How to make a link VKontakte in the group


How to make a link VKontakte in the group

The overwhelming majority of users of the VKontakte social network somehow came across a special link "Links" in various communities. Just about this part of the functional offered to the owners of groups and public pages, we will tell you in this article.

Specify URLs in the VKontakte community can any user with appropriate authority in the group editing plan. In this case, each added link is not fixed by the user who added it and remains in the relevant section when changing the rights of participants.

It is also worth noting that adding addresses is possible equally both in the community with the type "group" and on the "public page".

Before proceeding to the main methods, it is important to mention the additional possibility of the social network of VC, thanks to which each user can create hyperlinks inside VK. You can learn more about this part of the functional by reading the appropriate articles on our website.

As mentioned, this method is only auxiliary and in most cases unacceptable.

First of all, it is worth noting that, thanks to the "Links" block, you can, without any visible restrictions, mention in your community any other group or even a whole third-party site. Moreover, in contrast to contacts for each address, the corresponding images that are directly related to the specified URL will be assigned.

  1. Being on the main page of the public page, at the bottom right, click the "Add link" button.
  2. Go to the Add Links window on the Community Main page on VKontakte website

  3. On the page that opens at the top on the right, click the appropriate "Add link" button.
  4. Go to the Add Links window in the Community Management section on VKontakte website

  5. Enter the address of the desired site or any other section of the social network in the presented field.
  6. The reference process in the Community Management section on VKontakte website

    You can, for example, specify the URL copy of your community to another social. network.

  7. After entering the desired URL address, you will automatically be asked the image, to change which is sometimes possible by clicking on the picture itself.
  8. Automatically assigned image for reference in Community Management on VKontakte website

  9. Fill in the field located on the right side of the image mentioned, in accordance with the title of the site.
  10. Filling a field with the title of the site in the Community Management section on the VKontakte website

  11. Click the Add button to place the link on the Community page.
  12. Confirmation of adding links to Community Management on VKontakte website

    Be careful, because after adding an address you can edit exclusively a picture and heading!

  13. In addition to all, notice that for internal links on the Vkontakte site you can add a brief description that can act, for example, the name of the post.
  14. Ability to add a description to link in the Community Management on VKontakte website

  15. Being in the "Links" section, where you were automatically redirected from the main page, you are given the ability to sort all these addresses. To do this, hover the mouse over the field with the desired URL, clamp the left mouse button and drag it to the right place.
  16. Ability to drag links in the Community Management section on VKontakte website

  17. Due to the successful implementation of the prescriptions, the specified addresses will appear on the main page.
  18. Successful links on the community home page on VKontakte website

  19. To quickly go to the "Links" section, use the "Ed." Signature, located on the right side of the block name.
  20. Quick transition to Links section through the Main Community Page on VKontakte website

On this process of adding links using the full version of the site, you can complete.

Compared to the previously mentioned method, this method is simpler. This is due to the fact that the mobile application VKontakte provides only some possibilities from the full version of this resource.

  1. Enter the mobile application VK and go to the Main Community Page.
  2. Go to the Main Community Page through the Groups section in Mobile Input VKontakte

  3. Being on the main Page Public, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Go to the Community Management section on the Community Main page in Mobile Input VKontakte

  5. Scroll through the submitted list of partitions to the "Link" and click on it.
  6. Go to Links section in the Community Management section in Mobile Input VKontakte

  7. Click on the Icon with the Plus Image in the upper right corner of the page.
  8. Go to the Add Links window in the Community Management section in Mobile Input VKontakte

  9. Fill in the "Address" and "Description" fields in accordance with your requirements.
  10. Filling fields Address and description when adding a link in the Community Management section in Mobile Input VKontakte

    In this case, the "Description" field is the same than the graph "Title" In the full version of the site.

  11. Click the OK button to add a new address.
  12. Adding a new link in the Community Management section in Mobile Input VKontakte

  13. After that, the URL will be added to the list in the "Links" and to the corresponding block on the main community page.
  14. Successful link to Community Management in Mobile Input VKontakte

As you can see, this method blocks the possibility of adding a picture, which significantly affects visual perception. Owing to this feature, it is recommended to work with this functionality from the full version of the site.

In addition to all the above methods for adding URLs, it is recommended to carefully read the wiki-section VKontakte, which, with proper use, also allows you to add links.

See also:

How to create wiki page VK

How to create menu VK

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