How to run Battlefield 3 through Origin


How to run Battlefield 3 through Origin

Battlefield 3 is a fairly popular game even with the fact that several new parts of the famous series came out. However, periodically players face that it is this shooter that refuses to start. In such cases, it is worth reading the problem in more detail and find her decision, and not sit back. So you can play your favorite game much faster.

Probable causes of the problem

There are unconfirmed rumors that the developers of the Battlefield Games series from Dice are like to disconnect the operation of the servers of the third part during the release of new series of militant. Especially often, such problems were observed at the moments of the exit Battlefield 4, Hardline, 1. Allegedly this is done so that the players go to engage in fresh products, which would increase online, the overall turnout, and also forced people to love new projects and escape from old .

So this or not - the mystery behind the seven seals. Specialists are called more prosaic cause. Disabling the most popular old game allows Dice to better engage in the work of new servers to debug their work at first. Otherwise, the gameplay in all games could simply fall due to unforeseen errors. And since Battlefield 3 is one of the most popular games of this manufacturer, it is usually turned off.

Be that as it may, it is worthwhile to make a detailed analysis of the situation on the computer. Already after the diagnosis, it is worth looking for a solution to problems. After all, they can not always wonder in the theory of conspiracy DICE.

Cause 1: customer failure

One of the main reasons for the problem is the problem with the launch of the game via the Origin client. For example, a program may not respond at all to try to run the game, and also incorrectly execute the commands received. In such a situation, you must try to make a clean reinstalling client.

  1. To begin with, it is worth removing the program in any convenient way. The simplest is the method using the embedded procedure. To do this, go to the appropriate section "Parameters" Windows, which is faster to do through the "computer" - the required button will be on the top toolbar.
  2. Remove programs through this computer

  3. Here you will need to find Origin and delete it by clicking on the appropriate button under the program in the list.
  4. Removing Origin.

  5. Next, you will need to delete all the remnants from Origin, which "delete wizard" could forget in the system. You should look at the following addresses and delete all files and folders from there with reference to the client name:


    C: \ Users \ [User Name] \ APPDATA \ LOCAL \ ORIGIN \

    C: \ Users \ [Username] \ APPDATA \ Roaming \ Origin \

    C: \ ProgramData \ Electronic Arts \ EA Services \ License \

    C: \ Program Files \ ORIGIN \

    C: \ Program Files (X86) \ ORIGIN \

  6. Folder with ORIGIN cache

  7. After that it is worth restarting the computer, after which you run the origin installer on the person of the administrator. When the installation is completed, you will need to reboot the computer, log in, and then attempt to start the game.

If the problem really covered in this, it will be solved.

Cause 2: Problems with BattleLog

Battlefield 3 works on servers under the general control of the BattleLog network. Sometimes this service can also fail. It usually looks like this: the user successfully launches the game via the Origin client, the system throws into BattleLog, and now nothing reacts to an attempt to go into battle.

In this case, you should try the following measures:

  1. Reinstall the browser. Access to BattleLog is carried out through a standard browser installed by default in the system. The developers themselves note that when using Google Chrome, such a problem appears less frequently. It is best suited to work with BattleLog.
  2. Transition from the site. Sometimes the problem can be created after switching from the Origin client to the BattleLog system. In the process, the server incorrectly accepts user data, and therefore the system works incorrectly. You should check such a problem and try to start Battlefield 1 from the ORIGIN official site, after you authorized there. Often such a move helps. If the problem is confirmed, then the client's clean reinstallation should be made.
  3. Re-authorization. In some cases, an output from your account in the Origin client and re-authorization can help. After that, the system can start passing data to the server correctly. To do this, select the "Origin" section in the program header and click on the "Out" button

Exit ORIGIN account

If any of the listed measures worked, then the problem was really in trouble with the work of BattleLog.

Cause 3: Failure when installing or updating

In some cases, failure can occur due to errors when installing a game or client. It is usually difficult to diagnose immediately. Most often, the problem is created when you try to start the game - the client is folded, but nothing happens. And also when starting in BattleLog, the game is opening, but it either instantly crashes or hangs.

In such a situation, it is worth trying to make a clean reinstall of the Origin program, after which it is necessary to remove Battlefield 3. After that you need to restart the computer and reload the game. If you have the opportunity, it is best to try to install it into another directory on the computer, and ideally to another local disk.

  1. To do this, in the Origin client, you must open the settings by clicking on the ORIGIN item in the header.
  2. Origin settings

  3. Here you will need to go to the "Advanced" menu item, where you need to select "Settings and Saved Files".
  4. Settings Settings and Files in Origin

  5. In the "On Your Computer" area, you can change directory to install games on any other.

Directory for ORIGIN Games

A good choice will be setting the game on the root disk - the one on which Windows is installed. This approach is universal for programs that such arrangement is important.

Cause 4: Incomplete set of necessary

Like any other program, the Battlefield 3 use system (which consists of the Origin client, the BattleLog network and the game itself) requires a particular software on a computer. Here is a complete list of everything that will be required to lack problems at startup:
  • Microsoft .NET Framework;
  • Direct X;
  • Visual C ++ libraries;
  • WinRar archiver;

In the event that malfunctions occur with the launch of the game, you must try to install and update this list of software. After that, you need to restart the computer and try to start Battlefield again.

