Compression Compact OS to Windows 10


Compression Compact OS in Windows 10
In Windows 10, several improvements appeared on saving the hard disk space. One of them is the ability to compress system files, including pre-installed applications using the Compact OS function.

By using Compact OS, you can compress Windows 10 (binary system and application files), thereby freeing up a slightly more than 2 gigabytes on the system disk for 64-bit systems and 1.5 GB for 32-bit versions. The function works for computers with UEFI and ordinary bios.

COMPACT OS Status Check

Windows 10 may include compression independently (or it can be enabled in the pre-installed system by the manufacturer). Check if the compression compact OS is enabled using the command line.

Run the command line (right click on the Start button, select the desired item in the menu) and enter the following command: Compact / Compactos: Query then press ENTER.

Windows 10 file compression status

As a result, in the command line window, you will receive a message or that "the system is not in the compression state, since it is not useful for this system," or that "the system is in a compression state." In the first case, you can turn on the compression manually. In the screenshot - free space on the disk before compression.

Place on the system disk before compression

I note that according to official information Microsoft, compression is "useful" from the point of view of the system for computers with a sufficient number of RAM and the productive processor. However, I have 16 GB of RAM and Core i7-4770 in response to the command it was the first message.

Enabling OS compression in Windows 10 (and shutdown)

To enable compression Compact OS to Windows 10 at a command prompt running as an administrator, type: compact / compactos: always and press Enter.

Enabling Compact OS in Windows 10

Begins the compression process of the operating system files, and built-in applications, which can take quite a long time (I have an absolutely clean system with SSD took about 10 minutes, but the HDD in the case of time can be very different). The image below is the size of the free space on the system disk after compression.

Free disk space after compression

To disable compression in the same way, use the Compact / Compactos command: Never

If you are interested in the possibility of installing Windows 10 immediately in a compressed form, I recommend you to get acquainted with the official Microsoft instructions on this topic.

I do not know if someone will be useful to describe the opportunity, but it can well assume the scenario, the most likely of which it seems to me the release of the disk space (or, most likely) inexpensive tablets with Windows 10 on board.

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