How to start the Windows 7 updates


Updates in Windows 7

Setting the current update is an important condition for the correctness of the functioning and security of your computer. The user can choose how to install them: manual or automatic. But in any case, this service must be running "Update Windows». Let's learn how to include this element of the system using a variety of techniques in Windows 7.

Turn on automatic updating setting in the box Support Center in Windows 7

In the second case start window options «Windows Update." About what to do in it, we will talk in detail with reference to the following method.

The transition to the Windows Update settings in the Support Center in Windows 7

Method 2: Settings "Update"

To solve the problem in front of us can directly open to the options "Update."

  1. Earlier we described how you can go to the options screen via the tray icon. Now we look at a more standard version of the transition. It is important also because it is not every time a similar situation appears in the system tray the icon, which was mentioned above. Point and click "Start" and then click "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Next, select the "System and Security."
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Click "Windows Update."
  6. Moving to Windows Update under System and Security in Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. The left vertical window menu move on "Customize settings."
  8. Transition settings window from Windows Update in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  9. Run setting "Update." To initiate the service to start, just press the button «OK» in the current window. The only condition is that in the "Critical Updates" was not set status "Do not check for updates." If it is set, then necessarily need to push the button «OK» to replace it with another, otherwise the service will not be activated. By selecting the option from the list in this field you can specify how download and install updates:
    • Fully automatic;
    • Background downloading with manual;
    • To manually search for and install updates.

settings dialog box in Windows Update in Windows 7

Method 3: "Service Manager"

Sometimes none of the activation algorithm does not work. The reason is that in the properties of the service type is specified activation "Disabled." Start can produce, exclusively using the "Service Manager".

  1. Open in the "Control Panel" window "System and Security". Actions on the transition here were considered in the previous method. Click on the "Administration" item in the list of sections.
  2. Go to Administration section in the System and Security section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  3. The list of utilities opens. Click "Services".

    Go to Services Manager from Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

    You can activate the "Dispatcher" and through the "Run" window. Click Win + R. Make:


    Click OK.

  4. Go to Services Manager by entering a command to run in Windows 7

  5. The "dispatcher" is launched. Lay the name "Windows Update Center" in the list of items. The search task will be simplified if you build elements by alphabetically by clicking on the "Name". A sign that the service is disabled is the lack of inscriptions "Works" in the Status column. If the "Type Type" is displayed in the "Startup Type" window, then this reports that it is possible to activate the element by applying the transition to properties, and no other way.
  6. Windows Update Update Service is disabled to Service Manager in Windows 7

  7. To perform this, click on the name of the right mouse button (PCM) and select "Properties".
  8. Switch to the Windows Service Center Properties in Service Manager in Windows 7

  9. In the running window, change the value in the "Startup Type" list to any other, depending on how you want to include the service when you activate the system: manually or automatically. But it is recommended to choose the option "automatically". Click "Apply" and "OK".
  10. Windows Service Properties window Windows Update in Windows 7 Manager

  11. If you choose the option "Automatically", then the service can be started by simply reloading the computer or using one of those methods described above or will be described below. If the "Manual" option was selected, then the launch can be made using the same methods, excluding the reboot. But the inclusion can be made directly from the "dispatcher" interface. Mark in the list of Windows Update Center. Left click "Run".
  12. Switch to the launch of Windows Update Center in Service Manager in Windows 7

  13. Activation is performed.
  14. Running Windows Update Center in Windows 7 Service Manager

  15. The service is running. This is evidenced by changing the status in the Status column on "works".

Windows Update Center is running in Windows 7 Service Manager

There are situations when all statuses say that the service works, but still, the system is not updated, and the problem icon is displayed in the tray. Then may help restart. Highlight in the Windows Update List and click "Restart" in the left side of the shell. After that, check the performance of the activated item by attempting to install the update.

Go to restart Service Windows Update Center in Windows 7 Service Manager

Method 4: "Command String"

To solve the question discussed in this topic, you can also with the input of the expression in the "Command Line". At the same time, the "command line" must necessarily be activated with administrative rights, and otherwise access to the execution of the operation will not be obtained. Another basic condition is that in the properties of the started service should not stand the start type "disabled".

  1. Click "Start" and select "All Programs".
  2. Transition to all programs through the control panel in Windows 7

  3. Come in the "Standard" directory.
  4. Switch to folder standard via the control panel in Windows 7

  5. In the list of applications, click PCM on the "Command Line". Click on "Run on the administrator".
  6. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator using the context menu through the control panel in Windows 7

  7. The tool is launched with administrative capabilities. Enter the command:

    Net Start Wuauserv

    Click ENTER.

  8. Enter the command in the command line window in Windows 7

  9. The update service will be activated.

The Windows Update Service Center is successfully run by entering the command in the command line window in Windows 7

Sometimes a situation is possible when after entering the specified command, information is displayed that the service does not work out, since it is disabled. This suggests that the status of the type of launch is "disabled". Overcoming such a problem lies solely in the use of method 3.

Failure to access when you activate the Windows Update Center on the command prompt in Windows 7

Lesson: Launch of the "Command Line" Windows 7

Method 5: "Task Manager"

The following launch option will be implemented using the Task Manager. To use this method, the same conditions are needed as for the previous one: the launch of the utility with administrative rights and the absence of the "disabled" value in the properties of the activated element.

