How to remove from important friends vkontakte


How to remove from important friends vkontakte

In the social network Vkontakte the ability to add friends is one of the main, thanks to which people can work closely with each other. As you know, this feature has several remarkable features, including the algorithm for building a list with buddies, about what, in fact, we will tell you in the course of this article.

We remove important friends VK

Within the framework of the social network site, VK under important friends are meant the buddies that are included in the list of friends and take up the top positions. At the same time, the construction of the list of friends is taken into account solely by the user, since when viewing foreign lists, you will come across the sorting of the popularity of the personal profile.

Regardless of the method that you prefer the rest, it will take some time until the degree of importance decreases.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with multiple articles that will help you better understand the functionality of the "Friends" section of VKontakte to avoid possible problems in the future.

This method does not always lead to a positive result, as a result, it is recommended to combine the presented instructions with the additional.

  1. Go to the "News" section through the main menu of the VK site.
  2. Go to the section News through the Main Menu on VKontakte website

  3. On the open page on the right side, find the navigation menu and, while on the "News" tab, click on the Icon with a picture of the Plus.
  4. Disclosure of the additional menu in the News section on VKontakte website

  5. Among the items that appeared, select "Add tab".
  6. Adding a new tab of the news in the News section on VKontakte website

    Field "Tab name" You can leave the default.

  7. Highlight one or more people by installing a tick on the name, and click the Save button.
  8. The process of forming a list of news in the News section on VKontakte website

    If necessary, use a string "Quick search" and remove the checkbox from the point "Show copies".

  9. After automatic updating of the page, find the record from a friend among the presented news from a friend who needs to be removed from important friends.
  10. Search for a friend's record in the news section on VKontakte

  11. Hover your mouse over the "..." icon and select "It's not interesting."
  12. Using the item is not interesting to friend records in the news section on VKontakte website

  13. Now click on the button "Do not Show News" so that notifications from each other do not appear in your news feed.
  14. Refusal of friend news in the news section on VKontakte website

Having done everything correctly, the priority of the user on the list of buddies will decrease significantly.

Method 2: Temporarily block a friend

Using the Black List VKontakte is the most reliable method of lowering the user priority in the list of friends. However, in this case, you will need to temporarily delete the user from the list of buddies, which can bring a lot of unpleasant consequences.

If you are ready to temporarily break friendship with the user, then add it to the blacklist, adhering to the appropriate instruction.

  1. Open the main resource menu and go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Go to the Settings section through the Main Menu on VKontakte website

  3. Click the Blacklist tab through the navigation menu.
  4. Go to the Blacklist tab through the Navigation menu in the Settings section on VKontakte

  5. Click the "Add Blacklist" button.
  6. Go to adding a user to a blacklist in the Settings section on VKontakte website

  7. Insert a unique user identifier in the text box.
  8. Insert a unique identifier in the Settings section on VKontakte

    Note that the more often you visit the user page and socially interact with it, the faster it will again take the leading lines in the "Friends" section.

    READ ALSO: How to watch Black List of VK

    Method 3: Reduce activity

    If you do not suit the radical methods that we have submitted above, the only option for you is to reduce the level of sociability with the other. At the same time, you need to completely stop visiting the pages of the right person and interact as much as possible with other friends.

    A big role in building a list of friends is played by the fact as often you evaluate and comment on records of any friend.

    See also: How to remove huskies with photos VK

    If you clearly follow the prescriptions, the user will definitely shift to the lower position in the list of your friends. All the best!

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