How to send a free gift in classmates


Free gift in classmates

Social network classmates has a large number of free features, but due to the fact that this is a commercial project, and paid functionality is very common here. Most of the "gifts" in this social network are paid, which are bought for Oaks - the internal currency of the service.

About "Gifts" in classmates

Here, "Gifts" are either static pictures, or any media file attached to the user avatar, which is addressed to the gift. Most of them are paid, but there are free. Total "Gifts" can be divided into three categories:
  • Static pictures. Here, most often there are free samples, but also paid relatively inexpensive services;
  • Various media files. It can be like static pictures, but with attached music and animated images. Sometimes there are samples by the type "Two in one". The range of prices for such a type of "gifts" is large enough, and free come across extremely rarely;
  • Homemade "gifts." In classmates there are applications that allow you to make a gift yourself. The functionality of the application data is paid.

Method 1: Free "Gifts"

Free presents appear in this social network quite often, especially if some big holiday is soon. Unfortunately, there is enough to meet the original option among free "gifts".

The instructions for the mandrel of free presents in classmates looks like this:

  1. Go to the page of the user page that would like to give a "gift." Pay attention to the block under the photo, there is a link "To make a gift".
  2. Transition to gifts in classmates

  3. By clicking on the link, you will get to the store "Gifts". Free marked with a special icon.
  4. Free Gifts in Odnoklassniki

  5. In the left side of the screen, you can choose the category of presents. Most often, free "gifts" come across in the "Love" and "Friendship" sections.
  6. Categories Gifts in Odnoklassniki

  7. To make a "gift", click on the option of interest and make some settings, for example, you can check the box opposite "Private" - this means that only the recipient finds out from whom a gift. After that click on "Give". Free "gift" sent to the user.
  8. Window sending a gift in classmates

Method 2: "All Inclusive"

Not for a long time, classmates introduced such a proposal as "all inclusive." According to him, you pay a subscription at a certain period and can give most of the paid "gifts" for free or with a very big discount. Let "all inclusive" are also a paid feature, but it has a demo period for three days, where you can pay anything or for the "gifts". However, it is worth considering that after this period, you will be obliged or paying for a subscription, or refuse the service.

Step-by-step instructions in this case looks like this:

  1. Similarly, as in the first instruction, go to the page of the user who want to give something, and find the link "Make a gift".
  2. To the right of the search string by section, click on the inscription "All Inclusive".
  3. All inclusive in classmates

  4. Click on "Try free". After that you can give other users almost any "gifts" without buying them.
  5. Tariff All Inclusive in Odnoklassniki

Be careful with this way, if you have an Oci and / or a bank card in your social network, since the bank card is tied, because after a trial period, there will be a disassemble of funds automatically. However, if you did not attach the card and you do not have a sufficient number of ok, then there is nothing to fear, since the proposal is canceled automatically.

Method 3: We send gifts from a mobile version

In the mobile version of the site, you can also give free "gifts", however, the functionality is a bit limited compared to a full version.

Consider everything on the example of a mobile application classmates:

  1. Go to the person's profile to whom you would like to give a "gift." In the list click on "make a gift".
  2. Gifts in mobile version OK

  3. You will transfer to the "Gift" selection page. To make a free "gift" find the option under which Signed "0 OK".
  4. List of gifts in mobile classmates

  5. Make a setting of the gift sent in a special window. Here you can write any message to a friend, make a "gift" to private, that is, invisible to unauthorized users. You can also add music, but it will cost a certain amount of money. To send, click the same button in the lower right corner of the screen.
  6. Setting up a gift from the phone in classmates

Do not use any applications and third-party sites that offer the opportunity to make paid "gifts" for free. At best, you will lose time and / or you will be asked to buy any subscription, at worst - you can lose access to the page in classmates, and perhaps, to other services that are connected with the page.

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