How to open M4A format


How to open M4A format

M4A is one of the many multimedia formats of Apple. A file with such an extension is an improved MP3 option. Available for purchase Music in iTunes, as a rule, uses M4A records.

How to open M4A

Despite the fact that this format is primarily intended for Apple Ecosystem devices, it can be found on Windows. Being essentially music recorded in the MPEG-4 container, such an audio file is perfectly opened in many multimedia players. Which of them are suitable for these purposes, read below.

"Tuna", as it is affectionately called users, on the one hand, damn is comfortable, on the other, it is not easy to get used to it, especially if we did not use Apple products before. Not in favor of iTunes says the big program occupied by the program.

Method 2: Quick Time Player

Apple's main player, of course, also copes with the opening of M4A.

  1. Run the Kviktaym Player (Note that the program opens in a small panel) and use the "File" menu in which to select "Open File ...".

    Open File in QuickTime Player

    Traditionally, the Ctrl + O key combination will serve as an alternative.

  2. For the program to correctly recognize the required format, in the appeal window that opens in categories should select "Audio Files".

    Select a category audio files in QuickTime Player

    Then follow the folder where your M4A is located, select it and click Open.

    Select the desired file in QuickTime Player

  3. To listen to the record, click on the play button located in the center of the player interface.

    Run the file playback in QuickTime Player

The program is quite simple, but some controversial moments are available in its use. For example, the design looks a bit outdated, and the opening of a separate interface for each audio recording will not like everything. Otherwise - a convenient solution.

Method 3: VLC Media Player

Superpopular multiplatform VLC player is famous for large quantities of supported formats. Their number includes M4A.

  1. Run the application. Select the sequential items "Media" - "Open Files".

    Open File in VLC

    Ctrl + O will also work.

  2. In the file selection interface, find the record you want to listen, highlight and click "Open".

    Open a single file in VLC

  3. Immediately start playing the selected entry.

    Playing a file in VLC

There is another option of opening through the WLS - it will suit you when you have several audio recordings in M4A.

  1. This time, select "Open files ..." or use the Ctrl + Shift + O combination.

    Alternative way to open files via VLC

  2. The source window appears, you should click on the Add button.

    Window add sources VLC

  3. In the "Explorer", select the records that need to be played, and click "Open".

    Explorer with a file for VLC

  4. The following tracks will be added to the "Sources" window. To listen to them, click the Play button.

    Added sources VLC.

VLC Player is popular not only because of its omnivo - many appreciate its functionality. However, even the diamonds are flawed - for example, the WLS is poorly friendly with the records protected by DRM.

Method 4: Media Player Classic

Another popular media player for Windows that can work with M4A format.

  1. By running the player, select "File" - "Open File". You can also click Ctrl + O.

    First way to open a file in Media Player Classic

  2. In the window that appears in front of the "Open ..." item is the "Select" button. Click it.

    Window Add files Media Player Classic

  3. You will fall into the already familiar tracking option for playing through the "Explorer". Your actions are simple - select everything you need and click Open.

    File in Media Player Classic Explorer

  4. Returning to the adding interface, click OK.

    Interface Add file with already downloaded Media Player Classic

    The recording will start playing.

Another way to lose audio recordings through MHC is suitable for single use.

  1. This time, press the Ctrl + Q key combination or use the File menu - "Quickly open the file".

    Open File in Media Player Classic

  2. Select a directory with a M4A application, click on the file and click Open, similar to the first method.
  3. The track will be launched.

    Playing the Media Player Classic file

Media Player Classic has many advantages and little shortcomings. However, according to the latest data, the developer soon is going to stop supporting this player. Connoisseurs This, of course, will not stop, but users who prefer the freshest software can push.

Method 5: KMPlayer

KMPlayer audio player, known for its widest possible opportunities, also supports M4A format.

  1. After starting the application, right-click on the "KMPlayer" inscription in the upper left corner, and select "Open File (s) ...".

    Main Menu Kmp Player

  2. Using the embedded file manager, go to the desired directory and open your M4A file.

    File in the built-in conductor KMP Player

  3. Playback will begin.

    Playing a file in Kmp Player

You can also simply drag the desired audio recording to the KMPler window.

Drag the file in Kmp Player

A more cumbersome way to put on playback tracks includes the use of the "File Manager" embedded in the program.

  1. In the main menu of the application, select the "Open File Manager" item or press Ctrl + J.

    Open the KMP Player File Manager

  2. In the window that appears, go to the directory with the track and select it by clicking the left mouse button.

    Selection in the KMP Player File Manager

    Track will be played.

Despite their ample opportunities, Kmplayer lost a considerable amount of the audience after a dubious solution to developers add advertising to it. Pay attention to this fact using the latest versions of this player.

Method 6: AIMP

This player from the Russian developer also supports the M4A format.

  1. Open the player. By clicking on the "Menu", select "Open Files ...".

    Open menu and open files in AIMP

  2. Seeing the "Explorer" window, act on a familiar algorithm - go to the desired folder, find an entry in it, choose it and click "Open".

    Find file in AIMP Explorer

  3. A window for creating a new playlist will appear. Name at your discretion and click "OK".

    Creating a playlist AIMP.

  4. Audio recording will begin. Please note that AIMP is able to display the properties of the currently played file.

    Play Aimp.

There is another way to add tracks to playback. In this embodiment, an integer folder is added - it will be useful when you want to listen to the album of your favorite artist, loaded in M4A format.

  1. Click the button with the image of the plus at the bottom of the player's work window.

    Add AIMP Folder

  2. A directory download interface will appear in the phonet. Click "Add".

    AIMP Dapel Window

  3. Select the directories in the tree the desired, mark it with a check mark and click "OK".

    Add folder to AIMP

  4. The selected folder will appear in the interface of the phonothek. You can play both files in this folder and in subfolders, simply noting the corresponding item.

    Tick ​​on the subfolders of AIMP

AIMP is a good and multifunctional player, but the convenience of the developers brought to a victim of functionality: the program window can be used only to deploy to the entire screen or minimize in the tray, and very unusual. Nevertheless, many users are ready to put up with it.

Method 7: Windows Media Player

The media player built into the OS from Microsoft also recognizes files with the M4A extension and is able to play them.

  1. Open Windows Media Player. Click the Playback tab to open the field of creation of playlists marked in the screenshot.

    Windows MEDIA Player playlist

  2. Open the "Explorer" and go to the directory with the M4A file / files.

    Explorer with Windows Media Player

  3. Drag the desired file from the folder to the marked area of ​​Windows Media.

    Drag the Windows Media Player file

  4. Then press the play button in the center of the player control unit, after which the track will start playing.

    Run playback in Windows Media Player

Alternative way to open a file with the expansion of M4A in Windows Media - use the context menu.

  1. Call the context menu by right-clicking on the file you want to run.

    Open using Windows Media Player

  2. In the menu that appears, select "Open Using", in which you already find the Windows Media Player and click on it.

    Open File through the Context Menu of Windows Media Player

  3. The player will start, in which M4A and will be played.

    Windows Media Player running through the context menu

  4. Lyfhak: In the same way, you can play M4A-audio recording in any other media player if it is displayed in "open with the help".

    The disadvantages of WMP, alas, more than the advantages - a small number of supported formats, hangs on an equal place and the total obsolence cause many users to use other programs.

M4A - the format is popular not only on its relatives for it products Apple. A lot of other programs are able to work with him, starting from the most popular players, and ending with the Windows Media Player system.

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