How to make a link to the VKontakte group


How to make a link to the VKontakte group

In the social network VKontakte you can meet people who leave a link to their own group directly on the main page of their profile. Just about this we will tell.

To date, leave a link to the previously created community is possibly two completely different ways. The described methods are equally suitable for mentioning communities with the type "Public Page" and "Group". Moreover, a link can be marked completely any public, even if you are not his administrator or a regular participant.

Among other things, notice that you can also consolidate a shared record, thereby protecting it from other posts published on the wall of your personal profile.

As you can see, to specify the link to the community, this method from you literally requires the minimum number of actions.

In addition to the article, it is worth noting that each method has positive and negative qualities dropped in the process of use. One way or another, ultimately you can use in two ways in two ways. All the best!

See also: how to hide the page VK

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