How to improve computer performance on windows 10


How to improve computer performance on windows 10

Many Windows 10 users want to improve computer performance. But to do this, you need to know exactly what and what is required. Some methods are pretty simple, but there are those that require some knowledge and care. This article will describe all the main and efficient methods to improve the quality of the system.

Improve computer performance on Windows 10

There are various options for solving this task. You can set the optimal settings for the system, turn off some components from autoloading or use special programs.

Method 1: Disabling visual effects

Often it is the visual effects that load the device, so it is recommended to disable some unnecessary elements.

  1. Right-click on the Start icon.
  2. Select "System".
  3. Go to system settings in Windows operating system 10

  4. On the left side, find "Advanced System Parameters".
  5. Go to setting up additional system parameters in Windows 10

  6. In the Advanced tab, go to the speed parameters.
  7. Switching to the speed of the Windows operating system 10

  8. In the appropriate tab, select "Provide the best speed" and apply the changes. However, you can set the visualization parameters comfortable for you.
  9. Setting visual effects for better performance of the computer on the Windows operating system 10

Next, you can configure some components using "Parameters".

  1. Clamp Win + I and go to "Personalization".
  2. Transition to Personalization Personalization 10

  3. In the "Color" tab, turn off the "automatic selection of the main color of the background."
  4. Disable automatic color selection in the parameters of WINDOVS 10 Parameters

  5. Now exit the main menu and open the "Special Features".
  6. Transition to the parameters of special features in Windows 10

  7. In "other parameters" opposite the "Play Animation in Windows" function, move the slider into an inactive state.
  8. Settings of the display parameters in windows 10

Method 2: Disk Cleaning

A large amount of unnecessary data is often accumulated in the system. Occasionally need to be removed. This can be done with built-in means.

  1. Click twice with the left mouse button on the "Computer" label.
  2. Call the context menu on the system disk and select "Properties".
  3. Transition to the properties of the system drive in the Windows operating system 10

  4. In the General tab, find "Cleaning the disk".
  5. Opening of disc cleaning in windows 10

  6. The evaluation process will begin.
  7. The process of evaluating files for cleaning in the Windows operating system 10

  8. Check the files you want to delete, and click OK.
  9. Select unnecessary files to remove from the system disk in Windows 10

  10. Agree with removal. After a few seconds, unnecessary data will be destroyed.

Clean unnecessary objects can be special programs. For example, CCleaner. Try to delete as needed, because the cache that is generated by various software during its use, contributes to the rapid load of some elements.

Read more: Cleaning Windows 10 from garbage

Method 3: Disable elements in autoload

In the "Task Manager" you can always find various processes in the autoload. Some of them can be useless for you, so they can be disabled to reduce resource consumption when the computer is turned on and operating.

  1. Call the context menu on the Start icon and go to the Task Manager.
  2. Transition to the task dispatcher in windows 10

  3. In the "Startup" section, select the program element unnecessary to you and press the "Disable" button at the bottom of the window.
  4. Disable the autoload of programs in the device manager in Windows 10

Method 4: Disable Services

The complexity of this method is that it is necessary to know exactly what services are useless or not required when using the PC everyday use in order to not harm the system.

  1. Hold Win + R and write


    Click "OK" or ENTER to start.

  2. Running services in the operating system Windows 10

  3. Go to the advanced mode and double-click on the desired service.
  4. Transition to advanced mode and opening service in Windows 10

  5. In the description you can find out what it is intended for. To disable it, select the appropriate setting in the "Start Type".
  6. Disable service in windows 10

  7. Apply Changes.
  8. Restart the computer.

Method 5: Power Setup

  1. Call the menu on the battery charge icon and select "Power".
  2. Transition to power supply steps in Windows 10

  3. A balanced diagram is recommended for a laptop at which the balance between power consumption and performance will be observed. But if you want more, choose "High Performance". But keep in mind that the battery will be faster.
  4. Power setting in windows 10

other methods

  • Watch for the relevance of the drivers, because they play not the last role in the performance of the device.
  • Read more:

    The best programs for installing drivers

    How to update drivers on a computer using Driverpack Solution

  • Check the system for viruses. Malicious programs can consume a lot of resources.
  • READ ALSO: Computer check for viruses without antivirus

  • Never put two antivirus at once. If you need to change protection, then it should be completely removed old.
  • Read more: Deleting Anti-Virus from Computer

  • Watch out for the cleanliness, serviceability and compliance of the components. Much depends on them.
  • Delete unnecessary and unused programs. It will keep you from excess garbage.
  • Some Windows Components 10, which are responsible for tracking, can affect the load of the computer.
  • Lesson: Disconnecting the surveillance in the Windows 10 operating system

  • Minimize the use of all sorts of utilities and programs to increase productivity. They can not only help the user, but also to load RAM.
  • Try not to ignore OS updates, they can also help increase system speed.
  • Watch out for free hard disk space, because the crowded drive always creates problems.

Here are such methods you can accelerate the computer on Windows 10.

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