Than open svg.


SVG format

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a scaled vector graphics file with very wide features written in XML markup. Let's find out, with which software solutions you can view the contents of objects with this expansion.

Programs for viewing SVG

Given that Scalable Vector Graphics is a graphic format, it is natural that the viewing of these objects is supported, first of all, image viewers and graphic editors. But, oddly enough, still rare image views cope with the task of opening SVG, relying only on their built-in functionality. In addition, the objects of the studied format can be viewed using some browsers and a number of other programs.

Method 1: GIMP

First of all, consider how to view the drawings of the studied format in the Gimp free graphics editor.

  1. Activate GIMP. Click "File" and choose "Open ...". Either use Ctrl + O.
  2. Go to the window opening window in the GIMP program

  3. The image selection shell starts. Move where the desired element of vector graphics is located. By selecting, click "Open".
  4. Image opening window in the GIMP program

  5. The Create Scalable Vector Graphics window is activated. It offers to change the size settings, scaling, permissions and some others. But you can leave them without changing the default, simply by pressing ok.
  6. Create Scalable Vector Graphics window in Gimp

  7. After that, the picture will be displayed in the GIMP graphics editor interface. Now you can produce with him all the same manipulations as with any other graphic material.

The SVG file is open in the GIMP program

Method 2: Adobe Illustrator

The next program that can display and modify the images of the specified format is Adobe Illustrator.

  1. Run Adobe Illustrator. Silently click on the "File" and "Open" list items. For lovers to work with the "hot" keys, a combination of Ctrl + O is provided.
  2. Go to the window opening window in Adobe Illustrator program

  3. Following how the object selection tool is launched, go to the area of ​​the vector graphics element and highlight it. Then click "OK".
  4. File opening window in Adobe Illustrator program

  5. After that, with a high probability, it can be said that a dialog box appears, which will describe that the document does not have a built-in RGB profile. Using the radio button, the user can assign a workspace or a specific profile. But it is possible and not to produce any additional actions in this window, leaving the switch in the "Leave No Change" position. Click "OK".
  6. Message about the lack of profile in the Adobe Illustrator program

  7. The picture will appear and will be available for change.

The SVG file is open in the Adobe Illustrator program.

Method 3: XnView

Consideration of viewers of images working with the studied format, we will start with the XNView program.

  1. Activate XnView. Click File and Open. Applicable and Ctrl + O.
  2. Go to the window opening window in the XNView program

  3. In the launched selection shell, go to the SVG area. Note an element, press "Open".
  4. File opening window in XNView

  5. After this manipulation, the image will be displayed in the new program tab. But you will immediately be visible one explicit flaw. On top of the image will be clogged with the inscription about the need to purchase a paid version of the CAD Image DLL plugin. The fact is that the trial version of this plugin is already built into XnView. It is thanks to her that the program can display the contents of the SVG. But you can get rid of extraneous inscriptions only after replacing the trial version of the plug-in for a paid one.

The SVG image is open in the new deposit in the XNView program.

Download Plugin CAD Image DLL

There is another opportunity to view the SVG in XnView. It is carried out using the built-in browser.

  1. After starting the XNView, while in the Observer tab, click on the "Computer" name in the left side of the window.
  2. Go to the computer section in the XNView program

  3. Displays a list of disks. Choose the one where SVG is.
  4. Go to the SVG file location disk in the XNView program

  5. After that, the tree of directories will appear. It is necessary to go to that folder where the vector graphics element is located. After allocating this folder, its contents will be displayed in the main part. Select the name of the object. Now at the bottom of the window in the Preview tab, the preview of the pattern will be displayed.
  6. Preview SVG file in XNView

  7. To enable the full view mode in a separate tab, click on the name of the image with the left mouse button twice.

Opening the SVG file in the XNView program browser

Method 4: IrfanView

The following image viewer, on the example of which we will look at viewing the studied type of drawings, is an IrFanView. To display the SVG in the named program, the CAD Image DLL plugin is also required, but unlike XnView, it is not initially installed in the specified application.

  1. First of all, you will need to download the plugin, the link to which was given when considering the previous image viewer. Moreover, it should be noted that if you install a free version, then when you open a file, over the image will appear the inscription with a proposal to purchase a full-fledged option. If you immediately acquire a paid version, there will be no extraneous inscriptions. After the archive with the plug-in will download, with the help of any file manager, move the Cadimage.dll file from it to the Plugins folder, which is located in the placement directory of the IRFANVIEW executable file.
  2. Copy Cadimage.dll file from archive to IrfanView Plugins directory

  3. Now you can run IrfanView. Click the file name and select Open. Also to call the opening window you can use the O button on the keyboard.

