How to send a postcard in classmates


Sending postcards in classmates

Postcards in classmates are similar to gifts with the exception that some of them will not be displayed from the user in the block with other gifts. In addition, many postcards that are offered by the Social Network by default are quite expensive and have media content (music and animation).

About postcards in classmates

In this social network, you can send a postcard to a person in private messages (it is not at all necessary to be taken from Odnoklassniki) or as a "gift", which will be placed in its corresponding block on the page. Consequently, you can deliver another person and charge, and for free.

Method 1: Section "Gifts"

This is the most expensive way, but your present will be visible to other users who visited the page. In addition, most of the postcards that classmates themselves sell, have animation and sound support.

Instructions for sending a postcard will look like this:

  1. Go to the user of interest to you. Under his avatar, pay attention to the block where the list of additional actions is located. Select "Make a Gift".
  2. Go to gifts in classmates

  3. In the left menu, click on "Postcards".
  4. Select the one you like and click on it to purchase and send to the user. You can also make it a "private gift" - in this case, other people will not be able to view it in a special block.
  5. Choice of postcards in classmates

Method 2: Postcards from applications

Once cards created or downloaded from apps for classmates were free, but now they can be sent only for a fee, but it will be cheaper than buying a service.

The instruction looks like this:

  1. Go to the "Games" section on your page.
  2. Transition to games in classmates

  3. Using a small search icon, lend a keyword in the string - "Postcards".
  4. Search for games in classmates

  5. The service will find a pair of applications that allow you to share postcards at a reduced price, as well as create your own.
  6. Choose one of them. They are all the same type, therefore there is no different difference, the only thing - in one application some postcards may differ slightly from those in the other.
  7. Applications to send postcards in classmates

  8. View the offered postcards and click on your favorite to go to the edit and sending window to another user.
  9. List of postcards in the application

  10. Here is available to view the animation of the gift itself and adding any message to it by using the letter "T" icon at the bottom.
  11. Adding text to postcard

  12. Another postcard can be noted by you like, publish in your tape or keep in a special album.
  13. Additional tags for postcard in classmates

  14. To send it to the user, use "Send for ... ok". Prices for sending different postcards may differ, but usually they oscillate within 5-35 OK.
  15. Sending postcards from app in classmates

  16. You will be asked to confirm the payment, after which the right person will receive a notification of a gift from you.
  17. Payment postcards in classmates

Method 3: Sending from third-party sources

You can completely send a postcard from third-party sources, which you have retained in advance on your computer. You can also make it in Photoshop, save on a computer and send the right person. The only limitation of this method is to someone who you will send it, it will not be displayed on the page itself, since the departure occurs exclusively with personal messages.

Method 4: Sending from Mobile Application

If you are currently sitting through the phone, you can also send a postcard to another user. Compared with the version of the site for a computer, the possibility in this case will be significantly limited, since it is possible to send only those greeting cards that are already laid in classmates as "gifts".

Consider sending a postcard from the phone on the example of the following instructions:

  1. Go to the page of the user page to whom you would like to send a postcard. In the Available Action list, click on "make a gift".
  2. Gifts in mobile version OK

  3. At the top of the opened screen, go to "Categories".
  4. Find "Postcards" among them.
  5. Categories Cards in the mobile version of classmates

  6. Choose a postcard among them that you liked the most. Sometimes the list includes free options. They are marked with blue oval, where "0 OK" is written.
  7. List of cards in classmates

  8. Confirm the postcard sending by clicking "Send" in the next window. You can also put a tick opposite the "private greeting card" - in this case it will not be displayed in the ribbon of the user to whom you send it.
  9. Sending postcards from the phone in classmates

It does not matter which method you will prefer, because in any case you can send a postcard to a person, and he will definitely find out about it.

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