How the possible friends of VKontakte are determined


How the possible friends of VKontakte are determined

Probably, many of us noticed VKontakte the "Possible Friends" tab, but not everyone knows what it works and how it works. It is about this that will be discussed in this article.

How the possible friends of VKontakte are determined

Let's take a look, what the "Possible Friends" tab looks like, maybe someone did not notice her.

Tab Possible friends VKontakte

And how many, of those who know about her, guessed, how does this function work, and what principle does it determine the people with whom we may know? Everything is very simple. Open this section and study it more details. Having done this, you will notice that most people who are there are those with whom we communicated, but did not add to friends, or we have common friends with them. Now it is already a little clearer how this function works, but it is not all.

General friends VKontakte

First, this list is formed based on people with whom you have common friends. Next is a whole chain. Those users who in whose profile indicates the same city as yours, the same work and other factors. That is, it is a smart algorithm that constantly updates the list of your possible friends. Suppose you added someone as a friend and immediately, from the list of his friends, there will be those who have common friends with you, and they will be offered to you as your possible acquaintances. This is the principle of operation of the section "Possible friends".

Of course, it is impossible to obtain accurate and reliable information. This is known only by the developers of the site VKontakte. It is possible to make an assumption that VK collects impersonal data that is tied to the identifier, or buys them from other networks. But this is only an assumption, and you should not be afraid, your personal data is not going.


We hope now you figured out how this function works. With the help of it you will find your long-term acquaintances or even get acquainted with people from your city, educational institution.

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