How to hide the item "Marital Status" in contact


How to hide the item

Many of the users of VKontakte wish to hide their marital status, but no idea how to do it. Today we will talk about it.

We hide marital status

Filling the Profile of VKontakte, you specify there a different information about yourself. One of the items is marital status. Suppose you indicated it, but after a while they wanted to hide him from prying eyes. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1: hide from all

"Marital status" cannot be hidden separately. Together with it, other profile information will be launched. Alas, but this is the functionality of VKontakte. This is done like this:

  1. To the right at the top of clicking on your name and select "Settings".
  2. Select the VKontakte setup item

  3. We choose "Privacy".
  4. Open the VKontakte Privacy section

  5. Here we are interested in the item "Who sees the basic information of my page." If you wish to hide marital status from everyone, you need to choose "only I".
  6. Hide marital status VKontakte

  7. Now only you will see your marital status.
  8. To understand how others will see your page, downstairs click on the "See how you see your other users".

See how you see your page Other users Vkontakte

Method 2: hide from some people

And what if you want your joint venture to see only some individuals? Then you can choose "all but" in the privacy settings.

Choose everything but in configuring the privacy of VKontakte

Next window will appear where you can configure, from whom to hide your marital status.

Hide marital status from some people VKontakte

Method 3: Open marital status for certain persons

Another way to hide the marital status is to specify only those users to whom it will be displayed for the rest of the same information will become inaccessible.

The last two points in configuring privacy: "Some friends" and "Some Lists of Friends."

The last two items in the privacy settings of VKontakte

If you select the first, a window will appear in which you can mark people who will be displayed by the basic page of the page in which the section "Marital Status".

We choose who will be visible your marital status VKontakte

After that, they will be able to see the basic information specified on your page. But that's not all. You can still group friends by lists, such as classmates or relatives and configure the name of the marital status only for a specific list of friends. For this:

  1. Choose "Some friends listings."
  2. Then you choose from the proposed lists.

Choose the desired list of VKontakte

Method 4: Friends and Friends Friends

We have already disassembled how to make your marital status see only your friends, but you can still set up so that your joint venture is seen and friends of your friends. To do this, choose in the privacy settings "Friends and friends of friends".

Choose friends and friends of friends VKontakte

Method 5: Do not specify marital status

The best way to hide your SP from others, and also leave basic information open to all - do not specify marital status. Yes, in this profile item there is a "not selected" option.

We do not choose a family position VKontakte


Now hide your marital status for you is not a problem. The main thing is to understand the actions performed and a couple of minutes of free time.

See also: How to change marital status VKontakte

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