How to configure the Internet on Windows XP


How to configure the Internet on Windows XP

After concluding a contract with the Internet provider and installation of cables, we often have to deal with how to make a connection to the network from Windows. This is an inexperienced user it seems complicated. In fact, no special knowledge will be required. Below we will talk in detail how to connect a computer running Windows XP to the Internet.

Internet configuration in Windows XP

If you have fallen into the situation described above, then, most likely the connection parameters are not configured in the operating system. Many providers provide their DNS servers, IP addresses and VPN tunnels, whose data, username and password) must be prescribed in the settings. In addition, no always connections are created automatically, sometimes they have to be created manually.

Step 1: Wizard for creating new connections

  1. Open the "Control Panel" and switches the classic view.

    Go to the classical view of the control panel in Windows XP

  2. Next, go to the "Network Connections" section.

    Switch to the Network Connections section in the Windows XP Control Panel

  3. Click on the menu item "File" and select "New Connection".

    Creating a new connection in the Windows XP Control Panel Connections section

  4. In the starting window of the wizard of new connections, click "Next".

    Go to the next step in the New Connection Wizard Windows XP

  5. Here we leave the selected item "Connect to the Internet".

    Selecting the Parameter Connect to the Internet in the Windows XP New Connection Wizard

  6. Then choose a manual connection. This method allows you to enter the data provided by the provider, such as the username and password.

    Selecting a manual Internet connection in the Windows XP New Connection Wizard

  7. Next, we make a choice in favor of the connection that requests security data.

    Select the connection requesting username and password in the Windows XP New Connection Wizard

  8. We enter the name of the provider. Here you can write anything, no errors will. If you have several connections, it is better to introduce something meaningful.

    Enter the name for a shortcut in the new Windows XP Connection Wizard

  9. Next, we prescribe the data provided by the service provider.

    Enter the username and password in the Windows XP New Connection Wizard

  10. Create a shortcut for connecting on the desktop for the convenience of use and press "ready."

    Creating a shortcut and shutdown Wizard creating new Windows XP connections

Step 2: Setting up DNS

By default, OS is configured to automatically receive IP and DNS addresses. If the Internet provider accesses the worldwide network through its servers, then you must register their data in the network settings. This information (addresses) can be found in the contract or find out by calling support.

  1. After we completed the creation of a new connection with the "Finish" key, a window will open with a query of the username and password. While we cannot connect, because network parameters are not configured. Press the "Properties" button.

    Go to the properties of the new Windows XP connection

  2. Next, we will need the "Network" tab. On this tab, select "TCP / IP" protocol and proceed to its properties.

    Transition to Internet TCP-IP Internet Protocol in Windows XP

  3. In the protocol settings, specify the data obtained from the provider: IP and DNS.

    Enter the IP address and DNS server in the TCP-IP protocol settings in Windows XP

  4. In all windows, press "OK", enter the connections password and connect to the Internet.

    Enter the password and internet connection in the Windows XP operating system

  5. If there is no desire to enter data each time when connected, you can make another setting. In the properties window on the "Parameters" tab, you can remove a tick near the item "request a name, password, certificate, etc.", just need to remember that this action significantly reduces the safety of your computer. The attacker that penetrates the system will be able to freely enter the network from your IP, which can lead to trouble.

    Disable user name and password query in Windows XP

Creating a VPN tunnel

VPN is a virtual private network operating on the principle of "network over network". The data in VPN is transmitted by the encrypted tunnel. As mentioned above, some providers provide Internet access through their VPN servers. Creating such a connection is slightly different from the usual one.

  1. In the wizard instead of connecting to the Internet, select the connection to the network on the desktop.

    Selecting the Parameter to connect to the network on the desktop in the New Windows XP Connection Wizard

  2. Next, switch to the "Connection to Virtual Private Network" parameter.

    Selecting a parameter Connect to VPN in the New Windows XP Connection Wizard

  3. Then enter the name of the new connection.

    Enter the name for a VPN connection label in the New Windows XP Connection Wizard

  4. As we connect directly to the provider server, then the number is not necessary. Select the parameter specified in the figure.

    Disabling input numbers to connect to VPN in the New Connection Wizard of Windows XP

  5. In the next window, enter the data obtained from the provider. It can be both the IP address and the name of the site "".

    Entering an address for connecting to a VPN in the New Connection Wizard Windows XP

  6. As in the case of connecting to the Internet, we set the daw to create a shortcut, and press "ready."

    Enter the user name and password to connect to VPN in Windows XP

  7. We prescribe the username and password, which will also give the provider. You can configure data saving and disable their request.

    Transition to VPN connection properties in Windows XP

  8. Final Setup - Disable mandatory encryption. Go to properties.

    Transition to VPN connection properties in Windows XP

  9. On the Safety tab, we remove the appropriate checkbox.

    Disable VPN encryption in Windows XP

Most often no longer need to set up, but sometimes it is still necessary to register the address of the DNS server for this connection. How to do it, we have already spoken earlier.


As you can see, nothing supernatural in configuring the Internet connection on Windows XP is not. Here the main thing is to accurately follow the instructions and not err when entering the data obtained from the provider. Of course, at first it is necessary to find out how the connection occurs. If it is direct access, then you need IP and DNS addresses, and if the virtual private network, the address of the node (VPN server) and, of course, in both cases, the username and password.

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