    Go to the window opening window using the top horizontal menu in the IrfanView program

    Another option of calling the specified window provides a click on the folder form.

  4. Go to the window opening window using the icon on the toolbar in the IrfanView program

  5. The selection window is activated. Scroll to the Scalable Vector Graphics image directory. Having select it, click "Open".
  6. File opening window in IrfanView

  7. The drawing will be displayed in the IrfanView program. If you have acquired a full version of the plugin, the image will be displayed without foreign inscriptions. In the opposite case, the advertising offer will be displayed over it.

The SVG file is open in IrfanView.

You can view a picture in this program to drag the file from the "conductor" into the IrfanView sheath.

Opening the SVG file by dragging from Windows Explorer to the IRFanView program

Method 5: OpenOffice Draw

SVG can also be viewed from the Draw application from the OpenOffice office package.

  1. Activate the OpenOffice starting shell. Click on the "Open ..." button.

    Switch to the Open File Open window in the OpenOffice program

    You can also apply Ctrl + O or make a sequential press of the "File" menu elements and "open ...".

  2. Go to the window opening window using the top horizontal menu in the OpenOffice program

  3. The object opening shell is activated. With it, go to where SVG is located. Having select it, click "Open".
  4. File opening window in OpenOffice

  5. The image will be displayed in the shell application OpenOffice Draw. You can edit this picture, but after its completion, the result will have to save with another extension, since the saving in SVG OpenOffice does not support.

SVG file is open in the OpenOffice Draw program

Also, the image can be viewed by dragging the file to the OpenOffice starting shell.

Opening the SVG file by dragging from Windows Explorer in the OpenOffice program window

You can start starting through the DRAW shell.

  1. After starting the DRAW, click "File" and then "Open ...". You can apply Ctrl + O.

    Go to the window opening window through the top horizontal menu in the OpenOffice Draw program

    Applicable click on the icon, which has a folder form.

  2. Go to the window opening window using the tape button in the OpenOffice Draw program

  3. The opening shell is activated. Remain with its help where the vector element is located. Note it, click "Open".
  4. File opening window in OpenOffice Draw

  5. The image will be displayed in the DRAW shell.

Method 6: LibreOffice Draw

Supports the display of Scalable Vector Graphics and a competitor OpenOffice - the LibreOffice office package, which in its composition also has an application for editing images called Draw.

  1. Activate the LibreOffice starting shell. Click Open File or dial Ctrl + O.

    Go to the window opening window in the LibreOffice program

    You can activate the object selection window through the menu by clicking "File" and "Open".

  2. Go to the window opening window through the top horizontal menu of the LibreOffice program

  3. The object selection window is activated. It should go to that file directory where SVG is located. After the named object is noted, press "Open".
  4. File opening window in LibreOffice

  5. The picture will be shown in the LibreOffice Draw shell. As in the previous program, in the case of file editing, the result will have to be saved not in SVG, but in one of those formats, the saving in which this application supports.

The SVG file is open in the LibreOffice Draw program

Another opening method provides for dragging the file from the file manager to the LibreOffice starting shell.

Opening the SVG file by dragging out Windows Explorer in the LibreOffice program window

Also in LibreOffice, as well as the previously described software package, you can view the SVG and through the DRAW shell.

  1. After activating the DRAW, click on the "File" and "Open ..." items.

    Go to the window opening window through the top horizontal menu in the LibreOffice Draw program

    You can use the pictogram by clicking on the folder, or use Ctrl + O.

  2. Go to the window opening window using the tape button in the LibreOffice Draw program

  3. It causes the object opening shell. Select SVG, highlight it and press "Open".
  4. File opening window in LibreOffice Draw

  5. The picture will be displayed in Draw.

Method 7: Opera

SVG can be viewed in a number of browsers, the first of which is called Opera.

  1. Run the opera. In this web browser, there are no visualized tools in graphical form to activate the opening window. Therefore, it is necessary to use Ctrl + O to activate it.
  2. Browser interface Opera

  3. The opening window will appear. Here you need to go to the SVG location directory. Having select the object, click "OK".
  4. File opening window in Opera browser

  5. The picture will be displayed in the Opera browser shell.

SVG file is open in Opera browser

Method 8: Google Chrome

The next browser that can display SVG is Google Chrome.

