How to determine music online


How to determine music online

The modern world is filled with musical compositions of a wide variety of genres. It happens that you have heard your favorite execution or have a file on a computer, but do not know the author or the name of the composition. It is thanks to online services to define music, you can finally find what you have been looking for so long ago.

Online services are not difficult to recognize the execution of any author if that popular. If the composition is unpopular, you may have difficulty searching for information. Nevertheless, there are several common and proven ways to find out who is the author of your favorite track.

Music recognition online

To apply most methods described below, you will need a microphone, and in some cases it will have to disclose the talent of singing. One of the online services reviewed compares the oscillations taken from your microphone, with popular songs and gives you information about it.

Method 1: Midomi

This service is the most popular among representatives of its segment. To start the search for the desired song, you should fit it into the microphone, after which Midomy recognizes it by sound. At the same time, not necessarily be a professional singer. The service uses Adobe Flash Player and requires access to it. If for some reason you have no player or disabled, then the service will notify you about the need to connect it.

Go to the Midomi service

Message about the need to install Adobe Flash Player on the Midomi service

  1. If you successfully activate the Flash Player plugin, the "Click and Sing or Hum" button will appear. After clicking on this button you need to push the song that are looking for. If you do not have a singing of singing, you can depict the melody of the desired composition into the microphone.
  2. The main button for starting voice recognition on the Midomi service

  3. After clicking on the "Click and Sing or Hum" button, the service can request permission to use a microphone or camera. Click "Allow" to start recording your voice.
  4. Request for access to the camera from online service Midomi

  5. Recording will begin. Try to withstand a fragment from 10 to 30 seconds on Midomy's recommendation for correctly searching for the composition. As soon as you finish singing, click on "Click to Stop".
  6. Stop button recording to recognize music on the Midomi service

  7. If nothing could be found, Midomi will show the next type window:
  8. The inscription not found audio records on request on Midomi

  9. In the case when you could not hang the desired melody, you can repeat the process by clicking on the newly appeared button "Click and Sing or Hum".
  10. Click and Sing OR HUM button for repeated composition recognition on Midomi

  11. When this method does not give the desired result, you can find music in words in text form. To do this, there is a special graph in which you want to enter the text of the wanted song. Select a category at which you will search and enter the text of the composition.
  12. Count for entering text to search for the desired text on Midomi

  13. The correctly introduced fragment of the song will give a positive result and the service will display a list of alleged compositions. To view the entire list of found audio records, click the "SEE AL" button.
  14. Found compositions on a text query on Midomi

Method 2: Audiotag

This method is less demanding, and the talents of singing are not necessary to apply on it. Everything that will need is to download audio recording to the site. This method is useful in the case when the name of your audio file is written incorrectly and you want to know the author. Although the audio English has been working for a long time in beta mode, it is effective and popular among users of the network.

Go to the Audiotag service

  1. Click "Select File" on the main page of the site.
  2. Button Select File to Audiotag Music Recognition Service

  3. Select an audio recording, the author you want to know and click "Open" at the bottom of the window.
  4. File opening window to download Audiotag

  5. We download the selected composition to the site by pressing the "UPLOAD" button.
  6. Upload button to download audio recordings on the Audiotag service

  7. To complete the download, you must confirm that you are not a robot. Give the answer to the question and click "Next".
  8. NEXT button when checking on a robot on the Audiotag service

  9. We obtain the most likely information about the composition, and there are less likely options.
  10. The most likely option found songs on the Audiotag service

Method 3: MusiPedia

The site is quite original in the approach to the search for audio recordings. There are two main options by which you can find the desired composition: listening to the service through the microphone or using the built-in flash piano on which the user can switch the melody. There are other options, but they are not so popular and do not always work correctly.

Go to the MusiPedia service

  1. We go to the main page of the site and click "Music Search" on the top menu.
  2. Music Search button on the main page of the MusiPedia website

  3. Under the button pressed, all possible options for finding music by passage appear. Choose "With Flash Piano" to switch the motive from the desired song or composition. When using this method, you need an updated Adobe Flash Player.
  4. WITH FLASH PIANO button on online MusiPedia

    Lesson: How to update Adobe Flash Player

  5. Singing the composition you need on a virtual piano using a computer mouse and start the search by pressing the "Search" button.
  6. Composition search button when using Flash Piano on MusiPedia website

  7. The list with compositions in which, most likely, there is a fragment you played. In addition to the information about audio recordings, the service attaches video from YouTube.
  8. Perhaps the correct found composition according to Flash Piano on the MusiPedia website

  9. If your talents on the game on the piano did not bring the result, the site also has the ability to recognize audio recording using a microphone. The function works in the same way as shames - turn on the microphone, put the device to it, which reproduces the composition, and wait for the results. Press the "With Microphone" top menu button.
  10. Button with Microphone for recognition from a microphone on the MusiPedia website

  11. We start the record by pressing the "Record" button that appears and turn on the audio recording on any device, bringing it to the microphone.
  12. Record button for recording audio recordings with microphone on the MusiPedia website

  13. As soon as the microphone records the audio recording correctly and the site recognizes it, the list of possible compositions will appear at the bottom.

As you can see, there are several proven ways to recognize the composition you need without installing software. These services may incorrectly work with unknown compositions, but users make their contributions to eliminate this problem. Most sites, the base of the recognition audio recordings is replenished thanks to active user actions. With the help of the presented services, you can not only find the desired composition, but also to show your talent in singing or a game on a virtual instrument, which cannot but rejoice.

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