Firmware Samsung Wave GT-S8500


Firmware Samsung Wave GT-S8500

No matter how unfortunate decision may call many attempt by Samsung to release its own operating system for smartphones BadaOS, the device of the manufacturer's arsenal, working under its control are characterized by high technical characteristics. Among these devices successful - model Samsung Wave GT-S8500. Hardware smartphone GT-S8500 is quite relevant and today. Suffice it to upgrade or replace the system software of the gadget, and then it becomes possible to use many modern applications. To learn how to perform a firmware model discussed below.

Manipulation of the firmware will require you to the proper level of care and accuracy, as well as strict adherence to the instructions. At the same time, do not forget:

All operations of reinstalling it produced a smartphone at your own risk! Responsibility for the results of ongoing actions rests solely with the user who produces them, but not on the Administration!


Before proceeding with the firmware Samsung Wave GT-S8500, you need to perform some training. For manipulations need a PC or laptop, in the ideal case, running Windows 7, as well as micro-USB cable to interface device. In addition, the need to install Android Micro-SD card of equal to or greater than 4 GB and a card reader.


To ensure interoperability and smartphone-proshivalschika program required drivers installed in the system. The simplest way to add the necessary components in the OS for flashing Samsung Wave GT-S8500, is to install the software for the management and maintenance of the manufacturer's smartphones - Samsung Kies.

Samsung Wave GT-S8500 kies logo

Simply download and then install Kies, following the instructions of the installer and the driver will be added to the system automatically. Download the installer program, you can visit:

Download Kies for Samsung Wave GT-S8500

In any case, the driver package separately avtoinstallyatorom Download link:

Download driver for flashing Samsung Wave GT-S8500


All instructions that follow assume full cleanup Samsung Wave GT-S8500 before installing the software. Before starting the installation of the OS, copy in a safe place important data. In this matter, as in the case of drivers that will have the invaluable help Samsung Kies.

  1. Kiyoshi run and connect your phone to USB-port PC.

    Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Kies connection devaysa

    If the definition of a smartphone in the program will encounter difficulty, follow the advice of the material:

    Read more: Why Samsung Kies does not see the phone?

  2. After conjugation devaysa move the tab "Backup / Restore."
  3. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Back up in Kies

  4. Set the marks in all checkboxes opposite the data types that you want to save. Or use the checkmark "Select All Points" if you need to save absolutely all information from the smartphone.
  5. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 KIES Selection of data for backup

  6. Noting everything you need, click the Backup button. The process of saving information cannot be interrupted.
  7. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Kies data backup process

  8. Upon completion of the operation, the corresponding window will appear. Press the "Complete" button and disconnect the device from the PC.
  9. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 backup completed

  10. Subsequently restore the information is very simple. You should go to the Backup / Restore tab, select the "Restore Data" section. Next, define a backup storage folder and click the Restore button.

SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 KIES Restore data from backup


To date, it is possible to establish two operating systems on the Samsung Wave GT-S8500. It is Badaos and more universal, as well as functional Android. Official firmware methods, unfortunately, do not work, in view of the termination of the release of updates by the manufacturer,

SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Update through Kies does not work

But there are accessible tools that allow you to install one of the systems quite easily. It is recommended to go step by step by executing instructions for installing software, starting from the first method.

Method 1: Badaos 2.0.1 Firmware

SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 must officially function running Badaos. To restore the device in case of loss of performance, software updates, as well as the preparation of a smartphone to further install the modified OS, follow the steps below, implying the use of the Multiloader application as a tool for manipulation.

Download Multiloader Firmware for Samsung Wave GT-S8500

Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Badaos 2 Firmware

  1. Load the link below the package with Badaos and unpack the file archive to a separate directory.

    Download Badaos 2.0 for SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500

  2. Samsung-Wave-GT-S8500-Raspakovannaya-ProShivka-Bada

  3. Unpack the file with the firmware and open the MULTILOADER_V5.67 by double clicking the application icon in the resulting directory.
  4. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 MULTILOADER Running program

  5. In the multiloader window, install the checkbox checkboxes, as well as "Full Download". Also, make sure that the "LSI" item is selected in the hardware platform selection field.
  6. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Boot Change Marks, Full Download, LSI Platform

  7. Click "BOOT" and in the folder overview window that opens, mark the Bootfiles_evtsf folder located in the catalog containing the firmware.
  8. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Catalog Select Bootfiles_EVTSF

  9. The next step is to add files with software data to the firmware. To do this, click on the queue of the button to add separate components and specify the program location of the corresponding files in the Explorer window.

    Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Firmware File Select Buttons

    Everything is filled in accordance with the table:

    Samsung Wave GT-S8500 File Name Table for Multiloader

    By selecting a component, click "Open".

    • "AMMS" button - file amms.bin.;
    • Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader AMMSS Button - AMSS.BIN File

    • "Apps";
    • Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Apps - Apps_Compressed.bin

    • "RSRC1";

    • "RSRC2";
    • Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader RSCR2 - RSRC2_S8500 (LOW) .rc2

    • "Factory FS";
    • Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Factory FS - factoryfs_s8500_open_europe_slav.ffs

    • "Fota".
  10. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Fota Bplib_s8500opeuroslav.fota

  11. Fields "Tune", "etc", "PFS" remain empty. Before you start downloading files in the device's memory, Multiloader should look like this:
  12. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 MULTILOADER C Downloaded firmware files

  13. Translate Samsung GT-S8500 to system software installation mode. This is done using the press on the disabled smartphone of three hardware buttons at the same time: "Reduce the volume", "Unlock", "Enable".
  14. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Firmware Downloads in Download Mode

  15. The keys must be retained while the screen does not appear: "Download Mode".

    Additionally: If you have a "chipped" smartphone that cannot be translated into download mode because of a low battery charge, you need to pull out and install the battery, and then connect the charger while holding the "Removing Tube" key on the machine. The image of the battery will appear on the screen and Wave GT-S8500 will start charging.

  17. Connect the Wave GT-S8500 to the port of the USB computer. The smartphone is determined by the system, which is indicated by the appearance of the Som port notation at the bottom of the Multiloader window and the display of the "Ready" mark in the field nearby.

    Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Smartphone decided right

    When this does not happen and the device is not determined by clicking the "Port Search" button.

  18. Everything is ready to start the Badaos firmware. Click "Download".
  19. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader button download

  20. Wait until the files are written in the device's memory. Watch the course of the process allows the log field on the left part of the Multiloader window, as well as the fill-in indicator of the progress of file transfer.
  21. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Progress Firmware 3

  22. It will be necessary to wait about 10 minutes, after which the device will be automatically rebooted in Bada 2.0.1.

Samsung Wave GT-S8500 first launch Badaos 2 after firmware

Method 2: Bada + Android

In the event that Bada OS functional is not enough to perform modern tasks, you can use the possibility of installing the Android operating system in Wave GT-S8500. The enthusiasts ported the Android for the smartphone under consideration and created a solution to use the device in dual loading mode. Android is loaded from the memory card, but at the same time BADA 2.0 remains untouched by the system and starts if necessary.

Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Android on the flash drive + Bada

Step 1: Preparing a Memory Card

Before switching to the installation of android, prepare the memory card using the features of the Minitool Partition Wizard application. This tool will allow you to create sections needed for system performance.

Step 2: Android Installation

Before moving to the installation of Android, it is extremely recommended to flash Badaos on the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 by performing all the steps of the method number 1 above.

The performance of the method is guaranteed only if Badaos 2.0 is installed in the device!

  1. Load the link below and unpack the archive containing all the necessary components. Also need a Multiloader_v5.67 flash drive.
  2. Download android to install on Samsung Wave GT-S8500 memory card

  3. Copy the memory card prepared by Minitool Partition Wizard, file image boot.img and patch Wi-Fi + BT Wave From the unpacked archive (directory android_s8500), as well as a folder ClockworkMod. . After the files are transferred, you set the card into the smartphone.
  4. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Android installation files on a memory card

  5. We flash the "Fota" section through Multiloader_v5.67, following the steps of the S8500 firmware mode number 1 above in the article. To write use the file Fboot_s8500_b2x_sd.fota. From the archive with Android installation files.
  6. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Multiloader Fota Firmware

  7. Come in Recovery. To do this, simultaneously click on the SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 button turned off the "Enlargement of the Volume" button and "Put the Tube".
  8. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 entrance to the recovery

  9. Hold buttons before booting Philz Touch 6 Recovery Recovery Environment.
  10. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Philz Touch Recovery

  11. After entering the recovery, you make a cleaning of memory from the data contained in it. To do this, select item (1), then the cleaning function for installing a new firmware (2), and then confirm the readiness for the beginning of the procedure, tapping on the item noted in the screenshot (3).
  12. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Cleaning Sections in Philz Touch Recovery

  13. Loading the appearance of the inscription "Now Flash A New Rom".
  14. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Cleaning Sections in Philz Touch Recovery Completed

  15. Returning to the main screen of the recovery and go to the "Backup & Restore" item, then select "Misc Nandroid Settings" and remove the mark from the "MD5 Checksum" checkbox;
  16. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Philz Touch Recovery Backup MD5 Checksum

