How to open MXL


How to open MXL

MXL is a table document format designed for application 1C: Enterprise. At the moment, it is not very in demand and popular only in narrow circles, since it was suppressed by more modern formats of tabular markup.

How to open MXL.

Programs and methods for opening it is not such an extensive amount, so consider those that are available.

Method 2: Yoxsel

Yoxsel is a set of working with tabular extensions, an excellent alternative to Microsoft Excel, which can open files created in 1C: Enterprise version no later than 7.7. Also knows how to convert tables in graphic images of PNG, BMP and JPEG format.

Load the latest version of the program from the official website.

To view the document:

  1. Select the File tab from the Control menu.
  2. Tab file Yoxsel

  3. In the drop-down menu, click "Open ..." or use the above-mentioned Ctrl + O key combination.
  4. Drop-down menu Yoxsel

  5. Having selecting the desired document for viewing, click Open.
  6. Choosing a document Yoxsel

  7. In the main window, one more with the viewing zone and the possibility of scaling within the parent area are open.
  8. View the contents of Yoxsel

Method 3: plugin for Microsoft Excel

There is a plugin, after installing the exile, the standard Microsoft Office component will learn how to open the extension MXL.

Download plugin from the official site

But there are two shortcomings of this method:

  • After installing the Excel plugin, you can open MXL files created only in 1C: Enterprise version 7.0, 7.5, 7.7;
  • This plugin applies only to the Microsoft Office package of Versions 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003.

Such an irrelevance can be for someone plus, and for someone there is no absence of the opportunity to use this method.


There are not so many ways to open MXL to date. The format is not popular in the masses, distributed among enterprises and organizations for accounting.

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