LiveUpdate.exe: Application error


LiveUpdate.exe Error

The error associated with LiveUpdate.exe often appears as a result of the failure during the installation / update of any program or the Windows operating system, but in the second case, the consequences for the computer can be fatal.

Causes of error

In fact, they are not so much, here is the full list:
  • Penetration of malicious software on a computer. In this case, the virus most likely replaced / deleted the executable file;
  • Registry damage;
  • Conflict with another program / OS installed on a computer;
  • Interrupting installation.

Fortunately, in most cases, these reasons are not fatal for PC performance and can easily be eliminated.

Method 1: Refix records in the registry

During the long-term use of Windows, the system registry can be clogged by various residual records that remain from remote programs. Most often, such records do not bring tangible inconvenience to the user, however, when they accumulate too much, the system does not have time to clean the registry itself, and as a result - various "brakes" and errors appear.

Manually cleanse the registry is categorically not recommended even to experienced PC users, as it is very high, the risk of irreparable damage to the operating system. In addition, manual cleaning of the registry from the garbage will take too much time, so it is recommended to use a specialized software for cleaning.

Further instructions will be considered on the example of CCleaner, since there you can be in addition to cleaning the registry, create a backup copy and clear your computer from system files and duplicate files. Perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the "Registry" section, which is in the left menu.
  2. Registry in CCleaner

  3. In the "Registry integrity" it is recommended to note all points.
  4. Select the integrity items in CCleaner

  5. Then click on the "Problems" button.
  6. Search for problems with registry in CCleaner

  7. Wait for the end of the scan and click on "Fix the selected ...".
  8. Fix the selected CCleaner registry

  9. A window will open where you will be prompted to create a backup of the registry. It is recommended to agree.
  10. Confirmation of the backup of the registry in CCleaner

  11. "Explorer" will open, where you have to choose a folder to save the copy.
  12. Choosing a copy of the CCleaner registry

  13. Now Ccleaner will continue to clean the registry. Upon its completion, he will notice you. Typically, the procedure takes no more than 5 minutes.

Method 2: PC scanning for malicious software

Sometimes a virus penetrates on a PC, which can access system folders in different ways. If this happens, the mistake associated with LiveUpdate.exe is one of the most innocuous options for developing events. Most often, the virus simply hides the executable file and replaces it to its copy, makes adjustments in the file itself or changes the data in the registry. In this case, you can easily correct the situation by simply by making a scanning of the antivirus program and deleting a detected virus.

For such cases, an anti-virus package with a free license may well (including built into the MS Windows Defender). Consider the OS scanning process on the example of a standard anti-virus package that is in each Windows protector. The instruction looks like this:

  1. Open the defender. In the main window you can view information about the status of the computer. The program sometimes scans the system for malware. If she discovered something, then the main screen should have a warning and a proposal for further actions. It is recommended to delete or apply a dangerous file / program to a quarantine.
  2. Windows Defender Main Screen

  3. If the start screen does not have any alerts about problems with PC, then run manual scanning. To do this, pay attention to the right side of the screen, where scan options are shown. Select "Full" and click on the "Check Now" button.
  4. Selection of scanning option in the defender

  5. Comprehensive scanning takes a lot of time, as the entire computer is checked. It usually takes 2-5 hours (depending on the computer and the number of files on it). Upon completion, you will be given a list of suspicious and dangerous files / programs. Select an action relative to each element of the list provided. All dangerous and potentially dangerous elements are recommended to remove. You can try to "cure" by choosing the appropriate point in the list of actions, but this does not always give a positive result.

If the process of scanning the defender did not reveal anything, then you can also check more advanced antiviruses. For example, a free version of Dr. can be used as a free analog. Web or any paid product having a demo-period (Kaspersky and Avast antiviruses)

In very rare cases, the virus may damage the LiveUpdate.exe executable file that no treatment and cleaning helps. In this case, it will have to either make the restoration of the system, or completely reinstall the OS, if everything is completely hopeless.

Lesson: how to make a system recovery

Method 3: Cleaning OS from garbage

Over time, Windows accumulates a lot of garbage on disks, which may in some cases break the operation of the OS. Fortunately, special-cubs and built-in Windows defragmentation devices will help to get rid of it.

