How to name the canal on YouTube


how to name the canal on YouTube

The development of your project depends not only on how much the time to invest in it and how much the quality product is doing, and on how thoughtfully could approach the choice of name for the channel. The name that clings and is easily remembered will be able to make a brand from the usual project. What criteria need to pay attention to invent the correct name for the channel?

How to choose a name for the channel on YouTube

There are only some simple tips, following which, you can choose a suitable nickname. Takes can be divided into two components - creative and analytical. Having collected everything together, you can get a good name that will help to unleash your channel.

Tip 1: Simple, but sonorous name

It is important to know that the more difficult and longer than the nickname, the more difficult it is to remember it, which means that fewer people will be able to share this with their friends. Imagine that some person came across your video, and he liked it. But only because the nickname is too complicated, he could not remember him and find your video after a while, and even more so he could not recommend the channel to his friends. You can pay attention to the fact that many popular video bloggers are used precisely such, easily memorable names.

Light and memorable name of the YouTube channel

Tip 2: The name for which the viewer is understandable which content is waiting for him

It is also a fairly common feathery to use a prefix in the nickname that pointed to the content type that you do. It will be right to make an integral name, one part of which would be your name, and the other - characterized video.

How to name the canal on YouTube 9698_3

For example, razinlifehacks. With this, it is immediately clear that Razin is actually you, and Lifehacks - what the audience should be waiting for this "pieces" channel to help simplify life. Calling the canal in this way, you also attract the target audience. If a part of the name becomes make up, it is immediately clear that the channel is created for the girl to show her how to properly use cosmetics.

Youtube Girls Channel

The same principle works for boys.

Tip 3: Select the name based on key requests

There are free resources on which you can see the statistics of requests in a specific search engine. In this way, you can choose the name based on popular words. Just do not overdo it with phrases, it is still important to remember that nickname should be easily remembered.

Statistics of Query Yandex.

Using this method of inventing the name, your channel will be more often.

Selection of words Yandex.

Tip 4: use of literary techniques for memorable nick

There are many techniques that can somehow help make your name more memorable. Let us give a few of them to have a holistic picture of the right use:

  1. Alliteration. Repetition of the same sounds contributes to the best sound of your brand. Many world-famous companies use such a reception. Take at least dunkin 'donuts or Coca-Cola.
  2. The game of words. This is a joke, which is based on the same sound of words. For example, you drive a channel about cakes, show recipes, etc. So call it narters, which will be a game of words.
  3. Oxymoron. Contliminate name. Also used a variety of companies. This name serves, for example, the "only choice."

You can still list a lot of literary techniques that will help make the name memorable, but these were the main.

These are all the advice that I would like to lead to the choice of Nick for your channel. Do not necessarily follow one to one. Rely on your fantasy, and use the tips only as a tip.

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