How to disconnect the keyboard on the Windows 10 laptop


How to disconnect the keyboard on the Windows 10 laptop

In some situations, the user may need to turn off the keyboard in the laptop. In Windows 10, this can be done with standard tools or programs.

Turn off the keyboard on a laptop with Windows 10

You can disable the equipment using the built-in tools or use the special software that will do everything for you.

Method 1: Kid Key Lock

Free application that allows you to disconnect the mouse buttons, separate combinations or the entire keyboard. Available in English.

Download Kid Key Lock from the official website

  1. Download and run the program.
  2. Find the tray and click on the Kid Key Lock icon.
  3. Mouse over "Locks" and click on "Lock All Keys".
  4. Turning off the laptop keyboard using a special KID KEY LOCK program in Windows 10

  5. Now the keyboard is blocked. If you need to unlock it, just uncheck the mark with the corresponding option.

Method 2: "Local Group Policy"

This method is available in Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise, Education.

  1. Press Win + S and enter the "Dispatcher" in the search field.
  2. Select Device Manager.
  3. Finding Device Manager in Windows 10

  4. Find the desired equipment in the "Keyboard" tab and select "Properties" in the menu. Difficulties with the search for the desired object should not occur, since one equipment is usually located there if you, of course, have not connected an additional keyboard.
  5. Go to the properties of the laptop keyboard in the Windows Device Manager 10

  6. Go to the "Details" tab and select ED EDD.
  7. Click on the ID Right-click and click "Copy".
  8. Copying a laptop keyboard ID in Windows 10 Device Manager

  9. Now execute Win + R and write a gpedit.msc in the search field.
  10. Running Group Policy in Windows 10

  11. Go along the "Computer Configuration" path - "Administrative Templates" - "System" - "Installing Devices" - "Restrictions on Device Installation".
  12. Click two times to "disable the installation of devices ...".
  13. Using the Local Group Policy Editor in Windows 10 to turn off the keyboard for a laptop

  14. Turn on the parameter and check the box next to "also apply for ...".
  15. Enabling the device installation of devices with specified devices in Windows 10

  16. Click on the "Show ..." button.
  17. Insert the copied value and click "OK", and after "apply".
  18. Copy of the laptop keyboard driver ID for shutdown in Windows 10

  19. Restart the laptop.
  20. To enable everything back, just put the "Disable" value in the "Pre-install for ..." parameter.

Method 3: "Device Manager"

Using the Device Manager, you can disable or delete keyboard drivers.

  1. Go to the Device Manager.
  2. Find the appropriate equipment and call it the context menu on it. Select "Disable". If this item is not, select "Delete".
  3. Removing a laptop keyboard driver using device manager in Windows 10

  4. Confirm the action.
  5. To turn on the equipment back, you will need to do the same steps, but choose the item "Enter". If you deleted the driver, then in the top menu, click on "Actions" - "update the equipment configuration".
  6. Configuration update using device manager in windows 10

Method 4: "Command String"

  1. Call the context menu on the Start icon and click on the "Command Line (Administrator)".
  2. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator in Windows 10

  3. Copy and paste the following command:

    Rundll32 Keyboard, Disable

  4. Turning off the laptop keyboard in Windows 10 using the command line with administrator privileges

  5. Run by pressing ENTER.
  6. To return everything back, execute the command

    Rundll32 Keyboard, Enable

  7. Turning on the laptop keyboard using the command line in Windows 10

Here are such methods you can block the keyboard operation on a laptop with Windows OS 10.

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