How to change the username in Windows 10


Renaming a user in Windows 10

For ease of use of PC and deletion of access in Windows Windows 10, there is user identification. The username is usually created when installing the system and may not comply with the requirements of the final owner. On how to change this name in this operating system, you will learn below.

Name change procedure in Windows 10

Rename the user, independently it has the right of administrator or the right of a regular user, easy enough. Moreover, there are several ways to do this, so everyone can choose to suit it and use it. Windows 10 can use two types of credentials (local and Microsoft account). Consider the renaming operation based on this data.

Any changes to Windows 10 configuration are potentially dangerous actions, so before starting the procedure, create a backup of the data.

Read more: Instructions for creating a backup of Windows 10.

Method 1: Microsoft website

This method is suitable only for the owners of Microsoft account.

  1. Transfer to the Microsoft page to edit credentials.
  2. Press the input button.
  3. Login to Microsoft account on the corporation site

  4. Enter your username and password.
  5. After clicking on the "Edit Name" button.
  6. The procedure for changing the name of the user through the Microsoft website in Windows 10

  7. Specify the new data for the account and click on the "Save" item.
  8. Saving a new username on the Microsoft website in Windows 10

Next, the methods for changing the name for the local account will be described.

Method 2: "Control Panel"

This system component is used for many operations with it, including for the configuration of local accounts.

  1. Right click on the "Start" element, call the menu from which select "Control Panel".
  2. Log in to the control panel in Windows 10

  3. In the "Category" viewer, click the "User Accounts" section.
  4. User accounts in Windows 10

  5. Then "Changing the type of account".
  6. Procedure for changing credentials through the control panel in Windows 10

  7. Choose user,
      For which you need to change the name, and after click the name of the name.
  8. Changing the username through the control panel in Windows 10

  9. Dial a new name and click Rename.
  10. Saving a new username through the control panel in Windows 10

Method 3: Snap "Lusrmgr.msc"

Another way to local renaming is the use of "Lusrmgr.msc" snap ("Local users and groups"). To assign a new name in this way, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Press the "Win + R" combination, in the "Run" window, enter Lusrmgr.msc and click OK or ENTER.
  2. Opening Equipment Local Users and Groups in Windows 10

  3. Next, click on the Users tab and select the account for which you want to set a new name.
  4. Call the context menu with the right mouse click. Click on Rename.
  5. Procedure for renaming the user through the snap in Windows 10

  6. Enter the new name value and press "ENTER".

This method is not available for users who have installed Windows 10 home version.

Method 4: "Command String"

For users who prefer to perform most of the operations through the "Command Line", there is also a solution that allows you to perform the task using your favorite tool. You can do it like this:

  1. Run the "Command Line" in the administrator mode. You can do it through the right click on the "Start" menu.
  2. Running the command line

  3. Dial the command:


    And press "ENTER". In this case, OLD NAME is the old name of the user, and the New Name is a new one.

    Procedure for renaming the user through the command line in Windows 10

  4. Restart the system.

Here are in such ways, having administrator rights, you can only assign a new name for the user for a few minutes.

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