  1. This web browser, like Opera, is based on the Blink engine, so it has a similar way to start the opening window. Activate Google Chrome and type Ctrl + O.
  2. Google Chrome browser interface

  3. The selection window is activated. Here you need to find the target image, make it allotment and click on the "Open" button.
  4. File opening window in Google Chrome browser

  5. The contents will be displayed in the Google Chrome shell.

SVG file is open in Google Chrome browser

Method 9: Vivaldi

The next web browser, on the example of which will be considered the possibility of viewing SVG, is vivaldi.

  1. Run Vivaldi. Unlike previously described browsers, this web browser launches the launch of the file opening page through graphic elements. To do this, click on the browser logo in the upper left corner of its shell. Click on "File". Next, mark "Open File ...". However, there is also an opening option with hot keys, for which you need to dial Ctrl + O.
  2. Go to the window opening window in Vivaldi

  3. There is a familiar shell of the object selection. Move in it to the location of Scalable Vector Graphics. Noting the named object, click "Open".
  4. File opening window in vivaldi program

  5. The image is displayed in the Wivaldi shell.

SVG file is open in Vivaldi browser

Method 10: Mozilla Firefox

We define how to display SVG in another popular browser - Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Run the firefox. If you want to open locally placed objects using the menu, then, first of all, you should turn it on, since the default menu is disabled. Click the right mouse button (PCM) along the top of the browser shell panel. In the list that appears, select the "Menu panel".
  2. Opening the menu panel in Mozilla Firefox browser

  3. After displaying the menu, click "File" and "Open File ...". However, you can use the Universal Pressing Ctrl + O.
  4. Go to the window opening window in the Mozilla Firefox program

  5. The selection window is activated. Make a transition to it where the desired image is located. Mark it and click "Open".
  6. File opening window in Mozilla Firefox

  7. Content will be displayed in the Mozilla browser.

SVG file is open in Mozilla Firefox browser

Method 11: Maxthon

Quite an unusual way, you can view the SVG in the Maxthon browser. The fact is that in this web browser, the activation of the opening window is in principle impossible: neither via graphic elements of control, nor by pressing hot keys. The only option to view the SVG is to make the address of this object in the address bar of the browser.

  1. In order to find out the address of the search file, go to the "Explorer" to the directory where it is located. Hold down the SHIFT key and click the PCM on the object name. From the list, select "Copy as Path".
  2. Copying the path to the SVG file through the context menu in Windows Explorer

  3. Run the Maxthon browser, set the cursor to its address bar. Click PCM. Select "Paste" from the list.
  4. Insert the path to the SVG file in the Maxthon browser address bar

  5. After the path is inserted, remove the quotes at the beginning and at the end of its name. To do this, set the cursor immediately after the quotes and press the backspace button on the keyboard.
  6. Deleting quotes to the SVG file in the Maxthon browser address bar

  7. Then select all the path in the address bar and press ENTER. The image will be displayed in Maxthon.

SVG file is open in Maxthon browser

Of course, this option of discovering locally located on the hard disk of vector drawings is much more increasing and more difficult than other browsers.

Method 12: Internet Explorer

Consider the options for viewing the SVG also on the example of a standard browser for Windows 8.1 switching line operating systems on Windows 8.1 inclusive - Internet Explorer.

  1. Run the Internet Explorer. Click "File" and choose "Open". You can also use Ctrl + O.
  2. Go to the window opening window using the top horizontal menu in Internet Explorer browser

  3. A small window is launched - "Opening". To go to the direct object selection tool, click "Browse ...".
  4. Opening window in Internet Explorer browser

  5. In the running shell, move where the element of vector graphics is placed. Indicate it and press "Open".
  6. File opening window in Internet Explorer browser

  7. A return to the previous window is returned, where the path to the selected object is already located in the address field. Press "OK".
  8. Go to the opening image in the Opening window in the Internet Explorer browser

  9. The image will be displayed in the IE browser.

SVG file is open in Internet Explorer browser

Despite the fact that the SVG is a format of vector images, most modern picture viewers do not know how to display it without installing additional plug-ins. Also, not all graphic editors work with this type of pictures. But almost all modern browsers can display this format, as it was at one time created, first of all, to accommodate pictures on the Internet. True, only browsers are possible in browsers, and not editing objects with the specified extension.

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