Download driver for nvidia gt 640


Download drivers for NVIDIA GeForce GT 640

A lot of video cards on the computer depends a lot: how you play the game, work in the "heavy" programs like Photoshop. That is why the software for it is one of the most important. Let's figure out how to install the driver on NVIDIA GT 640.

Installing the driver for NVIDIA GT 640

Any user has at the disposal several ways to install the driver under consideration. Let's try to figure it out in each of them.

Method 1: Official website

Any official Internet portal of the manufacturer, especially such a major, has a huge database of drivers for any released device, which is why the search and starts with it.

Go to the site nvidia

  1. At the top of the site we find the "Drivers" section.
  2. Section NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 Drivers

  3. After a single click is produced, we fall on the page with a special form of searching for the product of the product. To prevent errors, we recommend filling out all the fields in the same way as is done on the screenshot below.
  4. NVIDIA GeForce GT 640_002 Video Card Data

  5. If everything is entered correctly, a partition with the driver appears before us. It remains only to download on the computer. To do this, click "Download Now".
  6. Loading driver NVIDIA GeForce GT 640_003

  7. At this stage, it is also required to adopt a license agreement by pressing the appropriate button.
  8. NVIDIA GEFORCE GT 640 License Agreement

  9. After the EXE extension file is loaded to the computer, you can start it.
  10. A window will start with the selection of the directory to unpack the necessary files. It is better to leave the default setting.
  11. Unpacking the necessary NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 files

  12. The procedure itself will not take much time, so we simply wait when it is over.
  13. Loading Unpacking NVIDIA GeForce GT 640

  14. Before starting the "Installation Wizard", the program logo will appear.
  15. Logo Masters NVIDIA GeForce GT 640

  16. Immediately after that, we have another license agreement, with the terms of which should be found. Just click "I accept. Proceed".
  17. Intrarogram License Agreement NVIDIA GeForce GT 640

  18. It is important to choose the installation method. It is recommended to use "Express", since this is the most suitable option in this case.
  19. NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 installation parameter selection

  20. Installation will begin immediately, it remains only to wait for its completion. The process is not the fastest, while it is accompanied by various screen blinking.
  21. Upon completion of the wizard, it will only be left to click on the "Close" button and restart the computer.

On this instruction for installing the driver, this method is over.

Method 2: Online service NVIDIA

If you are worried about what you picked up the driver, or do not know what your video card you have, it is always possible to use the online service on the NVIDIA website.

Download Nvidia Smart Scan

  1. Scanning the system will start automatically, it remains only to wait. If it is completed and a message appeared on the screen asking you to install Java, you will have to perform several additional items. Click on an orange logo.
  2. Orange Logotoip NVIDIA GeForce GT 640

  3. Next, we find a large red "Download Java free" button. We make one click on it.
  4. Loading Java Nvidia GeForce GT 640

  5. Select the installation method and the discharge of the operating system.
  6. Selection of the discharge of the OS and the NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 installation method

  7. Run the downloaded file and set it. After that, we return to the online service page.
  8. Scanning is reused, but only now will definitely end successfully. At its end, the further installation of the driver will be similar to the one that was considered in "Method 1", starting with 4 points.

This option is not convenient not to everyone, but still has its positive parties.

Method 3: GeForce Experience

On the two previously discussed methods, work with official resources of NVIDIA does not end. You can install the video card driver by downloading the program called GeForce Experience. Such an application is capable of updating or installed special software for NVIDIA GT 640.

GeForce Experience Nvidia GeForce GT 640

With detailed instructions you can read the link that is listed below.

Read more: Installing drivers with NVIDIA GeForce Experience

Method 4: third-party programs

It is not necessary to think that if the official site stopped supporting the product and no longer contains no boot files, then the driver is not found possible. Not at all, on the Internet there are special programs that work on the full automation of the entire process. That is, they find the missing driver, download it from its own bases and installed on a computer. It is very easy and simple. In order to familiarize yourself with this software in more detail, we recommend you read an article on our website.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

Driver Booster Nvidia GeForce GT 640

However, it would be unfair not to highlight the leader among all the programs of the segment under consideration. This Driver Booster is a program that will be understood even a newcomer, because it does not contain any extraneous functions, has a simple and logical interface, and most importantly free. Let's try to figure it out a little more.

  1. If the program has already downloaded, it remains to run it and click on "accept and install". This action that immediately includes the acceptance of the terms of the license agreement and activates the operation of the application.
  2. Greeting window in Driver Booster Nvidia GeForce GT 640

  3. Scan will start immediately, automatically. You must wait until the application checks each device.
  4. Scanning system for NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 drivers

  5. The final verdict can be the most different. The user sees in what condition the drivers are, and decides himself what to do about it.
  6. NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 Driver Scan Result

  7. However, we are interested in one single equipment, so we use the search string and introduce the "GT 640" there.
  8. Search for devices in the NVIDIA GeForce GT 640_004 program

  9. It remains only to click "Install" in the string that appears.

Method 5: Device ID

Any equipment is not important internally or external, when connected to a computer has its own unique number. Thus, the device is determined by the operating system. It is convenient to the user with the fact that it is easy to find a driver without installing programs or utilities. For the video card under consideration, the following IDs are relevant:

PCI \ Ven_10DE & Dev_0FC0

PCI \ Ven_10DE & DEV_0FC0 & Subsys_0640174b

PCI \ Ven_10DE & DEV_0FC0 & Subsys_093D10DE

Search by ID NVIDIA GeForce GT 640_004

Despite the fact that this method does not require special knowledge of computer technologies, it is still better to read the article on our site, because all possible nuances of the work of this method are indicated.

Read more: Installing the driver using ID

Method 6: Windows standard tools

This method is not particularly reliable, but still quite widely applied, since it does not require the installation of programs, utilities or visiting Internet portals. All action takes place in the Windows operating system. For more detailed instructions, it is best to read the article below.

NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 Device Manager

Lesson: Installing Driver Standard Windows

According to the results of the article, you have as many as 6 relevant ways to install the driver for NVIDIA GT 640.

Read more