Download Drivers for Dell Inspiron 3521


Download Drivers for Dell Inspiron 3521

Each computer device requires special software. In laptops such components are a huge set, and each of them requires its software. Therefore, it is important to know how to install Drivers for the Dell Inspiron 3521 laptop.

Driver installation for Dell Inspiron 3521

There are several efficient ways to install the driver for the Dell Inspiron 3521 laptop. It is important to understand how each of them works, and try to choose something most attractive for yourself.

Method 1: Official Dell Site

The manufacturer's Internet resource is a real storehouse of various software. That is why we are looking for the drivers there first.

  1. Go to the official website of the manufacturer.
  2. In the header of the site we find the section "Support". We make a single click.
  3. Location Section Dell Inspiron 3521 Support

  4. As soon as we click on the name of this section, a new row appears where you need to choose

    Point "Product Support".

  5. The pop-up window with the support of the product Dell Inspiron 3521

  6. For further work it is necessary that the site define the laptop model. Therefore, click on the link "Choose from all products".
  7. Product Choice Dell Inspiron 3521

  8. After that, a new pop-up window appears in front of us. In it, we click on the link "Laptops".
  9. Dell Inspiron 3521 Laptop Choice

  10. Next, select the "INSPIRON" model.
  11. Dell Inspiron 3521 Laptop Model Selection

  12. In a huge list, we find the full name of the model. It is more convenient for this step to use either built-in search, or the one that offers the site.
  13. Finding the full name model Dell Inspiron 3521

  14. Only now we come to the personal page of the device, where we are interested in the "Drivers and Downloadable Materials" section.
  15. Location Section Drivers and Downloadable materials Dell Inspiron 3521

  16. To begin with, we use the manual search method. It is most relevant in cases where each software is not required, but only some definite. To do this, click on the "Find yourself" option.
  17. Manual Drivers Search Dell Inspiron 3521

  18. After that, a complete list of drivers appears before us. To see them in more detail, you must click on the arrow next to the title.
  19. Arrow Next to the title of Dell Inspiron 3521_010 Dell Inspiron 3521

  20. To download the driver, you must click on the "Load" button.
  21. Download button Dell Inspiron 3521

  22. Sometimes, as a result of this loading, a file with an exe extension is downloaded, and sometimes an archive. The considered driver of a small size, so there was no need to reduce its need.
  23. File Expansion Exe Dell Inspiron 3521

  24. It does not require special knowledge for its installation, you can make the necessary actions, just following the prompts.

After the work is completed, the computer is restarted. On this parsing of the first way is over.

Method 2: Automatic Search

This method is also associated with the work of the official website. At the very beginning, we chose a manual search, but there is also automatic. Let's try to install drivers with it.

  1. To begin with, we produce all the same actions from the first method, but only up to 8 points. After it, we are interested in the section "I need instructions", where you need to choose "Search for Drivers".
  2. Location search Drivers Dell Inspiron 3521

  3. The first thing will appear the load line. You just need to wait until the page is prepared.
  4. Waiting for the Dell Inspiron 3521 page

  5. Immediately after that, "Dell System Detect" becomes useful. First you need to accept the license agreement, for this we put a tick in the specified location. After that, click "Continue".
  6. DELL INSPIRON 3521 License Agreement

  7. Further work is carried out in the utility that downloads to the computer. But to start it is required to install.
  8. Installation of the Dell Inspirion 3521 utility

  9. As soon as the download is over, you can go to the manufacturer's website, where the first three stages of automatic search should be passed. It remains only to wait until the system selects the desired software.
  10. It remains only to establish what was offered by the site, and restart the computer.

On this method, the method is over, if it has not yet been able to install the driver, you can safely move on to the following methods.

Method 3: Official utility

Often, the manufacturer creates a utility that automatically determines the presence of drivers, downloads the missing and updates the old one.

  1. In order to download the utility, you must execute the instruction 1 of the method, but only up to 10 item, where we will need to find "applications" in the large list. Opening this section, you need to find the "Load" button. Click on it.
  2. Loading the DELL Inspiron 3521 utility

  3. After that, the file is loaded with the exe extension begins. Open it immediately after completing the download.
  4. Next, we need to install the utility. To do this, click on the "Install" button.
  5. Instal Dell Inspiron 3521 Button

  6. The installation wizard is launched. The first greeting window can be skipped by selecting the "Next" button.
  7. Dell Inspiron 3521 Installation Wizard

  8. After that, we are offered to read the license agreement. At this stage, it is enough to put a tick and click "Next".
  9. License Agreement within Dell Inspiron 3521

  10. Only at this stage the utility setting begins. Once again, click on the "Install" button.
  11. Installing Dell Inspiron 3521 Utilities

  12. Immediately after this, the installation wizard begins its work. The necessary files are unpaid, the utility is loaded to the computer. It remains a bit wait.
  13. Unpacking the Dell Inspiron 3521 files

  14. At the end just click on FINISH
  15. End of loading Dell Inspiron 3521

  16. The little window also needs to be closed, so we choose "Close".
  17. Closing of the Little Window Dell Inspiron 3521

  18. The utility does not actively actively, as it spends its scanning in the background. Only a small icon on the "taskbar" gives it to work.
  19. Icon in tray Dell Inspiron 3521

  20. If any driver needs to be updated, an alert will be displayed on the computer. Otherwise, the utility will not give out of themselves - this is an indication that all software is in perfect order.

This described method is completed.

Method 4: third-party programs

Each device can be provided by a driver without entering the manufacturer's official website. It is enough to use one of the third-party programs that conduct the laptop scan in automatic mode, and also download and install drivers. If you are not familiar with such applications, then you can definitely read our article, where each of them is described as much as possible.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers


The leader among the programs of the segment under consideration can be called Driver Booster. It is ideal for computers, where there is no software or it needs to be updated, as it downloads all drivers entirely, and not separately. Installation occurs simultaneously for several devices, which reduces the waiting time to a minimum. Let's try to figure it out in such a program.

  1. As soon as the application is loaded to the computer, it should be installed. To do this, run the installation file and click on "Accept and Install".
  2. Welcome window in Driver Booster Dell Inspiron 3521

  3. Next, the system scanning begins. The process is mandatory, it is impossible to miss it. Therefore, we simply wait for the end of the program.
  4. Scanning System for Dell Inspiron 3521 Drivers

  5. After scanning, a complete list of old or unidentified drivers will appear. Working with each of them can be done separately or activate the download of all at the same time.
  6. Dell Inspiron 3521 Driver Scan Result

  7. Once all drivers on the computer correspond to the current versions, the program completes its work. Just restart the computer.

On this analysis of the way it is over.

Method 5: Device ID

For each device there is a unique number. With this data, you can find a driver for any laptop component without downloading programs or utilities. It is quite simple, because you only need an internet connection. For more detailed instructions, you should switch the hyperlink below.

Search driver by ID Dell Inspiron 3521

Read more: Search for hardware drivers

Method 6: Windows standard tools

If you need drivers, but do not want to download programs and attend extraneous sites, then this method clearly suits you more than others. All work occurs in standard Windows applications. The method is ineffective, as standard software is often installed, and not specialized. But at the first time this is enough.

Driver Updates using Windows Dell Inspiron 3521

Read more: Installing drivers with standard Windows tools

On this dissemination of working methods for installing drivers for the Dell Inspiron 3521 laptop is completed.

Read more