How to open JSON: 7 working ways


How to open JSON

Familiar with programming people immediately recognize files with JSON extension. This format is an abbreviation of the terms JavaScript Object Notation, and it is essentially a text-based data exchange option used in the JavaScript programming language. Accordingly, cope with the opening of such files will help either specialized software or text editors.

Open JSON scripted files

The main feature of the scripts in JSON format is the interchangeability of it to XML format. Both types are text documents that can be opened with text processors. However, we start with a specialized software.

Method 1: Altova XMLSPY

A sufficiently well-known development environment that the web programmers are used. This environment also generates JSON files, therefore is capable of opening third-party documents with such an extension.

Download Altova XMLSPY program

  1. Open the program and select "File" - "Open ...".

    Open File in Altova XMLSPY

  2. In the add files interface, go to the folder where the file you want is located. Select it with a single click and click "Open".

    File Selection Window in Altova Xmlspy Explorer

  3. The contents of the document will be displayed in the central area of ​​the program, in a separate window of the editor viewer.

    Display the contents of the script in Altova XMLSPY

The disadvantages of this two. The first is a paid proliferation basis. The trial version is active 30 days, however, it is necessary to specify the name and mailbox. The second is the total bulky: a person who just needs to open the file, it may seem too faded.

Method 2: NotePad ++

NotePad ++ multifunctional text editor - first of the list suitable for opening scripts in JSON format.

Pluses NotePad ++ is pretty - here and displaying the syntax of many programming languages, and support plugins, and small size ... However, due to some features, the program works leisurely, especially if you open a voluminous document in it.

Method 3: Akelpad

Incredibly simple and at the same time, a rich text editor from the Russian developer. The number supported by them includes JSON.

Download Akelpad program

  1. Open the application. In the "File" menu, click on "Open ...".

    Use the Menu File in Akelpad

  2. In the built-in File Manager, get to the directory with the script file. Highlight it and open the appropriate button.

    Choosing a document and its quick view in Akelpad

    Please note that when the document is allocated, quick viewing content is available.

  3. You choose the JSON script will be opened in the application for viewing and editing.

    Open document in Akelpad

Like Notepad ++, this option notepad is also free and supports plugins. It works freeze, but large and sophisticated files may not open the first time, so keep in mind such a feature.

Method 4: Komodo Edit

Free software for writing program code from Komodo. Different with modern interface and wide support for functions for programmers.

Download Komodo Edit program

  1. Open the Komodo Edith. In the working tab, find the "Open File" button and press it.

    Add file to Komodo Edit program

  2. Use the "conductor" to find the location of your file. Having done this, select the document, after clicking on it, and use the Open button.

    Open File through Explorer in Komodo Edit

  3. The previously selected document will be opened in the Komodo Edit working tab.

    File open in the Komodo Edit works tab

    View, edit, as well as check syntax.

In the program, unfortunately, there is no Russian language. However, the ordinary user will rather scare up excess functional and incomprehensible interface elements - after all, this editor is focused primarily on programmers.

Method 5: Sublime Text

Another representative of Code-Oriented text editors. The interface is easier than colleagues, however the capabilities are the same. A portable version of the application is available.

Download SUBLIME TEXT program

  1. Run sublay text. When the program is open, follow the "File" items - Open File.

    Start adding files in Sublime Text

  2. In the "Explorer" window, act on the well-known algorithm: find the folder with your document, select it and use the "Open" button.

    Select a file to open in Sublime Text in the Explorer

  3. The content of the document is available for viewing and change in the main program window.

    Open File in the main window Sublime Text

    Of the features, it is worth noting a quick view of the structure located in the side menu on the right.

    Quick view of the document structure in Sublime Text

Unfortunately, Sublime Text is not available in Russian. The disadvantage can also be called a conditionally free model of distribution: the free version is not limited by anything, but from time to time a reminder appears about the need to purchase a license.

Method 6: nfopad

Simple notebook, however, to view documents with the extension of JSON will also fit.

Download program nfopad.

  1. Run the notepad, use the File menu - "Open".

    Select a file through the menu in NFOPAD

  2. In the "Explorer" interface, proceed to the folder in which the JSON script is stored to open. Please note that the default NFPAD does not recognize documents with such an extension. To make them visible to the program, in the "File Type" drop-down menu, set "All Files (*. *)".

    Enable Displaying All Files in NFOPAD

    When the desired document is displayed, select it and click on the "Open" button.

    Add a script file to open nfopad

  3. The file will be opened in the main window, available both to view and edit.

    Recognized script document in nfopad

NFOPAD is suitable for viewing JSON documents, however, there is a nuance - when you open some of them, the program is delayed. With which this feature is connected - it is unknown, but be careful.

Method 7: Notepad

Finally, the standard text processor embedded in Windows is also capable of opening files with the JSON extension.

  1. Open the program (remind - "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard"). Select "File", then "Open".

    Menu File and open in Microsoft NotePad

  2. The "Explorer" window appears. In it, go to the folder with the desired file, and set the display of all files in the appropriate drop-down list.

    Display all files in the Microsoft NotePad Explorer Interface

    When the file is recognized, select it and open.

    Open the displayed file in Microsoft NotePad

  3. The document will be opened.

    Ready File in Main Microsoft NotePad

    The classic solution from Microsoft is also not perfect - not all files in such format can be opened in notepad.

Finally, let's say the following: Files with the JSON extension are ordinary text documents that can process not only described in the program, a and a bunch of others, including Microsoft Word and its free Analogs of LibreOffice and OpenOffice. The high probability that online services will be able to cope with such files.

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