Consider basic cleaning from garbage using the CCleaner program on the example of a step-by-step instruction:

  1. Open CCleaner. By default, there must open the section on cleaning discs from garbage. If it has not opened, select it in the left pane. Cleaning menu item.
  2. Cleaning in CCleaner

  3. Initially, clean the residual Windows files. To do this, select "Windows". All necessary items for cleaning will be marked by default. If you need, you can choose additional cleaning parameters, marking them with a check mark.
  4. Clearing Windows Section in CCleaner

  5. Now you need to find various trash and broken files. Use the Analysis button.
  6. Analysis of space in CCleaner

  7. The analysis will last about 1-5 minutes. After that, delete the objects found by clicking on "Cleaning". Cleaning usually takes some time, but if you have accumulated several dozen gigabytes of garbage, it can take a couple of hours.
  8. Deleting garbage files in CCleaner

  9. Now items 3 and 4 do for the "Applications" section.

If the disc cleaning is not helped in this way, it is recommended to carry out complete disk defragmentation. Over time, the disk OS disk is fragmented to certain sections where information about various files and programs is saved, including remote from the computer. Information about the latter and can call this error. After defragmentation, unused data on remote programs disappear.

Lesson: how to conduct disk defragmentation

Method 4: Check the relevance of drivers

Pretty rarely, but still an error with liveupdate.exe may arise due to incorrectly installed drivers and / or the fact that they have long been updated. Outdated drivers can maintain the normal operation of the equipment, but may also cause many errors.

Fortunately, they can easily be updated both with third-party software and using built-in Windows. Update and check manually each driver is long, so you will initially consider how to update and / or reinstall all the drivers to once with the DriverPack Solution program. Step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. Download the DriverPack utility from the official site. It does not require installation on the computer and can be launched immediately after downloading.
  2. Main page utilities will meet you as a proposal to automatically update drivers. It is not recommended to click on the "Configure Your Computer Automatically" button, as different browsers and Avast antivirus will be installed in addition to drivers. Instead, enter the extended settings by clicking on the "Enter the Expert mode" button, which is at the bottom of the screen.
  3. DRIVERPACK Main Screen

  4. Now go to "Soft", clicking on the icon, which is located on the left side of the screen.
  5. There, remove the checkboxes from those programs that you do not consider it necessary for your computer. On the contrary, you can check the programs that you would like to see on your computer.
  6. List of software in DrivrPack

  7. Go back to "Drivers" and select "Install All". Scanning system and installation will take no more than 10 minutes.
  8. Install Driver In Driverpack

Usually, after this procedure, the problem with liveupdate.exe should disappear, but if this does not happen, it means that the problem lies in something else. In rare cases, the error can be eliminated by manual reinstalling drivers.

For more information on the drivers, you will find on our website in a special category.

Method 5: Installing System Updates

OS update helps to solve many problems with it, especially if it has not been done for a long time. You can update very easily from the Windows interface. It is worth considering that in most cases you do not need to download anything in advance on the computer, prepare the installation flash drive, etc.

The whole procedure is made from the operating system and takes no more than 2 hours. However, you need to remember that the instruction for each version of the OS may differ.

Windows updates

With us you can find materials regarding Windows 8, 7 and 10 updates.

Method 6: System Scanning

This method is recommended for greater efficiency after the methods described above were used. If they even helped, then for the prevention, spend scanning and correcting other errors in the system using this method. Fortunately, for this you will need only the "Command Line".

Perform a small instruction:

  1. Open the "Command Line". It can be called by both the CMD command in the "Run" row (the string is called a combination of Win + R) and using a combination of Win + X.
  2. CMD team

  3. Enter the SFC / SCANNOW command, then press ENTER.
  4. Windows scan command

  5. A system check will be launched for errors that can take sufficient time. During check, the detected errors are corrected.

On our site you can find out how to enter the secure mode on Windows 10, 8 and XP.

Method 7: System Restore

In 99%, this method should help get rid of an error regarding failures in system files and registry. To restore the system, you will need to download the image of the operating system, which at the moment you have installed and write it on the USB flash drive.

System Restore Select Select Windows 7 Recovery Date

Read more: How to make a system recovery

Method 8: Full Reinstalling System

Prior to that, almost never comes, but even if the recovery did not help or it turned out for some reason it is impossible, you can try to re-install Windows. In this case, you need to understand that there is a risk of losing all your personal data and configurations on your computer.

You will need a media with any recorded version of Windows to reinstall. The reinstallation process is almost completely similar to the usual installation. The only difference is that you have to remove the old OS, formatting the C drive, but it is not necessary.

Installing Windows 10 - Language Select

On our site you will find detailed instructions for installing Windows XP, 7, 8.

Methods to cope with LIVEUPDATE.exe error set. Some are universal and are suitable for eliminating various errors of similar type.

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