How to convert mp3 in WMA


Convert mp3 in WMA

Sometimes it is necessary to convert files from the popular MP3 audio format into an alternative format developed by Microsoft - WMA. Let's see how to do this with the help of various ways.

Transformation options

Convert MP3 to WMA using online services or applications installed on the PC application converters. It is the last group of methods that we consider in this article.

Method 1: Total Converter

Let's start a description of the conversion algorithm at the specified direction on the example of the audio converter - Total Audio Converter.

  1. Run the converter. You need to select the audio file to be converted. With the help of the Winchesteer navigation tool application located in the left area, which is hierarchically hosted folders, mark the directory containing the target MP3. Then go to the right side of the converter shell, where all the files supported by the application are displayed in the selected folder. Here it is necessary to note the object itself, which should be processed. After that, on the toolbar, click on the WMA icon.
  2. Transition to Conversion Settings to WMA format in Total Audio Converter

  3. Following this if you are using an unknown version of the converter, and the trial will open the expectation window, in which you will need to wait five seconds until the timer completes the countdown. There will immediately be a message in English, which states that the test instance of the application allows you to reformat only part of the source file. Click "Continue".
  4. The window with the timer in Total Audio Converter

  5. The conversion parameters window in WMA opens. Here, switching between sections, it is possible to set up the outgoing format. But for the simplest conversion, most of them do not need. Enough in the "Where to choose only the folder for saving the converted audio file. By default, this is the same directory where the source is located. Its address is in the "File Name" element. But if you wish, you can change it by clicking on the element with dill.
  6. Switching to the Converted File Converted File Selection window in the Convert Window to WMA in Total Audio Converter

  7. The "Save As" is launched. Here you just need to go to the directory where you wish to put a ready WMA. Click "Save".
  8. Save window as in Total Audio Converter

  9. The selected path will appear in the "File Name" element. You can start the processing procedure. Click "Start".
  10. Running MP3 audio file conversion in WMA format in Total Audio Converter

  11. Processing in the specified direction. Its speaker is displayed as a digital and interest informor.
  12. MP3 audio file conversion procedure in WMA format in Total Audio Converter

  13. Following the completion of the processing, it starts in the "Explorer" in the directory that contains the ready WMA.

The WMA transformed file location directory is open in Windows Explorer

The main disadvantage of the current method is that the trial version of the total audio converter has significant limitations.

Method 2: Format Factory

The following program performing the conversion from MP3 to WMA is called Format Factory and is a universal converter.

  1. Run factor format. Click on the name of the "Audio" block.
  2. Go to the audio section in the Format Factory program

  3. A list of audio formats opens. Click on the icon having the inscription "WMA".
  4. Go to the conversion settings window to the WMA format in the Format Factory program

  5. A transition is performed in the Reformatting parameters window in WMA. You must specify the file for processing the program. Click "Add File".
  6. Switching to the Add file in the Format Factory program

  7. In the window that appears, go to where MP3 is located. Having selecting the desired file, press "Open". You can choose, if necessary, several objects simultaneously.
  8. File opening window in the Format Factory program

  9. The selected file and the path to it will be displayed in the list prepared for conversion in the Settings window. You can also specify the directory where there will be a completely conversion. The address of this directory is registered in the "End Folder" field, if you need to change it, then click "Change".
  10. Switching to the Edit File Conversion Folder window in the Format Factory program

  11. The folder overview starts. Go to the directory where you want to save the Processed version of the WMA audio file. Apply "OK".
  12. Folder Overview Window in Format Factory

  13. The path to the designated folder will appear in the "End Folder" element. Now you can return to the main application window. Click "OK".
  14. Shutting down in the converting settings window in the WMA format in the Format Factory program

  15. The string in the main application window will display the task formed in the WMA parameters, where the name of the source file is specified in the source column, the conversion direction in the Status column, the output folder address in the result column. To start the conversion, select this entry and press "Start".
  16. Running an MP3 audio file conversion to WMA format in the Format Factory program

  17. The conversion procedure is launched. It is not difficult for its progress to trace the "State" column.
  18. MP3 audio file transformation procedure in WMA format in the Format Factory program

  19. After the operation is completed in the Status column, the value will be changed to "executed".
  20. The MP3 audio file conversion procedure in the WMA format is completed in the Format Factory program

  21. To open the location of the converted WMA, select the name and click "End Folder" on the panel.
  22. Switch to the location folder of the converted file in WMA format in the Format Factory program

  23. The "Explorer" window opens in the folder where the final WMA is located.

Converted File Location Folder in WMA format in Windows Explorer

This method is good in that it allows you to transform a group of files at a time, and besides, it, unlike actions with the previous program, is completely free.

