Useful keyboard shortcuts when working in Windows 7


Useful keyboard shortcut when working in Windows 7

Windows 7 features seem limitless: creating documents, sending letters, writing programs, photo processing, audio and video materials - not a complete list of what can be performed using this smart machine. However, the operating system keeps secrets, known not to each user, but allowing optimizing work. One of these is the use of hot key combinations.

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Keyboard shortcuts on windows 7

The shortcuts of the Windows 7 keys are certain combinations with which various tasks can be performed. Of course, for this you can use the mouse, but the knowledge of these combinations will allow you to perform work on the computer faster and easier.

Standard combinations of hot key windows 7

Classic keyboard shortcuts for windows 7

The following lists the most important combinations presented in Windows 7. They allow you to execute the command using one press, replacing several mouse clicks.
  • Ctrl + C - makes copying text fragments (which were pre-highlighted) or electronic documents;
  • Ctrl + V - insert text fragments or files;
  • Ctrl + A - selection of text in the document or all items in the directory;
  • Ctrl + X - cutting parts of text or any files. This command is different from the "Copy" command by the fact that when inserting a cut fragment of text / files, this fragment is not saved in its original location;
  • Ctrl + S - the procedure for saving a document or project;
  • Ctrl + P - calls the settings and printing tab;
  • Ctrl + O - calls a document selection tab or project that can be opened;
  • Ctrl + N - procedure for creating new documents or projects;
  • Ctrl + Z - Operation of the cancellation of the action;
  • Ctrl + Y is a repetition operation of a performed action;
  • Delete - removal of the element. In the case of using this key with the file, it will be moved to the "basket". When accidentally deleted, the file from there can be restored;
  • SHIFT + DELETE - Deleting a file is irretrievably, without moving to the "basket".

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7 when working with text

In addition to the classic shortcuts of Windows 7 keys, there are special combinations that execute commands when the user is working with the text. Knowledge of these teams are especially useful for those who study or already practicing printing on the "blind" keyboard. Thus, it is possible not only to quickly type the text, but also edit it. Suite combinations can work in different editors.

  • Ctrl + B - makes highlighted text fat;
  • Ctrl + I - makes selected text in italics;
  • Ctrl + U - makes the selected text underlined;
  • Ctrl + "Arrow (left, right)" - rearranges the cursor in the text or at the beginning of the current word (when the left arrow), or at the beginning of the next word in the text (when pressing the right arrow). If you also hold the SHIFT key with this command, it will not move the cursor, but the selection of words on the right or to the left of it depending on the arrow;
  • Ctrl + Home - transfers the cursor to the beginning of the document (to highlight the text for transfer is not necessary);
  • Ctrl + End - transfers the cursor at the end of the document (the transfer will occur without selection of text);
  • Delete - removes the text that was highlighted.

READ ALSO: Using hot keys in Microsoft Word

Keyboard shortcuts when working with "conductor", "windows", "desktop" Windows 7

Windows 7 allows you to perform various commands to switch and change the windows of windows using the keys when working with panels and conductor. All this is aimed at increasing the speed and convenience of work.

  • Win + Home - unfolds all background windows. When repeated pressing turns into them;
  • Alt + Enter - switch to full screen mode. When pressed, the command returns the starting position;
  • Win + D - hides all open windows, when pressing a press, the command returns everything to its original position;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete - calls a window in which you can perform the following steps: "Block a computer", "Change User", "Exit the System", "Change Password ...", "Run Task Manager";
  • Ctrl + Alt + Esc - calls "Task Manager";
  • Win + R - opens the "Starting Program" tab ("Start" command - "Run");
  • PRTSC (PrintScreen) - Starting a complete screen image procedure;
  • Alt + PRTSC - Running the image procedure only a specific window;
  • F6 - Moving a user between different panels;
  • Win + T - the procedure that allows you to switch directly between the windows on the taskbar;
  • Win + SHIFT - a procedure that allows you to switch in the opposite direction between the windows on the taskbar;
  • SHIFT + PCM - activation of the main menu for windows;
  • Win + Home - Expand, or roll over all windows in the background;
  • Win + "Up Arrow" - uses full screen for the window in which work is performed;
  • Win + "Down arrow" - resizing in a smaller side of the window involved;
  • SHIFT + WIN + "Up Arrow" - increases the window involved to the size of the entire desktop;
  • Win + "Left Arrow" - transfers the window involved in the left screen zone;
  • Win + "Arrow to the right" - transfers the window involved in the right screen zone;
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + N - creates a new directory in the conductor;
  • Alt + P - turn on the viewing panel for digital signatures;
  • Alt + "Up Arrow" - allows you to move between directories for one level up;
  • SHIFT + PCM on the file - launch additional functional in the context menu;
  • SHIFT + PCM on folder - Enable additional items in the context menu;
  • Win + P - turn on the function of the adjacent equipment or an additional screen;
  • Win ++ or - - Enabling the Magnifier functional for the screen on Windows 7. Increases or reduces the scale of icons on the screen;
  • Win + G is to start moving between the current directors.

Thus, it can be seen that Windows 7 has a lot of opportunities to optimize the operation of the user in virtually with any elements: files, documents, text, panels, etc. It is worth noting that the number of teams are presented great and remembering them all will be quite difficult. But it really is worth it. In conclusion, you can share another advice: use hot keys to Windows 7 more often - this will allow your hands faster to remember all useful combinations.

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