  1. The simplest option to use the "Task Manager" - enter a combination of Ctrl + Shift + Esc. You can click on the "taskbar" of the PCM and mark from the "Run Task Manager" list.
  2. Run the task dcpeter through the context menu of taskbar in Windows 7

  3. Run "Task Manager" is manufactured. In any part of it, he did not happen to obtain administrative rights, it is necessary to go to the "Processes" section.
  4. Go to the Process tab in the task manager in Windows 7

  5. At the bottom of the open partition, press "Display all user processes".
  6. Enabling Displays all user processes in the Process tab in Task Manager in Windows 7

  7. Administrator rights are obtained. Move in the "Services" section.
  8. Go to the Service tab in the task manager in Windows 7

  9. The section is launched with a large list of items. You need to find "Wuauserv". For a simpler search, display the list along the alphabetical system by clicking the name "Name" column. If the statistical element is "stopped" in the "state" column, then this suggests that it is turned off.
  10. Windows Update Service Center is disabled in Windows 7 Manager

  11. Click PCM on Wuauserv. Click "Run Service."
  12. Go to the launch of the Windows Update Center through the context menu in the task manager in Windows 7

  13. After that, the service will be activated, as evidenced by the display in the "Status" column "works".

Windows Update Service Center works in Windows 7 Task Manager

It also happens when when you try to start the current method, even with administrative rights, information appears indicating that the procedure cannot be completed. Most often, this is due to the fact that in the properties of the element the status "disabled". Then activation is possible only by the algorithm specified in the method 3.

Refusal to access when you activate the Windows Update Center in the Task Manager in Windows 7

Lesson: Run "Task Manager" Windows 7

Method 6: "System Configuration"

The following method uses such a system tool as "System Configuration". It is also applicable only in that situation if the type of activation does not have the status "disabled".

  1. Go to "Control Panel" to the "Administration" section. The transition algorithm is scheduled in methods 2 and 3 of this manual. Find the name "System Configuration" and click on it.

    Switching to the System Configuration window from the Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

    You can call the utility and using the "Run" window. Click Win + R. Make:


    Click OK.

  2. Switching to the System Configuration window by entering a command to run in Windows 7

  3. The "system configuration" is activated. Move to "Services".
  4. Go to the Service tab in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  5. In the list, find the "Update Center" list. For a more comfortable search, click on the name of the "Service" column. Thus, the list will be built according to the alphabetical system. If you still do not find the desired name, it means that the element has the start type "disabled". Then it can be started only using the algorithm described in the method 3. If the desired item is still displayed in the window, then look at its status in the Status column. If there is spelled out there, it means that it is deactivated.
  6. The Windows Update Service Center is disabled in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  7. To start check box next to the name, if removed. If it is installed, then remove it and then put it again. Now click "Apply" and "OK".
  8. Running Windows Update Center is disabled in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  9. The dialog box is running offering restarting the system. The fact is that for the entry into force of the changes made in the "System Configuration" window, a restart of PC is required. If you want to make this procedure immediately, save all documents and close the working program, and then click on the Restart button.

    Reboot Startup dialog box After completing the system configuration window in Windows 7

    If you want to postpone the restart for later, click on the "Exit without reboot" button. In this case, the computer will be rebooted as usual when you make it manually.

  10. Exit without reboot After completing the system Configuration window in Windows 7

  11. After restarting the PC, the required service update will be launched again.

Method 7: Restore Folder "SoftWarDistribution"

The update service may incorrectly function and do not fulfill its direct intended in case of damage for various reasons for the "SoftWarDistribution" folder. Then you need to replace the damaged catalog to the new one. There is an action algorithm for solving this problem.

  1. Open the Services Manager. Find the Windows Update Center. Having select this item, click Stop.
  2. Stopping Windows Service Center in Service Manager in Windows 7

  3. Open the Windows Explorer. Enter the following address in its address bar:

    C: \ Windows

    Click ENTER or by arrow to the right of the address entered.

  4. Entering the address in the address bar of the conductor in Windows 7

  5. There is a transition to the Windows system directory. Find in it the "SoftWarDistribution" folder. As always, to facilitate the search you can click on the name of the "Name" field. Click on the PCM found directory and select "Rename" from the menu.
  6. Go to renaming the SoftwaredistRibution directory in the explorer through the context menu in Windows 7

  7. Name the folder with any unique name in this catalog, differing from the one that has had before. For example, you can call "SoftWaredistribution1". Press ENTER.
  8. Rename the SoftWaredistribution directory in the explorer through the context menu in Windows 7

  9. Return to "Service Manager", highlight the Windows Update Center and click "Run".
  10. Windows Running Windows Update Service in Windows 7 Service Manager

  11. Then restart the computer. After the next launch, the new directory named "SoftWarDistribution" will be automatically created again at its usual place and the service should start working correctly.

As you can see, there are quite a few options for action, with which you can run the service center of the update. This is the execution of operations through the "Command Line", "System Configuration", "Task Manager", as well as through update settings. But if the type of activation is "disabled" in the element properties, then you can only be completed using the "Service Manager". In addition, the situation happens when the "SoftWarDistribution" folder is damaged. In this case, you need to perform actions on a special algorithm that is described in this article.

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