Method 3: Any Converter

The following application capable of implementing the named task is the Any Video Converter media file converter.

  1. Run the eni converter. Click on the inscription in the center "Add or drag files".
  2. Go to the Add files window in the Any Video Converter program

  3. The opening shell is activated. Enter the directorization of the source code MP3. Designing it, press "Open".
  4. Window Add files in the Any Video Converter program

  5. The selected file will be displayed on the main page of the program in the list prepared to transform files. Now you should select the final conversion format. To do this, click on the area to the left of the "Convert!" Button.
  6. Transition to the selection of conversion format in the Any Video Converter program

  7. The drop-down list of formats broken into groups opens. On the left side of this list, click the "Audio Files" icon. Next, in the list, select the "WMA Audio" position.
  8. Select the conversion format from the drop-down list in the Any Video Converter program

  9. To specify the folder where the reformatted audio file will be placed, go to the "Basic Settings" parameters. In the "Output Catalog" field, the path to the final folder is registered. If necessary, change this directory, click on the icon in the catalog image.
  10. Switch to the option of the final folder in the Any Video Converter program

  11. The "Folder Overview" appears. Mark the directory where you want to send the resulting WMA. Click "OK".
  12. Overview of folders in the Format Factory program

  13. The appointed address is registered in the "Output Catalog" field. You can start reformatting. Click "Convert!".
  14. Running the MP3 audio file conversion in the WMA format in the Any Video Converter program

  15. Processing is performed, the dynamics of which is displayed using the indicator.
  16. MP3 audio file conversion procedure in WMA format in the Any Video Converter program

  17. After its completion, the "Explorer" starts. It will be opened in that directory where the WMA received is located.

Directory of the converted file in WMA format in Windows Explorer

Method 4: FreeMake Audio Converter

The following converter is designed specifically to convert audio files and has the name of FreeMake Audio Converter.

  1. Run the application. Initially, choose the source code for processing. Click "Audio".
  2. Switching to the Add files window in the FreeMake Audio Converter program

  3. The selection window is started. Enter the target mp3 storage directory. After referring to the file, click "Open".
  4. Window Add files in the FreeMake Audio Converter program

  5. Now the assigned audio file is displayed in the list for conversion. To specify the reformatting direction, select this item in the list and click on the "WMA" icon at the bottom of the window.
  6. Selection of the conversion format in the FreeMake Audio Converter program

  7. The "Conversion to WMA" window is activated. Most settings can be left unchanged. If you wish from the "Profile" list, you can select the quality level of the final audio file. The "Save B" field displays the address of the save folder. If this directory does not suit you, then click on the button in which the ellipsis is written.
  8. Go to the folder selection window of the Final Audio File Folder in the WMA Conversion Settings window in the FreeMake Audio Converter program

  9. Activated tool "Save As". With it, log in to where you are going to store an audio file, and press "Save".
  10. Save window as in the FreeMake Audio Converter program

  11. The selected path is registered in the "Save B" element. To activate the transformation, click "convert".
  12. Running the MP3 audio file conversion in the WMA format in the WMA Conversion Settings window in the FreeMake Audio Converter program

  13. A transformation is performed, the result of which is placed in the folder assigned earlier.
  14. The "minus" of the current method is that the free instance of the FreeMake Audio Converter program performs only audio files processing, the duration of which is less than three minutes. For processing longer rollers, you need to install a paid application.

Convert mp3 to objects with the WMA extension user can, using a range of converter programs. Some of them are completely free, and others provide full functionality only on a fee basis. There are other applications for performing reformatting in the direction studied, but we stopped on the most popular and known ones.

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