How to download video from classmates on computer


How to download video from classmates

Video published in classmates from the face of individual users, communities, or which are unloaded from other services, cannot be downloaded to the computer, since this does not allow the functionality of the site. Fortunately, there is a large number of special programs and methods that allow us to bypass this limitation.

Warning before downloading

If you will use third-party extensions for the browser or special programs to download the video or special programs, then trust the proven products that already have reviews. Additionally, when installing programs, it is recommended to carefully view the items that are marked with a check mark, as you may accidentally establish any sponsorship software.

Method 1: SaveFrom

This is a multifunctional expansion for a browser, allowing you to download video files from any sites (including with OK.Ru). However, SaveFrom has one small minus - it needs to be installed on the computer, although it can interact with some sites without installation.

Go to SaveFrom

Let's first consider how to install this application to your computer correctly:

  1. Go to the main site of developers. There immediately click on the green button "Set".
  2. SaveFrom Home

  3. You will transfer to the page where the link will be downloaded. Click it to start downloading the installation file.
  4. SaveFrom download

  5. Installation is standard enough. Initially, you will have to read the license agreement, select the disk where the program will be installed, and click on the "Next" button a couple of times.
  6. SaveFrom License Agreement

  7. In the place where the installer is interested in what kind of way you would like to use - "full installation" or make "setting parameters", it is recommended to choose the second option, since the sponsorship components from Yandex and / or are coming together
  8. Remove all unnecessary ticks here. After that, go to the installation process by using the "Next" button.
  9. SaveFrom Settings Installation

  10. As soon as the program is established, it is recommended to close all browsers and open them again.

Now consider how with this program download video from classmates:

  1. Log in to your page and open the video you are interested in. Please note that the green button with the download icon now appeared under each video. Sometimes instead of a green button, there may be just a text link "Download".
  2. Click on it. After that, a small menu will be revealed, where you need to choose the quality in which you would like to download this video. Remember that the higher the permission, the more video will weigh. Downloading starts automatically as soon as you press this or that menu item.
  3. SaveFrom download video from ok

Method 2: Oktools

This extension for the Chrome browser and those who work on the same engine with it, for example, Yandex.Bauser. Additionally, the extension can be found in the extensions directory for Opera and Firefox.

The main convenience of this method is that you do not need to download anything to your computer, since the extension will be installed in the browser without a long installation procedure (you will only have to give your consent). However, you can enjoy only classmates, while SaveFrom supports other resources. Additionally, problems can be downloaded with the download of those videos that are added to OK from third-party services. Plus, it should be borne in mind that initially this extension was created to download music.

Go to Oktools.

Installing this extension is as follows (considered on the example of Yandex.Bauser):

  1. At the top of the browser, click on three strips. The context menu will open, where you need to click on "add-ons".
  2. Appendix for browser

  3. Now scroll through the page from addition to the Niza, where you should see the inscription "Yandex.Bauser extensions" directory. If you have Google Chrome, then instead of this inscription you will see "still extensions".
  4. Browser expansion catalog

  5. You will transfer to the store supplements. Pay attention to the top of the window - right will be a small search window.
  6. Enter the "OKTOOLS" and go to the suggested link.
  7. Search Oktools.

  8. On the page that opens, click on the green button "Add to Yandex.Browser", which is located on the right side of the page. You will have to confirm the addition of this expansion.
  9. Set Oktools.

Now you can use this plugin on the site. This is how it is done:

  1. Open the video that has been downloaded by users or groups in classmates.
  2. At the bottom, find a green arbitrar icon. Click it, after which the download will begin. Remember that such an icon appears not on all videos.
  3. Download video from classmates with Oktools

Method 3: Mobile version of the site

Oddly enough, but the mobile version of the site allows you to save any video from the site. To use this method, you do not need to download any plugins for a browser or a computer program, as it is enough to make small manipulations in the address bar. All videos posted on the site in this way are downloaded without problems.

The instruction looks like this:

  1. Enter your profile on classmates and turn on the mobile version. To do this, simply simply in the address bar before "OK.RU" put the letter M and the point - "m.".
  2. Transition to Mobile version OK

  3. As soon as the mobile version of the site is boot, turn on the video that would like to download to your computer. Click on it right-click and from the context menu, select "Save video as".
  4. Saving video on a computer with OK

See also:

How to download music from classmates on computer

How to add video to classmates

Download video from classmates is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Sometimes it can be done using the capabilities of the site itself.

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