How to delete a device from Google Account


How to delete a device from Google Account

If you are quite often changed android devices, you probably noticed that getting confused on the list of no more active devices on the Google Play website, as they say, it is spit. So how to correct the situation?

Actually, it is possible to ease your life in three ways. About them further and talk.

Method 1: Rename

This option cannot be called a full-fledged problem solving, because you only facilitate yourself selection of the desired device among the list of available.

  1. To change the name of the device on Google Play, go to Page Settings Service. If required, log in to your Google account.

  2. Here in the "My Devices" menu, find the desired tablet or smartphone and click on the Rename button.

    List of devices in Google Play

  3. It remains only to change the name of the device tied to the service and click "update".

    Rename the device in Google Play

This option is suitable if you still plan to use devices in the list. If not, it is better to use another way.

Method 2: Hide Device

If the gadget does not belong to you or is not used at all, the excellent option will simply hide it from the list on Google Play. For this, all on the same page of the settings in the Count "Availability" remove the ticks from the devices unnecessary to us.

Hide devices from the list in Google Play

Now when installing any application using the web version of the Play Market in the list of suitable devices, there will be only relevant devices for you.

Flashing window when installing an application from the web version of the Play Market

Method 3: Full removal

This option will not just hide your smartphone or tablet from the list of devices in Google Play, and will help untie it from your own account.

  1. To do this, go to the Google account settings.

    Google Account Settings page

  2. In the side menu find the link "Actions on the device and alert" and click on it.

    Go to the list of tied devices to Google Account

  3. Here we find the group "Recently used devices" and select "View connected devices".

    Open a complete list of devices connected to Google account

  4. On the page that opens, click on the name of the no longer used gadget and click on the Close Access button.

    Fully remove your smartphone from Google account

    At the same time, if the input to your Google account is not executed on the target device, the above button will be missing. Thus, you no longer have to worry about the security of personal data.

After this operation, all the google account connects with your chosen smartphone or tablet will be completely terminated. Accordingly, this gadget you will no longer see this gadget.

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