How to restore correspondence in classmates


How to restore messages in classmates

If you accidentally deleted the necessary correspondence, then it can be restored, however, there are some difficulties with it. Unlike other social networks, in classmates there is no "Restore" function, which is proposed when removing the letter.

The process of removing the letter in classmates

It is worth remembering when you press the "Delete" button opposite the letters you erase it only at yourself. At the interlocutor and on social network servers, remote correspondence and / or message will continue in any case for the coming months, so they will not be much difficult to return them.

Method 1: Appeal to the interlocutor

In this case, you just need to write a request to your interlocutor to send a message or part of the correspondence that accidentally deleted. The only minus of this method is that the interlocutor may not answer or refuse to send anything, referring to some reasons.

Method 2: Access to technical support

This method guarantees 100% results, but you just have to wait (perhaps a few days), since technical support has many of your worries. To restore the correspondence data, you will have to send a letter appeal to this support.

The support instruction with support looks like this:

  1. Click on the thumbnail of your avatar in the upper right corner of the site. In the drop-down menu, select Help.
  2. Help in classmates

  3. In the search bar, vite the following "How to contact support."
  4. Read the instructions that classmates attach, and go to the recommended link.
  5. Transition by technical support link

  6. In the form opposite the "Purpose of Appeal", select My Profile. The "Topic Theme" field can not fill. Then leave your contact email address and in the field where you need to enter yourself, ask for support service employees to restore correspondence with another user (must be specified to the user's reference).
  7. Appeal to the technical support of classmates

In the regulations of the site it is written that the correspondence, deleted on the user's initiative is not possible. However, the support service, if you ask her about it, can help return messages, but this is provided that they were recently removed.

Method 3: Backup by mail

This method will be relevant only if you have connected to your account to your account by the mailbox until the correspondence has been deleted. If the mail was not connected, then the letters will disappear.

Mail can be tied to an account in classmates according to the following instructions:

  1. Go to "Settings" of your profile. To go there, use the "More" button on your page and in the drop-down menu select "Settings". Either you can simply click on the corresponding point under avatar.
  2. In the left side, select Notifications.
  3. Settings categories in classmates

  4. If you have not yet been tied mail, then click on the appropriate link for its binding.
  5. In the window that opens, write the password from your page in classmates and the current email address. It is absolutely safe, so you can not worry about the preservation of your personal data. Instead, the service can ask you to enter you the phone on which the code with confirmation will come.
  6. Enter the mailbox that indicated in the previous paragraph. There should have been a letter from classmates with a reference to activate. Open it and go to the address presented.
  7. After confirming the email address, restart the page with the settings. It is necessary in order for you to see the items of advanced alert settings for mail. If any mail was already tied to this, you can skip these 5 points.
  8. In the "Tell me" block, put a mark on the front of the "new posts". The mark is under the "email".
  9. Click on "Save".
  10. Choosing points for postal alerts in classmates

After that, all sending messages will be duplicated to your mail. If they are accidentally removed on the site, then you can read their duplicates in letters that come from classmates.

Method 4: Restoration of correspondence through the phone

If you are using a mobile application, then you can also return a remote message if you contact your interlocutor to send it or write to the technical support of the site.

To go to communication with the support service from a mobile application, use this step-by-step instruction:

  1. Slide the hidden curtain on the left side of the screen. To do this, use the movement of the finger from the left side of the screen to the right. In the menu items that are located in the curtain, find "Write to developers".
  2. Transition to correspondence with technical support in mobile classmates

  3. In the "Purpose of Appeal", put "my profile", and in the "Topic Topic" you can specify "Technical problems", as it is not invited to "messages" items.
  4. Leave your email address for feedback.
  5. Write a message to technical support asking for a correspondence or any part of it. In the letter, you must specify the link to the profile of the person who would like to return the dialogue.
  6. Click "Send". Now you have left to wait for a response from support and act according to their instructions.
  7. Dialogue with support in mobile classmates

Despite the fact that officially remote messages cannot be restored, you can use some loopholes to do this. However, it is worth remembering that if you deleted the message for a very long time, and now we decided to restore it, then you will not succeed.

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