How to put a password on a Windows 7 computer


Password on a computer with windows 7

Ensuring data security worries many PC users. Doubly relevant this question becomes if physical access to the computer has not one person, but several. Of course, not everyone will like everyone, if an extraneous person will receive access to confidential information or spoil some kind of project, which he worked for a long time. And there are also children who even unintentionally can destroy important data. To protect against such situations, it makes sense to put a password on a PC or laptop. Let's see how to do it on Windows 7.

Account is protected by password in the User Accounts window in Windows 7

Method 2: Installing a password for another profile

At the same time, sometimes there is a need to set passwords for other profiles, that is, those user accounts that are not logged in now. To pass the strange profile, you must have administrative rights on this computer.

  1. To begin with, as in the previous method, go from the "Control Panel" in the subsection "Change Windows Password". In the "User Accounts" window that appears, click on the "Managing Another Account" position.
  2. Go to the Other Account Control window in the subsection Changing Windows Password Control Panel in Windows 7

  3. The list of profiles on this PC opens. Click on the name of which you want to assign a password.
  4. Go to editing an account in the Account Management window in Windows 7

  5. The "Changing Account" window opens. Click on the "Creating Password" position.
  6. Go to creating a password in the Change Account window in Windows 7

  7. It opens almost exactly the same window that we saw when creating a code expression to log into the system for the current profile.
  8. Window Creating a password of your account for another user in the subsection Change Windows Password Control Panel in Windows 7

  9. Just as in the previous case, in the "New Password" area, lend a code expression in the "Confirm password" area, repeat it in the "Enter a password for a password" area, if you wish, add a hint. When entering all these data, adhere to those recommendations that have already been given above. Then press "Create a password."
  10. Creating a password in the Create Password of your account for another profile in Windows 7

  11. The code expression for another account will be created. This indicates the status "Password protected" near her icon. Now, after turning on the computer, when you select this profile, the user will need to enter the key to enter the system. It is also worth noting that if you do not work under this account, you yourself, but another person, so that it does not lose the opportunity to enter the profile, you must give it a keyword created.

Another account is password protected in the Change Account Window in Windows 7

As you can see, create a password on a PC with Windows 7 is not a lot of work. The algorithm for performing this procedure is extremely simple. The main complexity consists in the selection of the code expression itself. It should be simple to memorize, but not obvious to other persons who have potential access to the PC. In this case, the launch of the system will be simultaneously safe and convenient, which is possible to organize, adhering to the recommendations, the data in this article.

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