How to see a closed profile in classmates


View a closed profile in classmates

Closed profiles in classmates suggest the inability to view any information about the user except the name and the main photo to those who do not consist of his friends. It is possible to close the profile from strangers only subject to payment of a special function, so initially all accounts are open.

About privacy in classmates

This social network, like its competitors, provides users with the ability to close their page from prying eyes using certain privacy settings. However, in contrast to the same VKontakte and Facebook, classmates provide this feature for a fee and do not have advanced privacy settings, which in theory facilitates the task of viewing closed profiles, but it is not always the case.

Method 1: Sending a request to "Friends"

If you are in the "Friends" of the user with a closed page, you can easily view most of the information on it. The snag may consist only that the person you are interested in can ignore the application for friendship, and in this case you will not be able to view its profile.

Closed profile in classmates

To increase the chances of adding you to "Friends", you can use these tips:

  • In addition to sending the application to the "Friends" write any message to the user that explains why he should accept your application. Be careful because some messages can be regarded by another user, as an attempt to impose and / or spam;
  • Create a fake page of your common friend. This is much more complicated, but the chances of success will be higher.

To send an application to "Friends", use the green button "Add as Friends", which is located under the lock icon in a closed profile.

Method 2: ODNOK service

Odnok.wen is a popular service that allows you to view closed social network user profiles. Odnoklassniki. However, now this site is working very unstable, so there is a risk that when trying to go to it, you will get an error "404", but it's still worth trying.

Go to odnok

If you still managed to log in, then use the following instructions to view the private account:

  1. Go to the closed Page of the person you are interested in and copy the profile number from the address bar of the browser.
  2. Copy link to profile in classmates

  3. Now go to Odnok and drive the number of copied numbers in the "Number or ID" field, after click on "Watch".

It is worth remembering that this method is unlikely to be successful, but it is worth trying.

If you need to see a closed profile in classmates, it is best to use "legal" ways, but try to add to the "friends" to this person. You do not need to trust third-party services, as they work either with frequent failures, or ask you to provide more data about your page that in fact there may be a direct attempt to hack.

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