How to clean Airpods.


How to clean airpods.

Important! In no case, do not wash the airpods headphones (concerns all models) under running water, avoid moisture from entering them, do not use hard detergents and cleaning products, sharp objects and abrasive materials. For cleaning, use only a soft fabric without a pile, soft brushes and / or dry cotton (ear) sticks and tampons, 70 percent isopropyl alcohol.

Method 1: Standard Safe Cleaning

Apple's specialists who developed Airpods were compiled separate instructions for cleaning intra-channel and overhead headphones, as well as their charging cases.

Important! If the Airpods of any model was exposed to substances that could lead to the appearance of spots and / or damage (for example, hair care products, perfumes, lotions, solvents, cleaning products, creams, acid-containing products, oils, paints, etc. ), Lightly moisten the napkin in the filtered water, wipe the headphones with it, and then dry them with another, knowingly dry napkin. Do not use the wireless accessory until it is finally dry.

Airpods and Airpods Pro

Prepare a few napkins of soft fabric without a pile, cotton wands and soft brushes, isopropyl alcohol (70%).

Note! Airpods Pro is waterproof, but not waterproof headphones. Their charging case does not have no waterproofability or waterproof. In no case, do not allow liquid to enter the wireless accessory and in its holes, and in the case of such a contact, dry the case, turning down the lid down and opening. Similar recommendations are applicable to the AIRPODS Charper Case 1 and 2nd Generation.

  1. Slightly mixed with a napkin with alcohol, wipe the headphones and the charging case it. If necessary, use cotton wands to clean hard-to-reach places.
  2. How to clean Airpods_002.

  3. Clean the microphone and speaker meshes using dry ear sticks.
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  5. Clean the Lightning Case connector with a dry soft tassel.
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Insert Airpods Pro.

  1. Remove the liners from the headphones and rinse them in clean water.

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    Important! Do not use soap and other detergents.

  2. Dry wipe the liners with a napkin.
  3. If there was moisture in the liners of Airpods about the moisture, knock them about a soft and lounge dry cloth, holding down the holes down.
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    Put the liners on a flat and clean surface, let them dry, then install them on headphones.

    Important! Do not use headphones, do not place them in the charger and do not connect it to the power until you ensure that all components are completely dried.

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Airpods Max

Prepare a container for cleaning, with a capacity of about 300 ml, not less than 500 ml of filtered water, 3-5 climbing tissue wipes and cotton wands.

Ambushure and headband

  1. Mix in a container for cleaning 5 ml of liquid detergent and 250 ml of filtered water.
  2. Remove with a cup of earphone cups.
  3. Mix the napkin from lounge fabric in the soap solution, peel it, wipe the amop and headband, paying each component about 1 minute.

    Important! During the cleaning of the headband, turn the headphones so that the liquid does not fall into the gap at the fastening site.

  4. Take another, not yet used napkin, moisten it in clean water, gently wipe the headband and the ambush. To clean the hard-to-reach places, use barely wet (for example, moistened, but wipes) cotton wands.
  5. A soft and dry lint-free napkin wipe the amop and headband.
  6. Having finished with cleaning, do not hurry to collect headphones - put them on a flat, clean and dry surface and let dry (the recommended period is at least 12 hours). After that, install the ambush to the place.

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  1. Using a dry napkin of soft loud fabric, Clean the case.
  2. If necessary, the napkin can be slightly moistened in 70% isopropyl alcohol.
  3. Put the accessory on a clean smooth surface and let him dry.
  4. The Airpods Max and Smart Case cleaning procedure is recommended to repeat every 1-2 months.

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Method 2: Cleaning for your own fear and risk

To clean the Airpods 1st and 2nd generation, as well as Airpods Pro and Max prepare the following means:

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Two small containers for liquids, conventional stacks or glasses are suitable;
  • Soft fabric napkins without a pile;
  • Cotton wands for cleaning ears;
  • Cotton swabs;
  • Toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • Toothpick;
  • Mini USB vacuum cleaner for cleaning computer periphery.
  • Note! Since the cleaning method described below is not recommended by Apple, all further actions you perform exclusively for your own fear and risk, and any possible consequences and damage, especially with ineptful, inaccurate actions, are not warranty and can even lead to the complete inoperability of Airpods.


  1. In one of the tanks, pour a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Gently immerse the headphone down to the mesh down to it in such a way that the fluid soak the mesh, but did not get deeper. Give the accessory in such a state for a few seconds.

    Note: On Ayirpods, you first remove the liners, rinse them under clean water, wipe the dry napkin and put on a clean dry surface for drying.

  2. Remove the earphone and shake the residue of the solution. Using toothpicks, carefully clean all sediments on the speaker grid and the case around it. You can additionally use cotton chopsticks, both dry and pre-dipped in peroxide, but well pressed.
  3. How to clean Airpods_008.

  4. Using a soft toothbrush, remove small contaminants from the dynamics and side mesh grid. Do not make much effort and do not click on the "Tool"
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  6. With cotton sticks or discs, pre-dipped in 3% solution and pressed, wipe the AIRPOD housing.
  7. A cotton wand or a toothbrush is very neat, without pressure, clean the microphone located at the bottom of the leg. Unlike the speakers, it is less prone to pollution, so it is not necessary to diverge here.
  8. Dry napkin made of soft fabric without a pile Wash the earphone.
  9. Connect the USB vacuum cleaner to the power supply, install the minimum suction power and extremely carefully clean all the grid on the headphones from the dirt residues and hydrogen peroxide.
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    Repeat the actions described above with the second earphone.

Charging Case

  1. Moisten a soft lint-free napkin in medical alcohol and wipe the external and inner part of the case.
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  3. To clean the charge jacks for headphones, use slightly moistened in alcohol and well-pressed cotton wands, then rubbing these places with a dry wand. Also walk in those places that failed to wipe the napkin.
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  5. In the same way, clean the Lightning connector.
  6. Purified headphones separately from the case Put on a dry fabric without a pile, first the main dynamic down (for 20-30 minutes), and then internal (another 20-30 minutes). Charging case, too, place on the fabric or a napkin, opening and sending the inside down, let it be searched for 30-60 minutes.

    How to clean Airpods_001.

    You can maintain the apple wireless accessories in cleanliness using conventional wet napkins (but it is better to use alcohol) - carefully and, again, on your own fear and risk, wipe the headphones and a charger, giving each component to dry separately. This does not cancel the "general" cleaning, but makes it necessary more rare.

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