Windows 10 options do not open


Many users of Windows 10 have encountered that the computer parameters do not open - neither from the center of notifications by pressing "all parameters" or using the Win + I key combination, or any other way.

Microsoft has already released a utility to automatically correct the problem of non-opening parameters (the problem has received the name Emerging Issue 67758) C, although it is reported in this tool that work on the "permanent solution" is still being conducted. Below is how to fix this situation and prevent the emergence of the problem in the future.

Fix the problem with Windows 10 settings

So, to correct the situation with non-opening parameters, the following simple steps should be done.

Download the official utility to correct the problem from the page (unfortunately, the utility was removed from the official site, use troubleshooting Windows 10, the application "Applications from the Windows Store") and run it.

Fixing opening settings in Windows 10

After startup, you will only press "Next", read the text reporting that the error correction tool will now check the computer for Emerging Issue 67758 error and fix it automatically.

Error correction results 67758

Upon completion of the program, Windows 10 parameters must be opened (perhaps you will need to restart the computer).

An important step after applying the correction - go to the "Update and Security" section of settings, download available updates and install them: The fact is that Microsoft specially released the update of KB3081424, which prevents the appearance of the described error in the future (but does not correct it in itself) .

You may also come in handy information about what to do if the Start menu does not open in Windows 10.

Additional solution solutions

The method described above is the main one, however, there are some more options if the previous one did not help you, the error was not found, and the settings still do not open.

  1. Try to restore Windows 10 files using the DISM / Online / CleanUp-Image / RestoreHealth command running on the command prompt on behalf of the administrator
  2. Try creating a new user via the command line and check whether the parameters work when entering it.

I hope that something will help you and you do not have to roll back to the previous version of the OS or reset Windows 10 through special download options (which, by the way, you can run without the "All Options" application, and on the lock screen, clicking on the button food at the bottom, and then hold down Shift, press the "reset").

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