How to restore vkontakte correspondence


How to restore vkontakte correspondence

When using the capabilities of the site of the social network VKontakte, according to statistics, most users are faced with the problem of remote messages or a copy of the correspondence, which urgently need to be restored. As part of this article, we will tell you about the most comfortable methods for recovering lost dialogues.

We restore the correspondence of VK

It is worth noting immediately to notice that today for the site VK there are many different kinds of programs that provide potential users with a guarantee of recovery of any correspondence. However, in practice, none of these additions allows you to do something that it is impossible to perform the basic means of the resource under consideration.

Due to what was said, in this article we will touch on exclusively the standard features that you may not know.

In order to avoid additional problems in the course of the instructions, make sure you have full access to the page, including the actual phone number and the mailbox.

We recommend that you explore several articles directly affecting the internal messaging system on the VK website.

Please note that the letter may not be in the first row on freshness, but somewhere in the middle of all correspondence. But despite this, the message is also possible to restore without any problems.

As you can see, this method is relevant only in the small number of cases.

Method 2: We restore the dialogue

This method is very similar to the first, as it is suitable only for those cases when you accidentally deleted the dialogue and decided to restore it on time.

  1. Being in the "Messages" section, find a dialogue that was accidentally deleted.
  2. Ability to delete a dialogue in the VKontakte website

  3. In the framework of the Publishing Block, use the Restore link.
  4. Instant recovery process in the message section on VKontakte

It is impossible to do if before removing the correspondence you were notified of the impossibility of restoring the dialogue in the future.

After performing actions, the dialogue will return to the list of active correspondence, and you can continue to communicate with the user.

Method 3: Read messages with E-mail

In this case, you need access to the mailbox, which was prematurely tied to your personal account. Thanks to such a binding that you can implement on a special instruction, if you have not done this earlier, copies of the letters received will be sent to the e-mailbox.

You can configure messages to the phone number, however, we will not affect this process due to the requirements for payment for services and the minimum level of convenience.

Having done everything clearly according to the instructions, you can read the messages that have ever been deleted, but are sent as notifications by email.

Method 4: Message Port

The last possible way to restore messages from the remote Dialog VKontakte is to contact the interlocutor with a request to send the messages you are interested in. At the same time, do not forget to clarify the details so that the interlocutor had reason to spend time to re-control messages.

In short, consider the process of sending a message from the face of a potential interlocutor.

  1. When on the page with a dialogue with a single click all the necessary messages are allocated.
  2. The process of posting messages for a transition in the VKontakte website

    The number of messages that can be allocated at a time has no serious restrictions.

  3. On the top panel uses the "Send" button.
  4. The possibility of sending messages in the dialog in the VKontakte website section

  5. Next, the correspondence is selected with the user who needed letters.
  6. Select a dialogue when sending a message in the VKontakte website

  7. It is also possible to use the "Reply" button if you want to make a transition within a single dialogue.
  8. Using the Answer button in the dialogue in the VKontakte website section

  9. Regardless of the method, ultimately the messages are attached to the letter and sent after pressing the "Submit" button.
  10. The process of sending a message with attachments in the VKontakte website section

  11. After all of the described, the interlocutor receives a letter that was once removed.
  12. Successful message in the VKontakte website section

In addition to this method, it is important to note that there is a special VKOPT application on the Internet, which allows you to pack the entire dialogue in the cable file. In this way, you can ask the interlocutor to send this file exactly, thanks to which all letters from the correspondence will be available.

READ ALSO: VKOPT: new features for social. Network VK

On this possible solution to the problem of recovery of dialogues end. If you have any difficulties, we are ready to help. Good luck!

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