Cause 5: Conflict Processes

Usually a huge number of different processes are performed in the system. Some of them can conflict with the work of BattleLog, Origin or the game itself. So the best option will be a clean Windows launch with a minimum set of functions. This will require you to conduct the following activities:

  1. On Windows 10, you must open the search on the system, which is the button with the image of the magnifying glass near the "Start".
  2. System search

  3. In the window that opens, you need to enter the msconfig command in the query field. The search will offer the option called "System Configuration". This program needs to be opened.
  4. Windows component configurator

  5. Next, you need to go to the "Services" section, in which there is a list of all processes and tasks performed in the system. Here you need to mention the item "Do not display Microsoft processes". Thanks to this, the basic services needed to function. Then you will leave to "disable everything" to turn off all other tasks.
  6. Disable all processes

  7. Now you need to go to the "Startup" section, where you need to open the "Task Manager". To do this, click on the appropriate button.
  8. Opening dispatcher with autoload

  9. A standard "Dispatcher" will open, which can be started using the "Ctrl" + "SHIFT" + "ESC" combination, but the tab is selected immediately with the processes that run along with the system. Each process available here needs to be disabled. After that, you can close the "Task Manager" and "System Configuration", pre-applying changes.
  10. Turning off autoload

  11. It will stay to restart the computer. With such parameters, the system functionality will be very limited, only the most basic services will work. You need to check the performance of the game, trying to run it. Most likely, it will not work specifically, because all the necessary software will also be disabled, but at least the work of Origin and BattleLog can be checked. If they work properly in such a state, but there is no connection to all services, then the output one - the problem creates a conflicting process.
  12. To work again, it is necessary to do all operations in the reverse order and run all services back. If the problem was still detected here, then it will be overwhelmed and the exception method will only turn off the process.

Now you can enjoy the game process without problems.

Cause 6: Internet connection problems

Usually, when problems with the connection, the system issues appropriate alerts. However, it is still worth checking and try the following points:

  1. Condition of equipment. It is worth trying to restart the router, check the integrity of the wires. You should use the Internet through other applications to check the performance of the connection.
  2. Change IP. You need to try to change your IP address. If a dynamic address is used on the computer, then you need to turn off the router for 6 hours - after that it will automatically change. If static IP is applied, contact the provider and request changes it.
  3. Reduced load. It is worth checking if the connection is not overloaded. In case the computer downloads many lots with great weights at once, the quality of the network can suffer significantly, and the game will not be able to connect to the server.
  4. Cache overload. All data obtained from the Internet are cached by the system to simplify access in the future. Therefore, the quality of the network may suffer if the cache volume becomes really big. Cleaning the DNS cache is clean as follows.
  5. You will need to open the console. In Windows 10, this can be done by pressing the right mouse button on the "start" and selecting the Select "Command Line (Administrator)" in the menu that appears. In earlier versions, you will need to press the "Win" + "R" combination and enter the CMD command in the window that opens.

    Command Line through Start

    Here you will need to enter the following commands in order, clicking after each of them the Enter key:

    Ipconfig / Flushdns.

    ipconfig / registerdns

    Ipconfig / Release.

    ipconfig / renew.

    Netsh Winsock Reset.

    Netsh Winsock Reset Catalog

    Netsh Interface Reset All

    Netsh Firewall Reset.

    Now you can close the console window and restart the computer. This procedure clears the cache and restart the network adapter.

  6. Enter commands for cleaning the DNS cache

  7. Proxy. In some cases, connecting to the server may interfere with the network connection through a proxy. So you need to turn it off.

Cause 7: Safety problems

The launch of the game components may interfere with the computer security settings. It is worth a carefully check them.
  1. It will be necessary to make an exception lists in antivirus as the game itself and the Origin client.

    Read more: How to make a program in the list of antivirus exception list

  2. You should also check the computer firewall and try to disconnect it.

    Read more: How to turn off the firewall

  3. In addition, it will not be superfluous to perform a complete check of the system for the presence of viruses. They can also directly interfere with the operation of the game components.

    Read more: How to check the computer for viruses

Cause 8: Technical Problems

In the end, it is worth checking whether the computer itself works correctly.

  1. To begin with, it is worth sure that the computer parameters correspond to the minimum requirements of the Battlefield 3 game.
  2. Minimum system requirements BF 3

  3. You need to optimize the system. To do this, it is worth closing all unnecessary programs and tasks, get out of other games, and also cleanse the garbage.

    Read more: How to clean the computer from garbage with

  4. It is also worth increasing the amount of memory swap for computers in which there are less than 3 GB of RAM. For systems in which this indicator exceeds or equal to 8 GB, it is vice versa to turn off. The podachka should be put on the largest, not the root disk - for example, on D.

    Read more: How to change the paging file in Windows

If the problem really walked in the computer itself, these measures should be enough to change the situation.

Cause 9: Non-working server

If nothing of the above helps, the problem lies in the game of the game servers. They are or overwhelmed, or intentionally disabled by developers. In such a situation, it remains only to wait when the system will work again as it should.


As you can see, the problem with the launch of Battlefield 3 is quite multifaceted. In most cases, the reason for the inoperability of the game servers, but it is still worth trying to check other possible problems. It is probability that Dice is not to blame at all, and you can play a favorite game very soon - immediately after solving the problem.

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