini file, enter the command in the running console

    BootCFG / Rebuild

    The program scanned connected disks for copies of Windows and prompt add found to the download list.

    Enter a command to restore order order in the Windows XP operating system recovery console

  2. Next, write "Y" for consent and press ENTER.

    Confirmation of the intention of the operating system to the download list when restoring the BOOT INI file in the Windows XP operating system recovery console

  3. Then we enter the download identifier, this is the name of the operating system. In this case, it is impossible to allow an error, let it be simply "Windows XP".

    Entering the download identifier when restoring the Boot INI file in the Windows XP Operating System Recovery Console

  4. In the download parameters we prescribe a command

    / FastDetect.

    Do not forget after each recording to press ENTER.

    Enter the download parameters when restoring the Boot INI file in the Windows XP Operating System Recovery Console

  5. No messages after execution will appear, simply go out and load Windows.
  6. Suppose that these actions did not help restore the download. This means that the necessary files are damaged or simply absent. This could contribute to the malicious software or the worst "virus" - the user.

Transferring boot files

In addition to boot.ini, NTLDR and files are responsible for loading the operating system. Their absence makes Windows loading it impossible. True, these documents are on the installation disk, from where they can be simply copied to the root of the system disk.

  1. We launch the console, select OS, enter the admin password.
  2. Next, you must enter the command


    It is necessary to view the list of media connected to the computer.

    Output list connected to the media system in the Windows XP operating system recovery console

  3. Then you need to select the letter of the disk from which we are currently loaded. If this is a flash drive, then its identifier will (in our case) "\ Device \ HardDisk1 \ Partition1". You can distinguish the drive from a conventional hard disk by volume. If you use a CD, then choose "\ Device \ CDrom0". Please note that the numbers and names may differ slightly, the main thing is to understand the principle of choice.

    So, with the choice of disk, we decided to introduce it letter with the colon and press "input".

    Selecting the media to search for boot files in the Windows XP operating system restore console

  4. Now we need to go to the "I386" folder, for which we write

    CD i386.

    Go to the i386 folder on the installation disk in the Windows XP Operating System Recovery Console

  5. After the transition, you need to copy the NTLDR file from this folder to the system disk root. Enter the following command:

    Copy NTLDR C: \

    And then agree with the replacement if it is proposed ("Y").

    Enter the command to copy the NTLDR file in the Windows XP Operating System Recovery Console

  6. After successful copying, a corresponding message will appear.

    Success to copy the NTLDR file in the Windows XP Operating System Recovery Console

  7. Next, we do the same with the file.

    Enter a command to copy the file in the Windows XP operating system recovery console

  8. The final step will be adding our Windows to a new boot.ini file. To do this, execute the command

    BootCFG / Add.

    Entering a command to add OS to Boot INI file in the Windows XP operating system restore console

    We enter the number 1, we prescribe an identifier and boot parameters, exit from the console, load the system.

    Completion of copying download files in Windows XP operating system recovery console

All the actions we produce to restore download should lead to the desired result. If still failed to run Windows XP, then most likely you will have to use reinstalling. WINDOVS can be "rearranged" with the maintenance of user files and OS parameters.

Read more: How to restore Windows XP system


"Breakdown" of download does not happen by itself, this is always the reason. It can be both viruses and your actions. Never install programs extracted on sites other than official, do not delete and do not edit the files created by you, may be systemic. Performing these simple rules will help not resort once again to a difficult recovery procedure.

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