  17. New go to "Backup & Restore" and run "Restore from / Storage / SDCard0", then tap the name of the package with the firmware "2015-01-" . To start recording information in the SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 memory card sections, click "Yes Restore".
  18. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Philz Touch Recovery Installation Android

  19. The process of installing the Android will begin, waiting for its completion, which will tell the inscription "Restore Complete!" In the lines of the log.
  20. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Philz Touch Recovery android Progress

  21. Go to the "Install Zip" Punch of the main screen of the recovery, choose "Choose Zip From / Storage / SDCard0".

    Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Philz Touch Recovery Patch Installation Wi-Fi + BT

    Next Install Patch Wi-Fi + BT Wave

  22. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Philz Touch Recovery Patch Wi-Fi + BT Installed

  23. Return to the main screen of the recovery environment and tap "Reboot System Now".
  24. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Philz Touch Recovery Reboot System Now

  25. The first launch in android can last up to 10 minutes, but as a result you get a relatively fresh solution - Android Kitkat!
  26. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Android Kiket on the memory card

  27. To start Badaos 2.0 you need to click on the "Make a call" + "Complete Call" phone at the same time. Android will run by default, i.e. By pressing "inclusion".

Method 3: Android 4.4.4

If you are decided to finally abandon Bada on the Samsung Wave GT-S8500 in favor of Android, you can flash the last to the internal memory of the device.

In the example below, the Android Kitkat port is specially modified by enthusiasts for the device under consideration. Download the archive containing everything you need, you can link:

Download Android Kitkat for Samsung Wave GT-S8500

SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Badadroid

  1. Install Bada 2.0, performing the steps of the SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 firmware mode above in the article.
  2. Load and unpack the archive with the necessary files to install Android Kitkat on the link above. Also unpack the archive . As a result, the following should be:
  3. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Files for Android 4.4 firmware in Explorer

  4. Start the firmware and record the three components from the unpacked archive in the device:
    • "Bootfiles" (Catalog Bootfiles_s8500xxkl5.);
    • SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Installation Android Boot Firmware

    • "RSRC1" (file SRC_8500_START_KERNEL_KITKAT.RC1);
    • SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Installation Android Firmware RSRC1

    • "Fota" (file Fboot_s8500_b2x_onenand.fota.).

    SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Installation Android Focus Fota

  5. Add files in the same way as the steps of the BADA installation instructions, then connect the phone translated into the system software download mode, with the YUSB port and click "Download".
  6. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Installation Android Firmware Booth, Core, Fota Progress

  7. The result of the previous step will be rebooting the device in TeamwinRecovery (TWRP).
  8. Go along the path: "Advanced" - "Terminal Command" - "SELECT".
  9. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 TWRP ADVAHCED - Terminal Command - Select

  10. Next, write in the terminal command: sh, press "ENTER" and expect the appearance of the inscription "Partitions Had Been Prepared" upon completion of the section preparation operation.

  11. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 TWRP Team SH - Partitions Has Been Prepared

  12. Returning to the TWRP Main Screen by clicking the "Back" button, select the "reboot" item, then "Recovery" and shifter the Swipe to Reboot switch to the right.
  13. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 TWRP Reboot Recovery

  14. After recovery restarts, connect the smartphone to the PC and press the button: "Mount", "Enable MTP".


    This will allow the device to decide on the computer as a removable drive.

  15. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 TWRP Defined as a Removable Disk

  16. Open the conductor and copy the package In the internal memory of the device or a memory card.
  17. Samsung Wave GT-S8500 Installation Android Firmware In Memory

  18. Tap the "Disable MTP" button and return to the main screen of the recovery using the "BACK" button.

  20. Next, click "Install" and specify the path to the package with the firmware.

    Samsung Wave GT-S8500 TWRP Start Setting Package with Android

    After shifting the switch "Swipe to Confirm Flash", the process of recording the Android will start the process of recording the device.

  21. Loading the appearance of the message "Successful" and restart Samsung Wave GT-S8500 to a new OS by clicking the "Reboot System" button.
  22. SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 TWRP Firmware Android Completed

  23. After longer initialization of the installed firmware, the smartphone will boot into the modified Android version 4.4.4.

    SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Android 4.4.4 About Phone

    A completely stable solution, which will say openly, in the outdated morality to the mass of new opportunities!

SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 Android installed

In conclusion, I would like to note, three SAMSUNG WAVE GT-S8500 firmware methods described above really allow you to "refresh" a smartphone in the program plan. The results of the execution of the instructions are even surprised in a good understanding of this word. The device, despite the old age, after the firmware performs modern tasks very worthy, so we should not be afraid of experiments!

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